Ransom Note and Calls to the Boss


Here's whats been rolling round my noggin about the ransom note and 911 call

See if it works. E is the one awake, AB is the one sleeping. E is on the back porck with lighter, and is working up the nerve to put the hoax in motion or has been waiting til AB is good and soundly asleep before attempting to burn some sort of evidence.

E needs to get LE to the house so they can "discover" Zahra is missing. Who would take Zahra and why? Let's make it not about Zahra but instead about someone who to E looks like they have money and power.

AB's boss has stated that he finds AB a hard worker, but a bit slow. He has also stated he found E very er, controlling/bossy. You can tell by the boss's statement that he did like AB but did not care for E.

The ransom note's tone is resentful. Mentions that boss likes to be in control. Who between the two adults in that home is likely to resent someone exerting "control" over her or her puppet? E.

In this version, AB is clueless (I know, but devils advocate and all that jazz).

E has hidden the fact that Zahra is dead and disposed of from AB by discouraging him from entering her room. E or dog wakes AB when fire is going on. FD shows up, boss shows up, E intends for Zahra to be discovered "kidnapped".

When LE, who by now has arrived on scene thanks to ransom note, shows up E doesn't want to be the one who "notices" Z's absence. She needs LE, FD, boss or someone to ask about Z. Or she needs AB to mention her. Either no one does or when someone inquires, AB pipes up that his wife looked in on her and she is fine. E may even have assured AB Z was sleeping soundly during the first few minutes of the fire call scenerio.

That has completely ruined E's plan. In order to keep AB from looking in, waking Zahra (who isn't there) as fire trucks are on the way, E has effectively screwed herself. She tells AB No, honey, Z is fine, let her sleep - you know she's had that flubug.

Only now, AB tells LE that. Now we can't discover her missing because LE will never buy that Z was there sleeping soundly mere minutes before. So now Z does not get reported "kidnapped" according to plan. E panics and does not follow through with reoprting Z kidnapped at that time.

Later, E has to go to plan B. The running out to tell AB that Z is missing later that afternoon.

Yeah, its a holey theory at best.

The point in this excercise is to explore the idea that regardless of if AB was a knowing participant or a clueless bystander - I really think that ransom note - cannot be laid at AB's door. E's claims that AB was somehow the originator of that plan/idea is bunk IMO. The tone and wording of the note is very resentful and specifically refers to the boss being controlling. Who else have we heard that about? E.

IMO - E and E alone was the author and conceiver of the ransome note.

There are many reasons this theory doesn't work for me, but they all revert back to the same thing: AB's 911 call. He KNEW Zahra wasn't in that house. And I believe he knew EXACTLY what had happened to her, hence his preemptive "She's entering puberty, I think..." statement. No reason for him to offer that bizarre comment for ANY reason other than to explain why there might be blood found on her mattress (if LE ever tracked it down). And he also knew exactly why they didn't check on Zahra after the fire...because he KNEW she wasn't there.
There are many reasons this theory doesn't work for me, but they all revert back to the same thing: AB's 911 call. He KNEW Zahra wasn't in that house. And I believe he knew EXACTLY what had happened to her, hence his preemptive "She's entering puberty, I think..." statement. No reason for him to offer that bizarre comment for ANY reason other than to explain why there might be blood found on her mattress (if LE ever tracked it down). And he also knew exactly why they didn't check on Zahra after the fire...because he KNEW she wasn't there.

but (devil/advocate) that could be explained by E having told him that as part of the reason to keep him out of the bedroom, or an excuse given to him as to why it was necessary to replace Z's bed.

I wish I could figure him out. I cannot get a read on him. She's so easy maybe I've become spoiled. Is he dumb as a post? Is he clever like a fox? Is he manipulated or manipulator? Is he meek and mild or does he throw his weight around like a tough guy?

Who IS this guy?
but (devil/advocate) that could be explained by E having told him that as part of the reason to keep him out of the bedroom, or an excuse given to him as to why it was necessary to replace Z's bed.

I wish I could figure him out. I cannot get a read on him. She's so easy maybe I've become spoiled. Is he dumb as a post? Is he clever like a fox? Is he manipulated or manipulator? Is he meek and mild or does he throw his weight around like a tough guy?

Who IS this guy?


Let's take another look at that house after LE was done with it, shall we? ;)

No one, save a drooling, blubbering, mindless idiot, could have lived in that house and NOT known this child was murdered and dismembered, imo. He either knew, or he didn't live in that house.

I haven't completely ruled out the possibility that they called the boss in the hopes that he would go along with the no cops thingy and be moved to hand over a few bucks to get Zahra back, since it was his daughter they were after and all that. Not sure if he has that kind of money but they might have been happy with far less than a million.

The fire and having the firefighters find the ransom note does not really fit this scenario but maybe they were covering all the bases or thought that the boss would take it more seriously if he'd heard about the note first from someone of authority.

Let's take another look at that house after LE was done with it, shall we? ;)

No one, save a drooling, blubbering, mindless idiot, could have lived in that house and NOT known this child was murdered and dismembered, imo. He either knew, or he didn't live in that house.


and that is my concern. I cannot be sure he isn't just that. Like I said, I cannot get a read on this man. Usually I am pretty good at it.

sigh. time to get some dishes done and run the sweeper. I think maybe some exedrine migraine as well.
There are many reasons this theory doesn't work for me, but they all revert back to the same thing: AB's 911 call. He KNEW Zahra wasn't in that house. And I believe he knew EXACTLY what had happened to her, hence his preemptive "She's entering puberty, I think..." statement. No reason for him to offer that bizarre comment for ANY reason other than to explain why there might be blood found on her mattress (if LE ever tracked it down). And he also knew exactly why they didn't check on Zahra after the fire...because he KNEW she wasn't there.

IMO another reason for his puberty comment was because he realized that it looked very weird that he was unable to account for his daughter's whereabouts for such a long time and he had to make it her fault. She was being difficult and that's why he didn't see her, not because she was already missing or because he was a father who didn't give a beep.
and that is my concern. I cannot be sure he isn't just that. Like I said, I cannot get a read on this man. Usually I am pretty good at it.

sigh. time to get some dishes done and run the sweeper. I think maybe some exedrine migraine as well.

I'm not buying his idiot routine one bit. Neither AB or EB are all that bright, but neither of them are drooling idiots either, imo.

I also don't believe that EB was the one in control of everything, that she had him completely cow towing to her in every way. I do believe, however, that they fought for control over certain things (money, drugs, roles and responsibilities within their marriage), and that AB was all to happy to give EB control over other things, things he just didn't want to be bothered with (Zahra being one of them).
I'm not buying his idiot routine one bit. Neither AB or EB are all that bright, but neither of them are drooling idiots either, imo.

I also don't believe that EB was the one in control of everything, that she had him completely cow towing to her in every way. I do believe, however, that they fought for control over certain things (money, drugs, roles and responsibilities within their marriage), and that AB was all to happy to give EB control over other things, things he just didn't want to be bothered with (Zahra being one of them).

I agree. I think AB was detached emotionally with Zahra but he is smart enough to know Zahra was his child and people would see her and anything that happened to her as his responsibility. I think he was the one scrambling for the coverup. jmo
What if the fire WAS completely accidental ("nothing went as planned"). This set everything in motion while they were not yet prepared with their plan.
I agree. I think AB was detached emotionally with Zahra but he is smart enough to know Zahra was his child and people would see her and anything that happened to her as his responsibility. I think he was the one scrambling for the coverup. jmo

ITA with you, Vj. I think one thing many people are overlooking is the fact that EB didn't have any legal rights or priviliges where Zahra was concerned (none that I'm aware of anyway). So, every single DSS visit, including this mysterious "home inspection" (if it was, in fact a DSS visit), had to be done with AB present. No way, no how, would DSS just talk to EB and NOT AB too. If they did, then Emily and Karen BOTH ought to sue the hell out of them.

And yes, we are kind of wandering from the discussion topic, but I do believe this relates to the topic, because all of this, taken together, shows that AB had many reasons to fear Zahra's death being discovered...many many reasons to want to cover it up.
What if the fire WAS completely accidental ("nothing went as planned"). This set everything in motion while they were not yet prepared with their plan.

Well, then I think we'd have to try to explain why there was gas poured in both cars. :waitasec:

You go first. ;)
ITA with you, Vj. I think one thing many people are overlooking is the fact that EB didn't have any legal rights or priviliges where Zahra was concerned (none that I'm aware of anyway). So, every single DSS visit, including this mysterious "home inspection" (if it was, in fact a DSS visit), had to be done with AB present. No way, no how, would DSS just talk to EB and NOT AB too. If they did, then Emily and Karen BOTH ought to sue the hell out of them.

And yes, we are kind of wandering from the discussion topic, but I do believe this relates to the topic, because all of this, taken together, shows that AB had many reasons to fear Zahra's death being discovered...many many reasons to want to cover it up.

It is so hard not to wander off topic because these people have such squirrelly worm lives. Everytime you try to talk about something, it just takes us in a different direction. We don't know what AB said to the boss when he called, but LE surely does. EB admitted to the writing of the ransom note quickly, but I just hope we find out how th ransom note idea was spawned. jmo
Well, then I think we'd have to try to explain why there was gas poured in both cars. :waitasec:

You go first. ;)

Sorry to butt in line Sherlock... :HBwhiteflag: When she said that about "nothing going as planned," I got to thinking about the gas in the cars. What if EB poured a trail of gasoline intending for the cars to catch fire too, but for whatever reason the trail didn't catch?

(Is that even possible? Every movie I can remember that involves a trail of gasoline, it's on concrete. Would it soak into the grass of the yard and not catch fire as easily? And why do I feel vaguely disappointed in myself for being so deficient in my knowledge of how to set things on fire? What is WS doing to me? :crazy:)
lol @ynotdivein, feel free, I am running out of good returns. I am suffering from my monthly migraine today so my brain doesn't want to function properly and the whole thing is too convaluted for me to figure out right now.
I agree. I think AB was detached emotionally with Zahra but he is smart enough to know Zahra was his child and people would see her and anything that happened to her as his responsibility. I think he was the one scrambling for the coverup. jmo

I think this exactly what EB was counting on thus taking the spotlight off her self.
I have a strong feeling this was all her way of getting rid of Zahra and AB. If she killed Zahra and could get the blame put on AB he would be in jail and she would be free to move on. We all know shes big on change in men. Getting rid of AB didnt prove as easy as the other 6 + men in her life. She is the reason hes in the US. She doesnt have the money to send him back to OZ. So she choses the next best way to get rid of him, have him locked up for murder and deported after he gets out. She in turn is able to divorce him (or not) and pursue london guy or anyone else.JMO
Noetic, I think AB knew that Elisa wrote that note. I think he was right there when she wrote it. I'm just not convinced that she wrote it the morning of the fire.

ETA: Listen to EB's 911 fire call again. Isn't it exactly what you would expect to hear from someone who just discovered a fire in their yard? Urgent, direct, no rambling irrelevant info added. Compare that call to AB's 911 missing child call. The differences are STARK!

I respectfully disagree fire call was strange too she starts off talking about AB's JOB
I think this exactly what EB was counting on thus taking the spotlight off her self.
I have a strong feeling this was all her way of getting rid of Zahra and AB. If she killed Zahra and could get the blame put on AB he would be in jail and she would be free to move on. We all know shes big on change in men. Getting rid of AB didnt prove as easy as the other 6 + men in her life. She is the reason hes in the US. She doesnt have the money to send him back to OZ. So she choses the next best way to get rid of him, have him locked up for murder and deported after he gets out. She in turn is able to divorce him (or not) and pursue london guy or anyone else.JMO

She never worried about the legal issues before so I don't see this as her way of getting rid of AB and Zahra. I think he could have had reasons for not wanting Zahra around as EB may have. AB never had complete responsibility for Zahra until he came to the states. Maybe that was too much responsibility. jmo
It would be interesting to know how all her other relationships ended. Meaning her mindset, any unusual problems etc. JMO
I do wonder if she did set him up by, now we know AB was probably finding what a twisted liar she was, AY told him he was indeed not her brother but ex husband/husband He could have been a sound sleeper she took his work truck to dump mattress while he slept I imagine the mattress was already stashed outside before he got home. She dumped Zahra body in locations from her car The mattress smelled so she was going to burn the truck but the fire went out she scraps that looks for something from truck to write ransom note on . Only problem FD and LE or Adam don't ask about Zahra he is tired goes back to bed without checking.EB probably mad that plan didn't work so she does the OMG Zahra is missing bit when he gets home. AB probably thought she was pulling some kind of crazy prank, and thought he could get to the bottom of it but the boss tells him call 911 I think he thought she had sent Zahra to family or friends of hers therefore the lack of panic

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