Scott Peterson and Terri Horman - The parallels

I think SP loved to be in front of the cameras. You would always see him getting his mail, sitting on the stoop with a packed bag looking for the next place to go, doing many interviews (just check You-Tube). Remember how he made dinner for the neighbors on Christmas. a-c-k-w-a-r-d. He creeped me out from day 1.

So far I haven't seen the front of Terri's home, let alone her (minus the couple of shots of her going into court).

Scott was yakkity-yak. Terri is not.

Just my opinion.


ETA: Great post by the way :)

Respectfully, I disagree. If you had a chance to watch the Dateline special, they showed some home video clips. She loved the camera, loved to smile and talk into it. Even looking at her high school pics, you can see she enjoyed the 'limelight', for lack of a better word. We're talking about someone who was into bodybuilding. Think about it.

ETA: I would also like to remind everyone of the texts that Terri had been exchanging between MC and herself; the images they sent to each other, and so on.
Respectfully, I disagree. If you had a chance to watch the Dateline special, they showed some home video clips. She loved the camera, loved to smile and talk into it. Even looking at her high school pics, you can see she enjoyed the 'limelight', for lack of a better word. We're talking about someone who was into bodybuilding. Think about it.
If I'm not mistaken the poster was referring to after the fact, disappearance, not years before.
True, but even before she hired Houze she was doing some bold and brazen things. I think he's got her on a tight leash, but that doesn't mean that if she could have it her way, she'd follow his 'rules' of her own volition. I think her working out at her parent's house is her only 'escape' and means to deal with not being able to do what she really wants to do.
Actually SP didn't go anywhere near the cameras for the first month or so after Laci's disappearance. Remember?? "it's not about me, it's about Laci..." (in reality he was afraid his new girlfriend would see him on the news) - nor did he go up on stage during her candlelight vigil, nor did he plea for her return as the rest of Laci's family did. He was conspicuous in his absence from the media in the beginning. Then his affair was outted and he was more or less publicly considered a suspect there was nothing left for him to lose and then he did those ridiculous flat interviews with the major networks. The ones that helped the public see his guilt.

Actually that is a bit like TMH, except in Terri's case she had no choice as she was a suspect so early on, she really didn't have a chance to be (or pretend to be) a concerned, grieving family member on TV. It's too bad from a certain perspective that she didn't have more of a chance to talk in front of cameras, where her words, emotion, etc would have been recorded.
If you will remember also about the vigil, he was on the phone with Amber during it. How sick is that?
Great idea for a thread and I can see the parallels.

BBM...thinking about Terri as a "master of deception" you think her own Mother believed... all these years... that BIZARRO Fairy Tale of Terri as the fabulous friend who helped 0ut Desiree and moved in to care for her child?

That is a long, long time to keep a lie alive and with your own parents!

Terri like Scott seem to have a need to be viewed as perfect. Not humans that make mistakes, but perfect.

Terri had a fantasy perfect life and marriage going on her Facebook page. She needed people to believe that.

But to keep such a whopper lie going with her family for over 7 years? Did she think her parents would never accept the real way they met and came together?

Noting your understandable doubt that a person could maintain a central fiction about an important facet of their own history with people as close as one's own parents I can only tell you that in my experience it is perfectly possible.

I had an extremely rough (though ultimately enlightening) experience with an extreme narcissist who was the former wife of my boyfriend. They had two children, one a preteen with some pretty serious problems of her own when I arrived on the scene.

This woman told the most bizarre and easily exposed lies about herself and everyone around her pretty much every time you spoke to her; yet my boyfriend (her ex-husband), her parents, the neighbors and of course the poor baffled children believed all of it and repeated it like well-known family lore:

Mommy was a choreographer for the LA Lakers Girls
Mommy saved a person who was drowning in a pool
Mommy lead all of the horses out of a burning barn
Mommy almost died from a spider bite
Mommy worked as a teen and supported both of her parents (laughable)
Mommy was an extra on the set of a movie and the star picked her out of a sea of hundreds of extras personally to work improvised lines with him but they were cut from the movie (fantasy)
Mommy had a boyfriend in Florida who gave her a Lamborghini car (she was a teen run away and I'm pretty sure a prostitute)
Mommy pulled a dying man out of a car crash
Mommy was a volunteer firefighter
Mommy is related to the English Royal Family

and worse:

Daughter one "almost died" when she was a baby and Mommy saved her (never happened)
Daughter two has a rare disease and only because Mommy recognized it is she alive (the child had no disease)

She had her former husband convinced that:

She had had a child who died (pure fiction)
She herself had a rare blood disorder (laughable)
She had had a sister who committed suicide and that she had found her in a bathtub (having slit her wrists) but that they must never speak to her parents about this because they were in denial that it ever happened (no such person ever existed)

You might think that this was because these people were all very stupid, but they weren't. Her parents were just weary of trying to get through the maze of lies that this person had been telling all of her life, ever since she was a small child. They were used to her exaggerating everything, everything being a life-threatening drama with her and they felt responsible. I saw some of that weary resignation is Terri's father.

Both the parents and the ex-husband also simply did not want to believe that a person that was close to them, that they loved could lie about such significant things and of course could not quite bring themselves to be so self critical as to acknowledge that they had someone in their lives who was so dangerous and spiteful and ... well ... insane.

The almost two years that I spent with that man having to deal every single day (she would show up whenever she felt like it, call and email constantly) with that insane woman were very difficult because I exposed her easily as a liar in the very first conversation that we ever had (though she certainly kept trying ~ lying was literally the only form of conversation that she knew). Ultimately, it cost us our relationship and I'm of course better off not being with a man who is so obtuse, but at the time it was hell.

This is all by way of saying that I totally believe that Terri Horman had everyone believing different and extreme things that she was fabricating over years and years because I have seen that kind of person in action.

Do I think that Terri told her mother that absurd fairytale (Jane Eyre) about having been hired as a governess and having the lord of the manor fall in love with her instead of telling the truth that she entered a relationship with him while he was still married and in fact while his wife was with child? Yes absolutely I think that she told them that and the mother seems to have a screw loose that causes her to believe this stuff.

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