SIDEBAR #50 - Arias/Alexander forum

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Hope you all have a great day. I am hearing myself up to go to Beau Biden's viewing and pay my respects. I hope I can hold it together. Better living through Xanax I guess.

If you've got 'em, use 'em! I always take a regular aspirin too, for some reason it keeps me from really totally loosing it. I don't know why, but it does.
You'll be fine, Zuri. He was an awesome man and thank you for sharing him with us. Please give the Bidens a hug for me.
Me again! :wave:

Back in the 70's Dr. Elizabeth Kurbler - Ross was considered ground break in her book on Death and Dying. It helped to understand the terminally ill, and hospices, and the five stages of dying.

It has both experience, from Christian to atheists, and in between.

I've read this one, and quite a few others. I wonder if my brother has a library close to his house - I'll have to google that and see. I'm writing him a letter, as they don't have internet anymore and will recommend some of the books that I've read and the ones recommend there! :tyou:

Link: Pic


Did You Know? Fun Facts About the Human Body

Amazing Anatomy
•The heart is the strongest muscle in the body.
•The largest muscle in your body is located in your rear end.
•The human neck has the same number of vertebrae as a giraffe’s neck. I don't believe this??!!

•There are 22 bones in the human skull.
•The human skull is 80% water.
•The average human head weighs about 8 pounds.
•Your heart is just a bit bigger than your fist. :luv:
•The heart pumps 36,000 gallons of blood a day.
•The smallest bone in the body is in your ear.
•The femur (thigh bone) is the biggest bone in the body.

Gross-Out Goodies
•The average human will shed 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime. :eek:
•The strong contraction of your heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood up to 30 feet.
•About 75% of “poop” is made up of water. The rest consists of undigested plant fibers and germs.

•The average person loses about 80-100 hairs a day. Now THIS I believe!!

•Your nose makes about a cup of snot each day.
•You usually release about one and a half quarts of “pee” a day.

Fascinating Facts
•Your nose and ears never stop growing. :lies:
•Women blink nearly twice as much as men.

•The air released from a sneeze can exceed 100 mph.

•It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

•From the age of thirty, humans gradually begin to shrink in size. Yep! I've shrunk 3/4 inches...
•At rest a normal person breathes 10-15 times a minute. A baby takes about 40-50 breaths a minute.
•Like a fingerprint, every person has a unique tongue print.

•Every time you step forward, you use fifty-four muscles.
•The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court.
•Food stays in your stomach for 2 to 4 hours.
•Your funny bone isn’t bone at all. It’s a nerve that runs just under your skin in each elbow.

Good ones coffeejunkie!!
Well, c' knew if there was a pic that combined a cat and donuts, one of us would find it. :)

donut cat.jpg
(source: I Can Has Cheezburger)
Finally finished the 2 books ~ Behind the Words/Kim Whittemore.

Jodi A. and L. Kirk Nurmi and a piece of work (and then some)! What bothers me more that anything, is the way Nurmi (and Jodi) feels like Travis DESERVED it!! Makes me sick. And, another thing that really gets under my skin. We all know how he defended JA. So, does this Sex Offender Lawyer defend all his Sex Offenders (people who are the lowest of the low, scum of the earth) the same way. Blame the victim by all means. I can see him asking the stupid insane questions over and over again in other trails where he is the defendant's lawyer! All I can say about that is... L. Kirk Nurmi, you should be ASHAMED!!!!!!! IT IS NOT EVER THE VICTIMS FAULT!!!!!
Are the books about the killer inmate and Kirk?

I may need to read them.

I answered my own question and found the book on Amazon. Definitely have to get.
Did the whole site change? Everything is so different, I feel so lost. lol

ETA: I can't see who's here, no Thanks button, I can't even figure out how to exit the thread and return to the main forum. Where am I???
Hi everyone. Would someone mind telling me how to contact Tricia, the WS administrator? I don't know how to email her and when I try to send a PM, all I view are these pop up ads.
thanks very much.
Curious In Indiana
I clicked on 'Full Site' on the bottom and everything seems back to normal. That was really bizarre, everything big, blue and yellow, no nickname at the top, or Thanks, or who is here, it was like the Twilight Zone, so glad to be back viewing it normally.
Finally finished the 2 books ~ Behind the Words/Kim Whittemore.

Jodi A. and L. Kirk Nurmi and a piece of work (and then some)! What bothers me more that anything, is the way Nurmi (and Jodi) feels like Travis DESERVED it!! Makes me sick. And, another thing that really gets under my skin. We all know how he defended JA. So, does this Sex Offender Lawyer defend all his Sex Offenders (people who are the lowest of the low, scum of the earth) the same way. Blame the victim by all means. I can see him asking the stupid insane questions over and over again in other trails where he is the defendant's lawyer! All I can say about that is... L. Kirk Nurmi, you should be ASHAMED!!!!!!! IT IS NOT EVER THE VICTIMS FAULT!!!!!

Unfortunately, that game is played too many times by defense lawyers. It's the ole point the finger and blame the victim, hoping some will hate to victim and pity their poor client.

I do think Nurmi uses the blame the victim in his practice. I just hope he has never sunk so low to make a child get on the stand, and have to answer his questions. Can you imagine his sneering ,uncouth, and uncalled for comments. Nurmi will have to answer to God one day.

Opal Jennings (6) was taken from her grandma 's yard in 1999. Richard Franks told investigators that he gave Opal a ride to a convenience store and dropped her off safely. But after his arrest he maintained his innocence, claiming he suffered from a low IQ and was coerced into the confession. He was convicted of kidnapping Opal in 2000.

Bone fragments were found in 2004 and the DNA came back as hers. After a mistrial, he was convicted of aggravated kidnapping in the case in 2000 and was sentenced to life in prison, the maximum penalty because he had a 1991 conviction of indecency with a child in Wise County. He admitted to having picked up Opal, stating “I gave her a ride to a convenience store”, and that the six-year-old went with him willingly. As part of his defense, Franks also told police that Opal attempted to initiate sexual contact with him, and he let her off near her grandmothers house.

How would Nurmi handle this for a client like Richard Franks?
I love donuts. There should be an added food group on that food pyramid to include donuts. I love Dunkin Donuts and get iced coffee from there 7/365. If I had an excellent metabolism, I would probably eat a dozen Bavarian Creme donuts at a time. But then, I would OD on the donuts and not like them anymore. But since today is Donut Day or DD and I like DD, I think a Bavarian Creme donut is apropos.

Anyone else care to join me?

Sure, I'd join you. I've never eaten a donut in my life, can you imagine?

Zuri, you are going through tough times... I'm with you and with all those who are so sad having lost their beloved Beau. You were lucky to have known him and so was he...:loveyou:
Hello Sidebar Friends!

I have a question and I know many of you are tech savvy:

I have a new Smart TV with HDMI. My computer is a year old MacBook Air. If I purchase an Apple TV unit, can I
live stream trials via my MacBook onto my TV?
Hello Sidebar Friends!

I have a question and I know many of you are tech savvy:

I have a new Smart TV with HDMI. My computer is a year old MacBook Air. If I purchase an Apple TV unit, can I
live stream trials via my MacBook onto my TV?

I have no clue. Today I'm being forced to upgrade my cellphone. I've a had a cheap ZTE for twenty five bucks a month that I can call and text from, (which I don't really use but maybe five times a month) and as of today I am being forced to upgrade to a newer one with more fancy crap that I don't need and won't use. We'll lose our family plan (four phones unlimited talk and text) of one twenty a month if I don't.

I hate change. So far this year I've had to learn how a tablet when one of my nephews gave my sister and I one for Christmas. She gave hers to our niece, and told her not to tell her brother LOL. I bought a keyboard for mine (Galaxy Tab 4), but it hasn't really worked, so I'm using the pointy thing. It it much easier to take it then my laptop back and forth to my sisters each day. And then in July Windows 10 comes out.
I don't think the Mods will mind - I hope.

Here's a picture of me and my little brother on a train in Latvia going somewhere!! I "think" this is about 2007.


  • image019.jpg
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Hope you all don't mind my sharing another picture. This is my favorite of him and me. My older bro had just gotten a new camera (Brownie?) and told us to look serious. LOL! Around the late 1950s.


  • x JrandLigita.jpg
    x JrandLigita.jpg
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I have no problem having one donut . . . .
One right after another :shame:
:happydance: sugar high!

(((HUGS))) to Niner!

sidenote: my smilies are not working except for a few.
Niner, those are wonderful pictures to share. your bro is very handsome.

Hi everyone. Would someone mind telling me how to contact Tricia, the WS administrator? I don't know how to email her and when I try to send a PM, all I view are these pop up ads.
thanks very much.
Curious In Indiana

I saved this from the time Tricia told us to contact her with problems or questions:
Send feedback/comments/suggestions to Tricia at
On this day in 1968 - Robert Kennedy is shot by Sirhan Sirhan and dies the next day.

Hello Sidebar Friends!

I have a question and I know many of you are tech savvy:

I have a new Smart TV with HDMI. My computer is a year old MacBook Air. If I purchase an Apple TV unit, can I
live stream trials via my MacBook onto my TV?

Your smart TV should have Wi-Fi to pick up the live streaming from the internet via MacBook......doesn't it?
I don't think the Mods will mind - I hope.

Here's a picture of me and my little brother on a train in Latvia going somewhere!! I "think" this is about 2007.

Thanks for this great pic, and OMG, you're BEAUTIFUL! He's a handsome guy, too, great smile! You both look so relaxed and comfortable with each other... :)
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