SIDEBAR #54 - Travis Alexander forum

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You posted some photo's of side and back views of you watching Kissy? and Zuri after she was born? Your hair is a lighter red than mine and wavy. You look familiar to me, but I can't place who yet. I know I've seen them in a movie or the news. I'll go looking.

My hair is wavy because I braid it on my head after a shower, too much of it!
The only thing that remotely might have been "out there" was an ad that I was in for Bullock's wearing a man's sweater.....way back when I was 21? Maybe I can find the pic they used...........and talk about wavy, that's when perms were a big deal and my hair was shorter.:shame:Anything else I did was local.
I had a Health teacher in High school who said I looked like Mia Farrow, other peeps said I looked like Sissy Spacek.

.......maybe I'll go digging, lol!
haha! I have never understood the word "dang." And while it seems to be prevalent across the country, I don't think I've ever used it. If I'm around people who might take offense at the word "damn," I'll use the word "darn." But for the most part, I try to spend time with people who don't mind actual curse words...

Glad you haven't cut your hair off. Mine is now a bit longer than shoulder length, but that's just because my regular person was unavailable when I had a job interview, so I went to a Hair Cuttery and wound up with what I called a "female mullet." Ugh, that was an awkward period. I let it grow out until the top length was long enough, then had them cut the bottom part off. Letting it all grow back out now. It used to be quite long.

Unfortunately, the pic of you and Patty didn't come through for me. Just the blue square question mark icon...

Maybe this will work:


  • patty1.jpg
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My hair is wavy because I braid it on my head after a shower, too much of it!
The only thing that remotely might have been "out there" was an ad that I was in for Bullock's wearing a man's sweater.....way back when I was 21? Maybe I can find the pic they used...........and talk about wavy, that's when perms were a big deal and my hair was shorter.:shame:Anything else I did was local.
I had a Health teacher in High school who said I looked like Mia Farrow, other peeps said I looked like Sissy Spacek.

.......maybe I'll go digging, lol!

Well, if you have the coloring of either Mia Farrow or Sissy Spacek, no wonder you use 45 SPF. I had actually pictured you as having a darker complexion. How did you wind up in Arizona? Just idle curiosity. Not much going on here, and you're an interesting person...
Hey! :wave:

Just cruizin' by :pcguru: before I log off for the night!

Well, the Huz will be getting a blood transfusion on Monday, as the Hemotolgist thought that would help him get some energy back. And they took his blood (again - 3rd time!) and will be running various different test on that. No solution though, maybe after this doctor gets a more "extensive" blood work back, he'll have some idea WHAT is WRONG with my husband!!!! :gaah: Wish SOMEBODY would find a solution!! He looks like he has aged at least 10 years!! :scared:

And before I go... another from my "sharing" folder! :D

Later! :seeya:


  • AmazingPeopleOnLine.jpg
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Well, if you have the coloring of either Mia Farrow or Sissy Spacek, no wonder you use 45 SPF. I had actually pictured you as having a darker complexion. How did you wind up in Arizona? Just idle curiosity. Not much going on here, and you're an interesting person...

My parents moved from Utah after they got married. Gramps bought them a house, a business (Scandinavian imports), and a car. And about 18 months later I showed up. Then mom started her own modeling agency (Flair) with a friend who modeled with her at Elizabeth Arden's. (My first modeling gig was at 9 months for Valley National Bank. It paid $10, lol)

Ok, so now for the big reveal, circa 1982...........the ad dept. of Bullock's used this photo for one of their ads in the men's department.


This was before the layout, type, and retouch people got a hold of it, blah. My daughter rifled through my portfolio and took the bulk of my pics, I don't know why, but you can kinda tell, I don't put much value on that stuff.

And those are furry snow boots.....


  • gah-002.jpg
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Maybe this will work:

OMG. You're gorgeous, and not at all how I had imagined. I know this pic is a few years old, but still. Just goes to show how online personas take on a life of their own... Definitely see aspects of Sissy Spacek there. She has a horse farm near here in Virginia...

And the horse, is that Patty? Magnificent! Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
My parents moved from Utah after they got married. Gramps bought them a house, a business (Scandinavian imports), and a car. And about 18 months later I showed up. Then mom started her own modeling agency (Flair) with a friend who modeled with her at Elizabeth Arden's. (My first modeling gig was at 9 months for Valley National Bank. It paid $10, lol)

Ok, so now for the big reveal, circa 1982...........the ad dept. of Bullock's used this photo for one of their ads in the men's department.


This was before the layout, type, and retouch people got a hold of it, blah. My daughter rifled through my portfolio and took the bulk of my pics, I don't know why, but you can kinda tell, I don't put much value on that stuff.

And those are furry snow boots.....

WOW. That takes me back! Being mostly northern European myself, I remember perming my hair within an inch of its life for many years in the early to mid 90s.

I also modeled. I was on the cover of Circus magazine in the 80s (anyone remember that from their rock & roll days?) Just to give a frame of reference, the cover story was about marijuana. The issue also featured AC/DC quite prominently. That was before perming became a thing. My hair was super straight, ashy blonde (still is, just not naturally anymore).

My daughter still gets a kick out of that picture of me, though I have told her -- in all honesty -- that in that photo I was smoking tobacco... Truth is, we had run out of the real thing by the time the cover shot was taken...
OMG. You're gorgeous, and not at all how I had imagined. I know this pic is a few years old, but still. Just goes to show how online personas take on a life of their own... Definitely see aspects of Sissy Spacek there. She has a horse farm near here in Virginia...

And the horse, is that Patty? Magnificent! Just beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

Yep, that's Patty. She was a premarin mare, the next door neighbor couldn't handle her, so she offered her to me because my BF is 6'2 and over 200 lbs, way to much for my Arabs. Just walking her the 1/4 mile to my place, she learned real quick that this little gal was't go to let her be the boss. Every time she tried to get in front of me, I put my elbow in her shoulder and spun her around. I don't know if she gained respect, or just didn't like getting dizzy! But whatever it was, it stuck. She was like riding a big overstuffed sofa. And a HUGE puppy!
Had her for about 7 years before we had to put her down. She foundered 2 years prior and it was a never ending battle, she'd be fine, go down for 10 days, would call the vet and the backhoe guy, and she'd be up on her feet the next morning. Eventually, she got Cushing's, her kidneys started failing, she couldn't walk forward, only in a counter clock wise fashion, and I knew I had to call it.
She had an awesome life here, had 2 exceptional babies, and just fun rides, no saddle, just a halter off to State Land with my old wuffs, and maybe find some pronghorn antelope. She LOVED sticking her feet in the water trough!
Jasmine, Patty, and Zubaz. You can see how massive she was.

Had to snag that 2nd photo off my FB page.......found this cool one of Jasmine, Spumoni, Ontos, and Priscilla, lol!



  • patty.jpg
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8 years ago...........and the nose ring makes an entrance, lol!

Yep, that's Patty. She was a premarin mare, the next door neighbor couldn't handle her, so she offered her to me because my BF is 6'2 and over 200 lbs, way to much for my Arabs. Just walking her the 1/4 mile to my place, she learned real quick that this little gal was't go to let her be the boss. Every time she tried to get in front of me, I put my elbow in her shoulder and spun her around. I don't know if she gained respect, or just didn't like getting dizzy! But whatever it was, it stuck. She was like riding a big overstuffed sofa. And a HUGE puppy!
Had her for about 7 years before we had to put her down. She foundered 2 years prior and it was a never ending battle, she'd be fine, go down for 10 days, would call the vet and the backhoe guy, and she'd be up on her feet the next morning. Eventually, she got Cushing's, her kidneys started failing, she couldn't walk forward, only in a counter clock wise fashion, and I knew I had to call it.
She had an awesome life here, had 2 exceptional babies, and just fun rides, no saddle, just a halter off to State Land with my old wuffs, and maybe find some pronghorn antelope. She LOVED sticking her feet in the water trough!
Jasmine, Patty, and Zubaz. You can see how massive she was.

Had to snag that 2nd photo off my FB page.......found this cool one of Jasmine, Spumoni, Ontos, and Priscilla, lol!


Okay that last photo has a bit of an optical illusion going on. lol. Looks a bit like a horse/huge bird hybrid.

You mentioned the backhoe thing, which I think a lot of people don't think about. I have lived in my urban house for almost 30 years and am running out of places to bury my deceased pets. My yard is only so big. As I don't believe in cremation, it is now a small graveyard.

Horses are such huge animals, that even if cremation were an option, I think most people go the backhoe route. I am comforted that all my beloved pets are now a permanent part of my property. They're forever in a place where they lived and were loved.
WOW. That takes me back! Being mostly northern European myself, I remember perming my hair within an inch of its life for many years in the early to mid 90s.

I also modeled. I was on the cover of Circus magazine in the 80s (anyone remember that from their rock & roll days?) Just to give a frame of reference, the cover story was about marijuana. The issue also featured AC/DC quite prominently. That was before perming became a thing. My hair was super straight, ashy blonde (still is, just not naturally anymore).

My daughter still gets a kick out of that picture of me, though I have told her -- in all honesty -- that in that photo I was smoking tobacco... Truth is, we had run out of the real thing by the time the cover shot was taken...

It's not about the destination, it's all about the journey!!!!
Definitely remember "Circus", it was there on the coffee table with "BAM" (Bay Area Musicians), "High Times", Rolling Stone", and I think "Stereophile"? That was the first ex, the musician/Mexican Mafia/criminal dude. I walked away from a print modeling contract with the Ford Agency, all I had to do was sign on the bottom line in New York, and dude asks me to marry him.......I said yes, and more insanity ensued, lol!

What a life.....hadn't thought about little corner of it for quite a while. I don't regret any of it. I'm where I'm supposed to be and that was part of the journey that got me here!:happydance:
1959 - The Three Bells - The Browns tops the charts.

Okay that last photo has a bit of an optical illusion going on. lol. Looks a bit like a horse/huge bird hybrid.

You mentioned the backhoe thing, which I think a lot of people don't think about. I have lived in my urban house for almost 30 years and am running out of places to bury my deceased pets. My yard is only so big. As I don't believe in cremation, it is now a small graveyard.

Horses are such huge animals, that even if cremation were an option, I think most people go the backhoe route. I am comforted that all my beloved pets are now a permanent part of my property. They're forever in a place where they lived and were loved.

Lol! That's an emu! Priscilla, Queen of the Desert! :floorlaugh:

I get you on the animals. Mine are at rest in their favorite spots, outdoors, of course. Makes for kind of a hop scotch burial scenario, but they're in the places they loved. And every time I look at a tree, or a plant in their particular spot, it makes me feel good.
I don't mind cremation for other people, pets, etc., when I HAVE gotten ashes from the deaths of friends, I let them catch the wind over my pond. It's "my place" (the pond) and I'm at peace. Maybe their souls hang out, I don't know, but I like to think so.

I still want someone to take my corpse to the rez, find an isolated canyon and leave me under a tree. A year later, they can come back and see flowers and plants, and say, "Hey, that's part of Bernina."
Well, I'm going to chill out a bit before I hit the was real!!!!
Catch you kids later! :seeya:
It's not about the destination, it's all about the journey!!!!
Definitely remember "Circus", it was there on the coffee table with "BAM" (Bay Area Musicians), "High Times", Rolling Stone", and I think "Stereophile"? That was the first ex, the musician/Mexican Mafia/criminal dude. I walked away from a print modeling contract with the Ford Agency, all I had to do was sign on the bottom line in New York, and dude asks me to marry him.......I said yes, and more insanity ensued, lol!

What a life.....hadn't thought about little corner of it for quite a while. I don't regret any of it. I'm where I'm supposed to be and that was part of the journey that got me here!:happydance:

I just recently found a copy of my Circus cover. I'll try to remember to take it into work on Wednesday to scan it and share it with you. Then we can all laugh about the folly of our youth. Or lament what could have been. But nope, you're right, none of us would be here today without the experiences the intervening years have granted us.

Still, I wish I still looked the way I did back then. But you know what they say, "youth is wasted on the young." :)
My hair is wavy because I braid it on my head after a shower, too much of it!
The only thing that remotely might have been "out there" was an ad that I was in for Bullock's wearing a man's sweater.....way back when I was 21? Maybe I can find the pic they used...........and talk about wavy, that's when perms were a big deal and my hair was shorter.:shame:Anything else I did was local.
I had a Health teacher in High school who said I looked like Mia Farrow, other peeps said I looked like Sissy Spacek.

.......maybe I'll go digging, lol!

You do look like Sissy. She is from Quitman, Texas. Our cabin is in Wood county.

Now I know! Helga

Now I know! Helga


Dead on, Pages!

The Wyeth's are well represented near my family's place in Maine. FWIW, I believe Jamie Wyeth still lives on an island up there...
Sissy Spacek was in one really bizarre movie Three Women by Robert Altman.


When I see Shelly Duvall I don't think of the Shining or Popeye, but Bernice Bobs Her Hair. It was a late Saturday night after Saturday Night Live was over and PBS was still on and that was the last movie that night, and natural herbs may of been ingested.
1967 - The Box Tops tops the charts with The Letter.

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