Ronald Speaks from Jail #1

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I don't care if any of them get out, even misty. I'll be scared to death if rc leaves.
Kiki, :woohoo:

......sounds like another "Flower" name...omg..that is cute.
Hey whips... well Lord willing then, RC will be in prison for a while so we'll never have the chance to test out this theory...

The sad fact is, some people just can't govern themselves in the real world, can't manage, discipline or control themselves enough to survive freely in society--and RC strikes me as somebody better off in prison frankly, where he can't go off half-cocked and continue to terrorize people. Personally I think it's a lot of showmanship tho--frontin and talkin smack--he's had a year outside since Haleigh with plenty of stress since and never blew anybody (else we know of) away. I agree he might benefit from a little time to cool his heels tho about the custody thing... like 10 years or so lol...

It's just in a way, RC seems like such a wimp to me, I don't know why but like a punk@$$ scared little kid who probably wouldn't last long in GP so he's already frontin and puttin on some big gangsta act... :angel:

That's how he survives--the swag, the smack--it's just hardly anybody on the outside's ever called his bluff.

It's just in a way, RC seems like such a wimp to me, I don't know why but like a punk@$$ scared little kid who probably wouldn't last long in GP so he's already frontin and puttin on some big gangsta act... :angel:

That's how he survives--the swag, the smack--it's just hardly anybody on the outside's ever called his bluff.


ITA kiki!!!!

Ron is all bark and no bite, IMO :)
IMO....Ron is worse than all bark, no bite........he only runs over those weaker than he is, usually, young females. His type would not stand up to anyone that could fight back.
We can get a pretty good idea of how ron thinks about himself when he used the words, "When I was 'Captured'.." Now that made me laugh at loud. He pictures, even his first time in lock-up, that he has been an "America's Most Wanted" fugitive. Yes, rc loves to toot his own horn...even when it's criminal.
We can get a pretty good idea of how ron thinks about himself when he used the words, "When I was 'Captured'.." Now that made me laugh at loud. He pictures, even his first time in lock-up, that he has been an "America's Most Wanted" fugitive. Yes, rc loves to toot his own horn...even when it's criminal.

I would venture to guess that's why he wanted the news paper. He wanted to see his name in "lights".
Gosh *I* just wanna know how annmarie really feels....lolol :crazy:

Oh I'm sorry, y'all should know me by now, a woman of few words who keeps her feelings to herself! Next time I post, I'll try to fill it out with a little detail, LOL!!!:innocent:
IMO....Ron is worse than all bark, no bite........he only runs over those weaker than he is, usually, young females. His type would not stand up to anyone that could fight back.


He is not going to do well in GP. He won't be running chit in there. jmo
Oh I'm sorry, y'all should know me by now, a woman of few words who keeps her feelings to herself! Next time I post, I'll try to fill it out with a little detail, LOL!!!:innocent:

Yes I can see already annmarie, we're gonna need to coax you out of your shell... :crazy:

I think rc would attemt to kill himself in a dramatic fashion if had access to a gun and he was going to get accused of murder anyway. I also think he wouldnt just kill himself.

I fear for crystal and jr if he gets out. He is going to be very angry that she has jr. If she gets full custody, he will blow.

Not once, have they mentioned jr being with his mother and he is going to be ok with her. tn and rc have avoided that. they are both upset about this change...imo. rc had total control over jr (just the way he likes it), no, he will not handle this well at all.

I must admit, I'm worried about Crystal & Jr also, IF Ronald gets out:(
Maybe it's like in the movies and someone is putting an ad in the classfieds to get a message to Ron, LOL. Just kidding.

I think maybe it has something to do with narcisism? And that may contribte to the fact that he doesn't call Haleigh by her name. "My child", "My young'un", "My daughter", it's all about him! And let's not forget other cases where the parent/family member does this. Remember Susan Smith and Aveion Lewis's stepfather? I do believe it's also a means of emotionally detaching himself from her so it's easier for him to accept what has happened to her. Unfortunately, in many cases, the person reacting this way is guilty (not necessarily of murder). For example, Melinda Duckett, Elizabeth Johnson, Misty Croslin (going from "our daughter" in the 911 call, to "his daughter" or "that little girl" afterwards). This is all just MHO.

When the personality is rigid to the point of being unable to change in reaction to changing circumstances - we say that it is disordered. Such a person takes behavioral, emotional, and cognitive cues exclusively from others. His inner world is, so to speak, vacated. His True Self is dilapidated and dysfunctional. Instead he has a tyrannical and delusional False Self. Such a person is incapable of loving and of living. He cannot love others because he cannot love himself. He loves his reflection, his surrogate self. And he is incapable of living because life is a struggle towards, a striving, a drive at something. In other words: life is change. He who cannot change cannot live.


This is how I see RC. I would have definitely labeled him a narcissist, but now that Pat Brown has called him a psychopath (or having psychopathic tendecies), I guess it goes beyond your run-of-the-mill narcissist.

To someone like RC, take away his support system (family enablers) and his whipping girls and what does he have? Does he create a new persona to survive? Is that what they do?

ETA: I think suicide came up because of his statements about having to sleep with the light on and someone said that could mean he was on a medical watch. I certainly have no idea whether he was on SW or not.
I wonder if anyone has transcribed Ron's jailhouse interview? Did he use the words "when I was captured" in the interview?

And what about the, "I don't know nothing about Haleigh's disappearance, or nothing else" statement? What is the nothing else?
Why does he keep repeating the # 3.
There has to be some significance. It is code for something. Just can't put my finger on it.
Is he telling M, don't forget the #3'. As in I saw 3. (Don't slip up)!!!!!
I was not home before 3pm. HMMMM
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