Reactions to Child *advertiser censored* Discovery

I think he's not outraged because LE had already alerted him. IMO he sounds like he has had a bit of time to mull it over.

ITA Ada.. Not only do I believe that he got a heads up on this while he did his little stint for an old expired license charge a week or so ago..but I also believe they had a long talk with him about how to handle Billie..I think that in the last 3 weeks they've somewhat "coached" him on how to handle the Billie situation..Everyone saw where things were quickly coming to a head with regard to Clint's being fed up with Billie's continuing to sit on her couch{her "new" couches}enjoying her television programs just a little bit too comfortably for Clint's he expressed in the BTH interview..along with it becoming too obvious to deny any longer that BD's behaviors/actions did not equal that of a grieving mom whose 13 yr old daughter is God knows where..and all of these things combined Clint IMO would have quickly proceeded into a full fledged war with Billie and him having drawn the line in the sand..As we saw this was doing no good and have quite possibly grown into a worse predicament than CCity was already in.. So I think they've had Clint play the strategy of "keep your enemies closer"..and play up to Billie..more on her side.. IMO LE has been wanting and playing the strategy to give BD as much rope as she desires hoping that eventually it will lead to her hanging herself with it.. This has also been done by NOT NAMING HER HER AS THE OTHER POI/SUSPECT IMO.. I think they wanted to use a polar opposite strategy on each of them{BD/SA} seeing which one would "roll" on the other...

Would it be the one that was "publicly" named the POI/Suspect..who the pressure just got to him and he cracked..or would it be the one that got so arrogantly full of themselves being full well led to believe that LE has bought their BS hook.line..and sinker..and in feeling so arrogant and "unsuspected" would that person screw up in a couple different ways such as would they feel they weren't being surveilled 24/7 and make such a bold move as to attempt to move the body or further dispose of it..or would they so arrogantly begin to let things slide here and there allowing LE to pick up each bread crumb as it slipped out and follow it to find Hailey...
IMO thats what we have been seeing..or atleast I believe that was LE intention on how to treat and handle these two with polar opposite strategies all for the same outcome as their goal..To Find and bring Hailey home..{no matter what they may mean..}alive or if even to bring her home to be laid to rest with dignity as Clint and family see fit..jmo..tho.
But if Clint knew this was coming, why on earth would he have said two days ago, that he thinks SA is innocent? That was another WTF moment...I'm not getting anything he is saying lately.
But if Clint knew this was coming, why on earth would he have said two days ago, that he thinks SA is innocent? That was another WTF moment...I'm not getting anything he is saying lately.

And agree to attend the rally with her, and launch the website with her...?
wow ive been gone for a while, lol ok i couldnt find my way but wow what the heck is going on? i knew about the beastiality but the child *advertiser censored*, ok im in c city lets get the pich forks out and get this over with. man i cant stand that people accually find the need to look at that kind of things it makes me sick. theres way too much of that here.
I totally agree and got the very same impression. That there is more than one memory stick and she just doesn't know which one LE has!

It also sounded to me like she could have been referring to more than one computer too. Those of you that suspected early on that she might have had one at home before Hailey went missing, I think you might be right. Her internet friend sure made of point of repeating how Billie had no home computer and internet, repeatedly. They may have tossed a lap top, CDs and a bunch of other stuff and simply overlooked one little memory stick hidden in a drawer. I also agree with those that think Shawn and Billie fully expected LE to be focused on Clint and MB's house - they did not think they would be suspected from the get-go. They did not expect their phones and Shawn's computer to be confiscated right away. (Still wonder what might have been stored on those phones too)...
wow ive been gone for a while, lol ok i couldnt find my way but wow what the heck is going on? i knew about the beastiality but the child *advertiser censored*, ok im in c city lets get the pich forks out and get this over with. man i cant stand that people accually find the need to look at that kind of things it makes me sick. theres way too much of that here.

Is this a common problem in your area? tia
Not tryn to say anyone is innosent or anything but just wanted to say that my hubby has a memory stick and i have no idea whats on it and no clue how to find out. Im sure hed teach me but id not ask cause id forget when i wanted to look again. Just a thought
wow ive been gone for a while, lol ok i couldnt find my way but wow what the heck is going on? i knew about the beastiality but the child *advertiser censored*, ok im in c city lets get the pich forks out and get this over with. man i cant stand that people accually find the need to look at that kind of things it makes me sick. theres way too much of that here.

so what is the local buzz about this? Are the locals wanting an arrest ASAP?
Yes it was we have 2 men that i know of in prison for the same thing.
Not tryn to say anyone is innosent or anything but just wanted to say that my hubby has a memory stick and i have no idea whats on it and no clue how to find out. Im sure hed teach me but id not ask cause id forget when i wanted to look again. Just a thought

The difference is your husband's memory stick isn't hidden in your dresser drawer.
so what is the local buzz about this? Are the locals wanting an arrest asap?
i realy stay to myself, but i do know that we want this to be solved and its tearing alot of people apart that this is happening. I know that someone knows what happened and im scared for hailey and her loved ones. This is not something i would think to happen here.
wow ive been gone for a while, lol ok i couldnt find my way but wow what the heck is going on? i knew about the beastiality but the child *advertiser censored*, ok im in c city lets get the pich forks out and get this over with. man i cant stand that people accually find the need to look at that kind of things it makes me sick. theres way too much of that here.

There's way too much child *advertiser censored* in C City? What leads you to say that?
i realy stay to myself, but i do know that we want this to be solved and its tearing alot of people apart that this is happening. I know that someone knows what happened and im scared for hailey and her loved ones. This is not something i would think to happen here.

I'm sorry you and your town are going thru this. I can't imagine what it's like being so local.
Ajk, have the police there in C City issued any cautions to people, telling them to watch out for strangers, or not to let their kids walk to school by themselves, or play in parks or playgrounds by themselves? Anything along those lines?
do you know if drug usage is high there and what kind of drugs? Don't know if you've seen the story that Billie's mother was arrested for drug possession yesterday.
ok sorry had to walk away for a min. the child *advertiser censored* thing is way out of controll imo when you have atleast 2 men in prison for that one thing,

i havnt heard anything from le about watching you kids, though i cant say they havnt. i do know that i am starting to see the kids walk to school again and the whole 12 13 year olds walking with much younger ones by themselves.

and about the drugs yes it is swarming with them, we have our own task force here and i believe that marijauna, and crack, cocaine are pretty bad here.
do people there believe this was a stranger abduction?
The huge volume of deviant *advertiser censored* + multiple POIs + drug transactions + Kampfer saying they were beefing up security around parks and schools + relative silence by those close to Billie and Shawn = a whole new possible theory forming in my mind. Worse than the other two that I've had brewing. I am so glad LE released the *advertiser censored* evidence before Billie spoke at that ralley this weekend; that would have been a travesty. I think LE would rather have waited until they had all the computer/electronic forensics complete, but they made the right decision in their timing. All just speculation and opinion...
Betcha' she stops speaking soon, but with donations shriveling up how is she going to pay the dealer for "refills". She probably is no longer employed at the hospital where she used to werk. With her shady lady rep, she might be able to snag a few quarters at sleazy strip joints. Oh...Maybe not! Silly Billie ~ Time to end this charade. Where is HD?

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