SIDEBAR #11- Arias/Alexander forum

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Words2Serve, I think you've hit it. I think at the time, it was obvious that Nurmi was coming undone at the witness desertion and wrongly blaming the State.
Maybe something to do with her friend being 'threatened' or deciding not to testify?

I think her deciding not to testify had more to do w the fact she could NOT say JA had an abusive childhood like they wanted. The "threats" were more Michael Kiefer embellished drama. Imo
Words2Serve, I think you've hit it. I think at the time, it was obvious that Nurmi was coming undone at the witness desertion and wrongly blaming the State.

I think there was a whole lotta choreography goin on including the brewer testimony via media that happened or was released within a couple of hrs from nurmis tantrum.
Aaayiiii - off to wrangle lizards.....(monitors, actually). BBL.
This came up on my FB page today. I think Travis would approve:

The text accompanying that elephant print reads:

"The walls of Target House will be a little brighter this year thanks to St. Jude partner Target, who paired with a group of 10 talented artists to create a special series of "hope" themed art work to hang in the Scott Hamilton Arts and Crafts Room. Limited edition prints of the works will be sold by Invisible Creature to support the Target House arts and crafts program. For more information, please visit:"
Well since a couple of psychopaths used the "Dirty Little Secret" theme, here is the song that started it all:

Thanks TMom. I love Queen. Too bad he died so young.
Can someone play some more for me??? Please.

Ask and you shall receive

:seeya: Yes, he is a nice piece of eye candy, isn't he? In my mind, there is a toss-up between and Ryan Gosling to play Christian Grey.

I like Matt Bomer for Christian Gray :)
Vivian Vance, since you're an NYC club-goer, Just curious, ever heard of/seen this Band? I saw them at Irving Plaza. Not even gonna tell my kids about that! lol eta: my taste in music has been quite "eclectic" at times. smh

Another one for YesorNo

Has anyone heard of the "murder gene" or the "warrior gene"?
Interesting article about it:’-in-justice-system/

Vanderbilt University has a program conducting genetic testing to track the murder gene within an individual’s genetic alleles. The gene is a particular variant of the MAO-A gene, also known as the warrior gene because of its association with violence.

The discovery of “murder genes” embedded in genetics brings a new angle to the criminal justice system.

What do you think? Would you consider giving someone LWOP instead of DP because someone had this gene? Makes you think.
I think there was a whole lotta choreography goin on including the brewer testimony via media that happened or was released within a couple of hrs from nurmis tantrum.

Still bothers me what the DT got away with that day! I have to wonder if we would have had a completely different outcome had her friend taken the stand that day, and then Brewer followed. Without the weekend to 'formulate' their next move this narcissist, conniving, bleep, bleep, would not have spun more webs. May justice be done...
That Travis and C.M. "reunited" on June 4, after all that had been done and said, is difficult to accept but the bedroom photos reveal that they were not into one another that day, zero heart to heart connection. I once posted that they looked like actors ordered to perform by an off screen *advertiser censored* director. Travis was bored & indifferent. C.M. was stone cold and defiant. I think on some earlier date they decided to schedule such photos and were just following through. Which is not a good reason to do it, to set up the session with the new camera, but we're glad they did. Bing, into the evidence file. She is hissing premeditation in that pigtail shot, check the eyes.

Thanks Tuba, as always, great insight. :)

I was just looking at those photos earlier today, as I was browsing though the file I noticed in an 'after' bedroom pic what appears to be a clock on the right hand night stand, I was hoping to see it in one of the nudie pics, I think you can barely see the corner of it beyond his chin in the second pic of him (1:47:15) but no luck in seeing what time that clock said it was when they were taken.

I understand there were two pics of them 'in the act' but weren't shown in court because both sides agreed they weren't needed to demonstrate what was going on that afternoon, I sure would like to see them to see if anything else in the room is visible in either of them that might help in further sleuthing.
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