Should Jesse Grund File A Civil Suit Against Casey Anthony????

Should Jesse Grund File A Civil Suit Against Casey?

  • Yes

    Votes: 258 71.5%
  • No

    Votes: 74 20.5%
  • I Do Not Know

    Votes: 29 8.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I think if the A's and the defense go to trial with him as the suspect and tries to place doubts that it was KC because it could have been him and then he is affected by this in his life and work, then yes he should sue.

I hope they don't go in there with the JG did it theory.
He probably should. There is nothing to be gained from it. If I were him I would stay away from this clown act as much as I possibly could.
KC and the ant fam should be careful who they try to deflam.

You are so right! Isn't it so typical of what we've come to know of the A's to go after the only boyfriend in their daughter's world of many many boyfriends that was willing to marry her & be a father to Caylee.
I would say no, B - U - T leave the option open until after the trial, as suggested by others...

Honestly, though, I would encourage JG not to file suit mainly as I think all of these people have had way more than their fair share of their "self-allotted" fifteen minutes of fame; just consider the source(s) and know, with your(JG) head held high, that you didn't succumb to their undermining tactics and play right into their scheme of things...let's just get Justice for little Caylee Marie and hope these people go away....far, far away...and STAY AWAY!!!!! Aurgh!!! :furious:
Against Cindy. She is the one who tried to implicate him.

So true. She is the one who was screeching the loudest. I don't know what she has against JG, but she sure is out to get him. It looks like he is being put through hell, because he dared to love Casey and Caylee.
I think it's fine that JG has a lawyer to advise him through this process. His name did come up, or was injected into the investigation. There may be more to come, from outright accusations to attempts to romp through his phone records, etc. to try to come up with some reasonable doubt for the defendant. A number of the people sought to be subpoenaed may protest and may have to do so in court. Tim from TES certainly benefited from having a good lawyer help him when all his records were sought in a fishing expedition.

Painter, my friend, I didn't mean to sound so sinister before! These people aren't going anywhere. I'd just see what develops (Oprah interviews, etc.), be prepared and decide later.

Jesse has the absolute right, after the trial, to write a book/sell his story for a made for TV movie, and I wouldn't be mad at him if he did. I wasn't mad at Amber Frye for writing Witness For The Prosecution, the money helped her put her and her kids lives back on track after horrible Scott Peterson murders. As a side note, for all of the naive folks not believing that the dream team lawyers and experts are happy to do this pro bono: Gloria Alred, who I like and respect for her lifetime of work, worked pro bono for Amber, but Amber gave her a share in the huge media/book deals. Dominick and many others are going to get paid this way.(If you look up their history you will find they don't go around volunteering to help people in low profile cases.) The lawyers and experts are getting international free advertising, even peripheral players like Hoover are selling their stories, KC's lovers like Ricardo have already sold photos (which the defense will use against them when they testify. Bottom line: He can tell his story later and it will be an interesting one since he was actually going to adopt Caylee and marry KC, and regardless of the other fleeting guys, he was the constant. He can donate some of the proceeds to missing children. I'd buy it.
I first selected yes, but thinking about it more, I would really have to answer "I don't know"
Even though Cindy has mentioned him in some of her depositions, I don't know if what she has done really would be seen as slander... I would have to wait till the trial is over and see what CA, GA, Lee, say in front of a jury.

As we've heard before, the Grunds feel that the defense is trying to implicate Jesse...
I think LE has interviewed him more extensively than we know and have an air tight alibi for him...

And really what will he gain... he'll waste hours of his life, money, energy, etc.
and all for what? Some $$, which will all probably have dried up by the time the trial is over....

I think the best vindication Jesse can receive is a Guilty verdict, and the look on the A's face when "We find the defendant, Casey Anthony, Guilty of Murder in the first degree" is read back to the court!!
If I were JG, and had the means to do it. I'd file a defamation suit seeking damages of 1 dollar. Just to make the point.

But well... I'm not him, so um.... there ya go.
I don't think Jesse should file any sort of suit against the Anthony's because most of Cindy and George's suspicions about him were due to lies and things that Casey told them. They did most of their talking to LE and Leonard fueled it all by repeating everything. Jesse admitted to getting into a big argument with and trying to correct Cindy in her own home, so he wasn't totally in the right. IMO you don't disrespect a future mother in law in her own home. Jesse's dad continually demeaned Cindy on national TV and in his blogs by threatening her with the sword of the king (himself), painting George as henpecked, and for Cindy wearing the pants in the family. Cindy was blamed by these people for Caylee's murder. Then there was the dog being murdered due to incest thing on the blog. I say the Anthony's have much more of a case if they ever tried to pursue it. The Grund's were duped by several people and didn't seem to even realize it.
So far, KC hasn't said enough, publicly, to warrant a defamation (libel/slander) suit. However, if he can prove "real" damages then I think that he should seriously consider filing suit against CA!! I'm not sure, in Florida, if mental anguish is enough to establish "damage" ... if so ... he has Cindy on lock!!
I voted no. Jesse and family appear to have morals and a firm foundation and belief system. They know in the end Jesse good name will remain intact. I further believe their family values would not allow them to kick the A's when they are down. (of course I could be totally wrong) I can't see this family making a buck off the death of the little girl they loved. JMO
I think JG should just bid his time-there's no rush. I'd wait for trial and see if JB and his crew actually try to implicate him and his family. If they do then I think JG and RG should present a united front and do whatever they feel is the right thing to do for their family and their own reputation. In my opinion ruining someones reputation is far worse than stealing ones money. Money can be replaced-a good reputation is pricless!! IMO

I voted yes but I've changed my mind because of posts I've read including
the one above. He seems like a very descent guy and does'nt deserve
the accusations he is receiving from the A family.
Good idea to for him to sit back and wait till trial.
I voted "no" because he was involved with KC to some degree right up to the day she was arrested. If he had been completely out of KC's life for many months prior and then the accusations began, I might feel differently.

I'd take my arse and get as far away from her as I could and try to move on. Also I would get therapy for myself to try to uncover my reasons for almost choosing this person to marry. Before I was clear about those reasons, I would not commit to anyone else (spoken from wisdom gained from living life for over fifty years). People tend to be drawn to someone (good and bad) for unknown reasons within themselves. In order to choose better next time, he has to examine why he was drawn to her in the first place. I'll even go as far as to say that I think he wanted a "seemingly" perfect person. Someone who agreed with him outwardly and looked good outwardly but inside the person is not who they portray. He should be on the lookout for authenticity in a person and never ignore a hunch that someone is misrepresenting herself.

My best to you JG. Pain is sometimes our greatest teacher.
Honestly, I would donate money to start the civil case against Cindy for all the lies she made to TV viewers. Why not sue her?! If you'll see the fraud commercial on TV - you would sue the advertising agency who lied to the public, isn't?, why public cannot sue Cindy for all her lies? She did manipulate the public for her own financial benefits!!!
Actually, you don't need money up front for many civil cases. The lawyer takes the case and if they win, they get a percentage. Perhaps Morgan would be interested? After all, he's VERY familiar with this case!!!
Not only should he file a civil suit against KC but he should also sue the h3ll out of CA!
I would donate to his cause.
Its whats in the future they will be getting for putting THEIR STORY out in the public eye and other business deals they will get paid for. Because of ALL the Anthonys big mouths Grund may always have this Anthony Albatross around his neck when he tries to live a normal life, this making people weary of him and associating him with KC bringing doubt and suspicions about him that the Anthonys have spread which aren't true. Does that make sense????
The Anthonys will crucify anyone whose against their Princess and Jessie Grund is right in the line of their fire!

YES. IMO they will never stop defaming him, even if the Princess gets the DP they will continue on. His family is going to be coughing up a lot of attorneys fees -- now and through the trial.

Conversely the A's have everything pro bono and are going to be cashing in forever.

RG seems like a fighting warrior to me. What's right is right. What's just is just. The Grunds are not going to sit still for this. I think they should go after that family with everything they've got. And then some. Adding... after the trial, no matter what the verdict.
Pure conjecture and speculation but what if the Grunds can prove (somehow) that Cindy and the perp conspired TOGETHER to tell Jesse the baby was his? More fuel for the fire. I wouldn't be surprised if this was true. IMO.
I voted no. Jesse and family appear to have morals and a firm foundation and belief system. They know in the end Jesse good name will remain intact. I further believe their family values would not allow them to kick the A's when they are down. (of course I could be totally wrong) I can't see this family making a buck off the death of the little girl they loved. JMO

IMO has nothing to do with family values or morals. Defending oneself and clearing one's name is the moral thing to do. I don't think RG needs any lessons in family values myself.
So true. She is the one who was screeching the loudest. I don't know what she has against JG, but she sure is out to get him. It looks like he is being put through hell, because he dared to love Casey and Caylee.

IMO he took a paternity test prodded by his dad. They were supposed to go along with the fairytale without confirming the veracity of the claim. They crossed her big-time.

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