*REVISIT* Could We Have Gotten a Confession from Casey?

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Isolate her, no contacts, no tv news or questions by detectives. Ignore her.
Put a detective in there posing as an inmate. She might say a small grain of truth.
Couldn't find anywhere to ask this or talk about it, but...............

Why can't they hook her up to say a pulse monitor or BP monitor and then have someone filming the areas where they are searching. Make her sit there and watch it and see when her heart or BP elevates..........

Personally, I think this is an excellent idea and can't see why they don't do it.

Okay, guys cut me down, tell me why it can't be done (but it should be - best idea I've heard if I must say so myself).

Or a lie detector test - can they force her to take one of those???
IMO Have TonE stop by the house for a talk...Have him *lie* and say, "Why did you do this? Didn't you realized we (3) were going somewhere, we 3 had a future....But, I think he is terrified of her & could not pull off this acting job.
Casey has the right to counsel, the right to remain silent, etc. You can't force her to do anything at this point except give physical specimens of her DNA, hair for comparison (which was already collected). Casey has counsel and her counsel is doing a fairly good job of keeping her quiet! She does not have to testify at trial if she does not want to. She can't be forced to take a lie detector, take sodium pentathol, and so on.
Couldn't find anywhere to ask this or talk about it, but...............

Why can't they hook her up to say a pulse monitor or BP monitor and then have someone filming the areas where they are searching. Make her sit there and watch it and see when her heart or BP elevates..........

Personally, I think this is an excellent idea and can't see why they don't do it.

Okay, guys cut me down, tell me why it can't be done (but it should be - best idea I've heard if I must say so myself).

Or a lie detector test - can they force her to take one of those???

The reason they can't is those pesky little things assured in our Constitution called civil rights. Amendment 5 to the United States Constitution guarantees that a peson cannot be forced to testify against or incriminate themselves. We do not live in a police state, luckily. However, sometimes it seems that a criminal has more rights than the victim.
Secondly, a pathological liar would not have the same visceral reactions as you or I would. They can pass a polygraph without batting an eye.
IMO Have TonE stop by the house for a talk...Have him *lie* and say, "Why did you do this? Didn't you realized we (3) were going somewhere, we 3 had a future....But, I think he is terrified of her & could not pull off this acting job.

A smart lawyer (even Baez) would blow holes in that in a skinny minute, and get it thrown out of court in the name of entrapment.
Well that sucks big time- can't they make it a condition of her bail? I'd like to slap her upside her silly arse head myself!!!! I think there needs to be some changes made with our constitution if that is the case.

So, it's okay to bug the house though to see if anything incriminating is said..............??????????
it wil violate her constitutional rights unfortunatley. Why can't someone like her brother smack the lips off of her, put the fear of GOD into her as Ryan said...that would make her talk.....dont get me started.....if I could, i would get in her face, she would be talking...oh, grrr.
Can't they keep her locked in jail if her release would put herself or others in danger? Regardless of whether or not her charges can be sentenced with death?
If we totally ignore Casey's rights for a second, looking at the "ends justify the means," focus of this (which I have no problem with, what ever works) there are a lot of people that can pass a lie dector test for a wide variety of reason.

I would assume the "looking at video and checking heartbeat" would follow the same rules. If she truely belives what she is saying, her heart wouldn't beat faster, and she could past a lie dector test. If she truely didn't care, same thing. If she blacked out (drugs, drinking, didn't she go to hospital for sezures?, mental illness...what ever) and didn't remember anything, same thing.

It's a great idea, but would only work if Casey responds the way most people would. I think it's safe to assume given what we have seen, that for what ever reason, Casey does not respond the way most people would, therefore, I doubt this would be effective at all.
If we totally ignore Casey's rights for a second, looking at the "ends justify the means," focus of this (which I have no problem with, what ever works)

Wow. That post really makes me miss America.
Reading Rob's latest interview about how eager Caylee was talking to him in the car....and how Padilla said Casey had no trouble showing interest for Rob...I couldn't help but wonder if there was a lost opportunity there for Casey incriminating herself or Rob collaborating with LE as undercover. I do not believe for a minute she would tell him she harmed the baby, but I think she would have possibly talked about other things that could have been used as evidence against her. But like a true sociopath she will ONLY admit to the truth if she is found guilty and faced with the death penalty. Like that computer genius who killed his Russian wife, only then Casey will have a ''reason'' to give the location of the child. Only and only then!
Can't they keep her locked in jail if her release would put herself or others in danger? Regardless of whether or not her charges can be sentenced with death?

Casey had a mental evaluation before being released the first time. If they felt she would harm herself or others, then it's possible they wouldn't release her.

We have to wait and see if further charges are issued regarding the findings from the evidence to see if Casey is then arrested and no bond is issued by the court.

There are man criminals that are released on bond in a murder case and after the jury submits their verdict they go from court to jail.
If we totally ignore Casey's rights for a second, looking at the "ends justify the means," focus of this (which I have no problem with, what ever works)

Wow. That post really makes me miss America.

My appoligies, I have just woken up, and am still on my first cup of coffee. I really should have elaborated on that. What I meant in that statement, was what ever works in discussing a theory on a web-board, not what ever works in real life to get information from a person.

I am a "letter of the law" person, and firmly believe in people's rights, and protecting their rights.

Again, I appoligize to you, and anyone else in which read that statement, and rightfully got the wrong impression as to what I was thinking about.

I'll make sure to be more clear in the future. The last thing I want to do is to offend anyone while I am here.
Well that sucks big time- can't they make it a condition of her bail? I'd like to slap her upside her silly arse head myself!!!! I think there needs to be some changes made with our constitution if that is the case.

So, it's okay to bug the house though to see if anything incriminating is said..............??????????

Well, they had to go to a judge to get the warrant to put a bug in place and taps on the phone: they probably used the justification that however unlikely, Caylee may still be alive somewhere and in imminent danger.

This case speaks to us so emotionally that we think we would make changes to the Constitution, but while there are some flaws, there is no better system to protect individuals out there.

I, too, wish we could somehow compell her to talk, but as time passes, I become more discouraged that she will ever cooperate. All she has to do is keep her mouth shut, as the burden of proof is on the state. While there is some compelling circumstantial evidence, there is no body.
Casey had a mental evaluation before being released the first time. If they felt she would harm herself or others, then it's possible they wouldn't release her.

We have to wait and see if further charges are issued regarding the findings from the evidence to see if Casey is then arrested and no bond is issued by the court.

There are man criminals that are released on bond in a murder case and after the jury submits their verdict they go from court to jail.

Yes, I know she probably isn't going to do anything stupid to harm herself or anybody else but releasing her has cause quiet and uprise. With her out of jail, she is at risk, her parents are at risk, protesters are at risk, and neighbors are at risk. See where I am going with this?
My appoligies, I have just woken up, and am still on my first cup of coffee. I really should have elaborated on that. What I meant in that statement, was what ever works in discussing a theory on a web-board, not what ever works in real life to get information from a person.

I am a "letter of the law" person, and firmly believe in people's rights, and protecting their rights.

Again, I appoligize to you, and anyone else in which read that statement, and rightfully got the wrong impression as to what I was thinking about.

I'll make sure to be more clear in the future. The last thing I want to do is to offend anyone while I am here.

No worries. I never thought anything negative about that post. It is difficult sometimes to clearly communicate what you mean in an email: no inflection, no body language, etc.
Yes, I know she probably isn't going to do anything stupid to harm herself or anybody else but releasing her has cause quiet and uprise. With her out of jail, she is at risk, her parents are at risk, protesters are at risk, and neighbors are at risk. See where I am going with this?

Yes, I know what you mean. To me, the better part of valor would be to have her somewhere out of the public eye: LP said in the beginning when he bailed her out that she was supposed to go to a safe house. Did you see the protesters who went up and were banging on the front door? That was scary! Emotions are running higher in this community than I have EVER seen.
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