Season 2 Episode 8


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Aug 19, 2008
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Released on October 19, 2018 on Netflix
I can't believe there is no discussion about this episode yet. I am a few minutes in and it is one of the better ones so far.

You get KZ firing a gun at the Avery garage very early on and you get the forensics guy explaining the materials found on the bullet. He is very good at explaining what he does. This guy should do lectures.

About 13-14.5 minutes in you get the chapstick theory and Zellner talking about the police moving items from Teresa's house to the Avery property.

36 minutes in you get Schimel say that police interrogations are coercive by nature. Uh....didn't they claim in the past that he wasn't being interrogated, but was just being asked questions? Or am I remembering that incorrectly?

46 minutes in. Discussion of Bobby Dassey. Zellner has an affidavit swearing that Bobby told Bryan "Steven could not have killed her because I saw her leave the property on October 31, 2005."
Bobby was re-interviewed by Zellner and he was pretty quiet until they told him they had his computer hard drive. He was "unbelievably rattled by that."

His hard drive had information including his child *advertiser censored* searches and lots of searches for dead women/girls.

Strang and Buting were never given the forensic report on this hard drive so could not use this information to impeach Bobby, who was more or less the star witness for the prosecution.
Zellner considers this to be a Brady violation.
I haven't watched this one yet... but just a quick comment....

BOBBY was INTERVIEWED by Zellner???? I think that is new to us, I don't recall reading that anywhere and that is interesting. Especially his reaction, if true.
I haven't watched this one yet... but just a quick comment....

BOBBY was INTERVIEWED by Zellner???? I think that is new to us, I don't recall reading that anywhere and that is interesting. Especially his reaction, if true.

48:00 in the episode.
"We went to Bobby and asked him if he was pressured [by the police into giving the testimony he gave in court] and he said 'No, I wasn't pressured. This is what happened. Really, this is what happened.'
We re-interviewed Bobby Dassey last week, and my investigators said during the interview he was buttoned down, meaning he would not reveal anything- he was just wanting to know what we knew, what we were doing, what we were up to, until they mentioned that we have the hard drive from the computer and they said he was unbelievably rattled by that."

Then it shows video from 2005 of Bobby's room, computer clearly visible.
The thing I think about most in this episode is SA's mom and dad. They love him so much and it's visible they are doing the best they can. They are old. They are scared they won't see him outside again. When his dad teared up, I did too. Steven could get a trillion dollars and it would never make up this time with them. What about that you crooked law enforcement, legal and political people? What if that was taken away from you? I am pro-immediate release and scared to death by what has happened in these cases. This is my country ...

Why wasn't Bryan Dassey put on the stand to dispute whatever deal Bobby struck with KK/prosecuting team???? The stuff on BoD's computer - that made me think different about him. Not saying it makes it him guilty, but Holy H - why was that held from the defense. SA should be given a new trial on that alone.
It's very reckless for the prosecution to hide potentially explosive exculpatory evidence from the defense.
It is very odd that police move objects from the missing woman's home to the suspect's home. There's no innocent explanation for that that does not include egregious incompetence.

They didn't. The items were taken from Halbach's home to the Calumet County Sheriff's Office.
They didn't. The items were taken from Halbach's home to the Calumet County Sheriff's Office.

I was advised by the CALUMET COUNTY COMMAND POST, located on the AVERY property, to get some items that were brought back from the AVERY property ready for pick-up by DCI Agent MATTHEY JOY to be transported to the WI STATE CRIME LAB located in Madison:
o Property TagNo. 7096, a toothbrush and ChapStick
o Propefiy Tag No. 7097, lip moisturizer and hairbrush
o Property Tag No. 7098, a maroon case containing a vibrator sexual device

Here is the report of the above items being collected from Teresa's home:

I believe there are other mentions of this as well, possibly in KZ's motions.
Thank you. I was able to find the items being collected, but not the tagging of the evidence at ASY.

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