Ron's possible plea deal?

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This just burns me up! The judge should have made them report to him how many times they have met, the dates and intervals in between these meetings. It should be obvious that what RC's lawyer is asking for is not acceptable. Every time there is another hearing, postponment costs funds most counties do not have to waste. Just because this is not surprising does not make it right. :furious::furious::furious:
I will never understand why if the truth is that a person committed "x" crime , they are allowed to drop it or reduce it to a "c" crime by pleading . The crime is what it is, and a person is either guilty of it, or not. Once sentenced to a certain number of years, that should be the time they serve, no good behavior time, no early release. I am really sick of the judicial system today. I am going to go now and pray for wisdom, patience, and that Justice prevail whether I see it or not. Blessings

Thanks for the update on today's proceedings.

While many of us are not happy with the month extension in order to work out a plea deal, perhaps the plea deal the DA wants is something Ron can't agree to so far and that's why a court session was waved in front of this face today.

I choose to think another month might just give LE what it wants in forcing Ron to own up to giving up information about his daughter's disappearance. I'm not looking at this as a break for Ron, but more leverage and power for the Prosecution. That thought is going to get me through the next month.
in connection with unrelated drug-trafficking charges...

ppppfffftttttt!!!! What's he gonna say? Joe did it...GMAB.

I don't know, how much does Ron really know in regards to Haleigh, because that is the ONLY thing unrelated to these charges that I can think of, we can only hope right ?

Why do I get this feeling that in a couple of months I will be falling off my chair not believing what I am reading ......
When is Misty's trial again ?

Shoemaker did not get his continuance but somehow has managed to get it anyway going through the DA, he wants it continued for a reason not sure yet as to why....

After this much time the DA and Shoemaker should have reached an agreement, why the stall :waitasec: Usally the DA offers up and lays out on the table what they will give and that's that, you either take it or leave it .....

Something is up in Putnam County ........

Moo of course.....
I totally agree, something is up in Denmark,,lol,,,I just wonder if LE is trying to decide just where he will spend his YEARS incarcerated...Seems to me through all the years Ronald Cummings has skated thru the system, drug charge after drug charge,,,by snitching on all his druggie friends......Since RC has been arrested in January, lets not forget their have been a gazillion drug bust......He , whatever his stature was in the drug underground, there in Palatka,,,,knows ALOT,,about the comings and goings of the rest of the druggies......Time will tell if he really gets what he deserves...JMHO
God, grant us the... (or whomever your higher power may be or not)

Serenity to accept things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can, and Wisdom to know the difference
Patience for the things that take time....... :angel:
Haleigh Cummings' father reaches tentative plea in drug cases
Judge sets Aug. 20 date to hear the deal
Posted: July 19, 2010 - 9:56am

A tentative plea agreement was reached this morning in the prescription drug-trafficking charges of Ronald Cummings, whose daughter Haleigh has been missing for more than a year in a high-profile Putnam County case.

In a seven-minute court appearance, Cummings attorney said his client has agreed to offer a plea in three of the five cases. The state may drop the remaining two in the deal.

Cummings, 26, is scheduled to return to court Aug. 20
I'm outraged! Did Haleigh ever get a chance to plea, or ever get any mercy? They have him on video tape, they shouldn't have even negotiated a plea deal unless he told the truth verified by polygraph about what happened to his daughter.

I'm of the opinion if his lips are moving, he is lying.
I have the feeling my laptop may fly out the window at some point today...

Is it gone yet ? :D

Something smells, a plea deal for what ? They have Ron dead to rights on trafficking, no ifs ands or buts. They certainly do not need his testimony against Misty or Tommy with respect to their drug charges. Is he going to rat out the "big boys" or is this little game all about Haleigh - one has to wonder.
I totally agree, something is up in Denmark,,lol,,,I just wonder if LE is trying to decide just where he will spend his YEARS incarcerated...Seems to me through all the years Ronald Cummings has skated thru the system, drug charge after drug charge,,,by snitching on all his druggie friends......Since RC has been arrested in January, lets not forget their have been a gazillion drug bust......He , whatever his stature was in the drug underground, there in Palatka,,,,knows ALOT,,about the comings and goings of the rest of the druggies......Time will tell if he really gets what he deserves...JMHO

Oh, if I didn't know that, I'd have to give up everything I believe in, the Hereafter. I feel for Haleigh's family that love her but also all of the LE and searchers Papa lovingly gave tribute to. At least they don't let all of these legal games stop them from trying to do the right things.
Wow....Ron pled out. The month is to finalize the plea deal.

Thank goodness I don't have to eat that d@rn hat! So they dropped two of the five charges? Let me he'll plead guilty to the 15 year minimum charges and serve them concurrently. Wow, how lucky can this guy get?
Thanks for the update on today's proceedings.

While many of us are not happy with the month extension in order to work out a plea deal, perhaps the plea deal the DA wants is something Ron can't agree to so far and that's why a court session was waved in front of this face today.

I choose to think another month might just give LE what it wants in forcing Ron to own up to giving up information about his daughter's disappearance. I'm not looking at this as a break for Ron, but more leverage and power for the Prosecution. That thought is going to get me through the next month.

Yes, that exactly the way I feel about it. At first I was really mad, but looking at it with a positive outcome for Haleigh would be a blessing.

And let's face it, do we really care about the drug case? I mean, yes it was wrong, but I want to see these players go to jail for Haleigh. That would be at least some type of justice.

Ronald Cummings Given Time To Plead
Father Of Missing Haleigh Cummings Remains Held On Drug Trafficking Charges

POSTED: Monday, July 19, 2010
UPDATED: 10:10 am EDT July 19, 2010

PALATKA, Fla. -- Ronald Cummings, the father of kindergartner Haleigh who disappeared more than a year ago and who authorities fear is dead, will be held in jail for another month as his attorneys try and reach a plea agreement with prosecutors on drug trafficking charges.

Prosecutors said they have surveillance videos showing five undercover drug deals involving Cummings.

Cummings was arrested in January and charged with five counts of selling prescription drugs. Authorities said the charges have no connection to the ongoing investigation of Haleigh's disappearance, which they now consider a homicide case
Unless he told prosecutors credible information regarding Haleigh Cummings, I don't see the need for a deal and if prosecutors gave him a deal, without information RE Haleigh's case. Then shame on them.
I'm outraged! Did Haleigh ever get a chance to plea, or ever get any mercy? They have him on video tape, they shouldn't have even negotiated a plea deal unless he told the truth verified by polygraph about what happened to his daughter.

I'm of the opinion if his lips are moving, he is lying.

I am back to wondering if there was a drug deal gone bad and Ron may be considering offering what he knows, if they are much bigger fish, in exchange for a deal. But Shoemaker floated the deal talk in May--last chance plea of 7/9/10 was gone and now this. I have to remember to NOT use logic.

I join you in your outrage.
TS says he hopes to serve no more than 15 years.
What is going on??? Hope got 15. Donna got at least 15, maybe more. How does RC get 15 with more charges?
TS says he hopes to serve no more than 15 years.
What is going on??? Hope got 15. Donna got at least 15, maybe more. How does RC get 15 with more charges?

He's special? He's never served a day for ALL of his other arrests. Something is going on. And I need more Pepto.
Why not just drop all but one charge and let dear Ronald go with time served? With an apology and perhaps a monetary settlement from the counties involved, of course. Someday, I hope to find out what is so special about Ronald....what am I missing? :waitasec:
:You've got to be kidding me...*Expolding here*.. now sick..:puke:

What the heck have the attorneys been doing for a month? That was the purpose of the first get a plea. this is not so much about a plea as it is positioning. Ron want to be last. He wants "king of the hill". He likes County and does'nt want to leave. Casey likes her "Dorm" also.:behindbar:

:gavel:Where is the justice anyway, it looks like they are holding out for the 15 yrs. They want the x2 25'rs taken off the record. Now why would a prosecutor do that? They normally erase the lower charge. Is Shoemaker saying the State offered to take the (2) 25rs off? If so, why not take it and run? I say the State did not offer to remove the 25 yrs and Shoemaker is blowing smoke.

I guess they want to see if he is playing a part in Haleigh's demise before they sentence. Annette Sykes letter must have been interesting. Public opinion could sway the judge. If the public feels rc is a martyr and the big bad Prosecutor is mean, than PC has a problem. Of course, if he knew about Haleigh all along, they will nail him to the wall for a very long sentence.

He is a crafty one, isn't he? He wants to make sure the others don't squeal on him about anything and he is sitting in general pop to intimidate....what a shame. I was hoping he would go away and the others would talk. He is a piece of work. I will go take myself to the corner for my own time out and drink. I know it's early but this is so d#$#m frustrating!
That is just how things work in Putnam Co., FL.
Read this article, a man charged with MURDER got the charge dropped, got a plea and walked on 5 yrs. probation of a lesser charge.
I do not live anywhere near FL and this outrages me!! Doesn't it make the people down there mad, especially the victims family?? Do the people of PC feel all nice and safe that an alleged murderer is walking amongst them and they could be next?

Murder charge dropped in deal

By Kristin Chambers
Published: Saturday, July 10, 2010 1:45 AM EDT

The state has dropped murder charges against a Palatka man accused in a 2008 fatal shooting in exchange for his testimony against a co-defendant.

Charles Coring III, 26, pleaded no contest Friday to a remaining burglary charge and will be sentenced to five years probation on Monday. He was scheduled to go to trial in Flagler County next week for first-degree murder and faced a lifetime in prison.

"It is pursuant to a plea agreement," State Attorney's spokesman Chris Kelly said Friday.

I honestly wonder how long this guy will last on the streets now that he is known as a snitch! They let him out before he even testified against the defendant he agreed to in his deal.
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