Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024

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I am finding it hard to believe that she didn't come home to shower and change before going off to brunch, this is what people do, she would not go to the brunch in her running gear. He was home when she went running, he would have known she would be coming home before she goes to the brunch. So why is he surprised when the gals at the brunch say she didn't turn up? he already knows she hasn't come home from her run, so to speak.

Have I got this right>>.???
That is a very good question you ask.
Finally have read through the whole thread I didn’t see it mentioned that if she ran/ walked with any headphones/ earbuds in? In the still on her left side. Is that a black/ dark over-the-ear ear piece, or just her hairline? I just say this as while they can be great for motivation and passing time while running. They are so dangerous, you’re unable to hear anything car/ person coming up from behind. I come from a smallish town about an hr away from Ballarat (actually real close to where Karen R was eventually found) and used the EarPods only once. I could only hear music, my breathing and the vibrations of my steps. Actually it made me feel real unsafe to remove one of my senses and awareness when I was running on roads at times.
Anyway getting to the point of my post. The theory of SM getting accidentally hit by a car/ or taken intentionally while running increases if she was wearing a “listening device(s.)” Compared to if she wasn’t wearing any at all.
As I know when I run especially early like SM did, you can hear a car from a few hundred metres away, and on a dirt/ rural rd , double or triple it with no wind.
Just my 2 cents.
The board at the Buninyong Police station with info for volunteers mentions earpods as an item to look for.
It struck me that the recent illness could well have made her more vulnerable to conditions that she would ordinarily have been fine in.

Also, apparently she didn't have any water with her, and had only recently resumed running. Those factors could add to heat stress.
A runner doing a relatively big run in high heat doesn’t take water? How can that be?

Is she an experienced runner?


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The whole running thing is starting to look a bit fuzzy, to me.. lot of factors that don't sdd up.

She is 50, she is expected at a girls brunch, she is a woman who takes time and trouble over her appearance, she would come home and shower and dress appropriately for this brunch. It was, as her friend said, important, for some reason.

She is 50 and not long recovered , so to speak , from Covid over Xmas, it is summer, 25 C is up there with weather to be concerned about if running, yet she takes no water. She doesn't look like a woman who takes unexpected risks, Taking water would be habitual.

No one has seen her running out on that track. This is a town that runs, like an Antipodean Eugene. Hard to believe she was the only one , the only one out that morning. People drive up from Melbourne, to 'run in the forest'... nuts', I know, but they do.

No one's camera has picked her up. This is the age of camera. On phones, on CCTV, on dashcam , on your watch, ....there are valuable properties around there, with valuable cattle, sheep, possibly, llama's, etc all filmed all the time.
I weirdly get the feeling from that last photo of her in her yard. IMO

She had finished her exercise and was cleaning up.MOO

Which doesn't help to explain what happened next.JMO

Also the camping person said she thinks she saw her Saturday??

My thinking is she did her longer route on a Saturday and was just doing a more shorter walk Sunday.JMO

So......... a person who is calm doing their regular exercise - sticks to tracks and plans their route. That seems logically to be more likely her - she is in her own business, has a few children etc etc needs to be organised and stick to routine, has other appointments in the day to work around.OMO

Someone agitated and tense might just walk to let off steam more mindlessly if they have had a disagreement with someone.IMO

But then she would have been captured twice leaving her property. So that closes that idea.MOO
Well looks like Trooper and I are twinning with the same idea. LOl Just my opinion.
Something is off about the whole story. The running, the timing of the run, the brunch story is the only solid fact that is standing up all the way thru. The watch, the phone, the no water, the dog poo, the running location.... all a bit dreamy and fuzzy..
There was mention of a K-9 unit early on but do we know if specialist blood or cadaver K-9 units have been used?
In an instance like this where there are so many mines and the possibility of her having had a medical problem off the main track, their input could be invaluable.
Trained dogs can locate scent a GREAT distance away.
Even if the dogs could track her scent to a place where it disappears would be incredibly useful.
who was it who said she left to go running at 7am? .... was it the husband, or the daughter? or??
I think someone had said it was her routine thing to do.

On ABC News yesterday, the reporter said police can confirm she left but the CCTV cuts out before the end of the driveway so they don’t know which way she went.
There was mention of a K-9 unit early on but do we know if specialist blood or cadaver K-9 units have been used?
In an instance like this where there are so many mines and the possibility of her having had a medical problem off the main track, their input could be invaluable.
Trained dogs can locate scent a GREAT distance away.
Even if the dogs could track her scent to a place where it disappears would be incredibly useful.
I did see police with dogs on last nights (SATURDAY the 10th) evening news, ABC I think.

Well especially if the board - says went for a walk.IMO

And the friend says no more than 10km. MOO

This is a training plan to become a runner for a 10km event. IMO

Seems you don't really do too many super long runs in the lead up. Just one 8km - 10km run a week.

She might be doing her own plan understandably. But if she is planning to be in a organised event later she would probably need to follow some consistent routine. MOO
I think someone had said it was her routine thing to do.

On ABC News yesterday, the reporter said police can confirm she left but the CCTV cuts out before the end of the driveway so they don’t know which way she went.
By “cuts out” do they mean the camera itself remained on but that area is not visible to the camera, or the camera physically cut out/malfucntioned and that’s why they don’t know which way she went?
The whole running thing is starting to look a bit fuzzy, to me.. lot of factors that don't sdd up.

She is 50, she is expected at a girls brunch, she is a woman who takes time and trouble over her appearance, she would come home and shower and dress appropriately for this brunch. It was, as her friend said, important, for some reason.

She is 50 and not long recovered , so to speak , from Covid over Xmas, it is summer, 25 C is up there with weather to be concerned about if running, yet she takes no water. She doesn't look like a woman who takes unexpected risks, Taking water would be habitual.

No one has seen her running out on that track. This is a town that runs, like an Antipodean Eugene. Hard to believe she was the only one , the only one out that morning. People drive up from Melbourne, to 'run in the forest'... nuts', I know, but they do.

No one's camera has picked her up. This is the age of camera. On phones, on CCTV, on dashcam , on your watch, ....there are valuable properties around there, with valuable cattle, sheep, possibly, llama's, etc all filmed all the time.
Yes, she either didn't go for a run or she may have been saying she has been going for a run to give herself time to do other things, perhaps meet up with someone (I read somewhere that she has only taken up running again recently). I also think it was odd she missed the family holiday in Summer due to COVID. Yes she may have had COVID, but she may have also stayed at home to do other things.

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