SIDEBAR- Arias/Alexander forum

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These were Anaheim peppers stuffed with Monterey Jack cheese then I made a tempura batter and fried them. Then serve with fresh salsa

Tex, are you single?

Oh my!!! What a colorful choice. I love his expression as well. Looks quite a bit like our youngest grandson who is quite the "do it myself" type.

This is one of those things that may just exasperate you now but will give you years of laughter and is just unforgettable. I don't even know the little guy and I will never forget this. You can only hope that in 20 something years that he has a son just like of his own to remodel his new home and you can sit back and laugh.

Seriously, thanks for sharing this. It truly is priceless. have you thought of submitting it to the website (excuse the name) called "***** my kids ruined". ( )

The website is a stunning and hilarious tribute to parents all over who are discovering just how creatively destructive kids are.

just submitted it on there,hopefully it gets chosen.

didn't stay long on there cause i know i'd be there all night and its like nearly 3am already :(
My son decided to give the kitchen a make over again.

I am livid to say the least.
Deep breaths

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Oh my ! What a cutie pie he is ! My 21 yr old was quite the little helper when he was 4...we were just talking about the time he made tea for me in my new ice tea maker...haha I kept it in the lazy susan in the kitchen corner... I came into the kitchen and he had poured sugar and oil into the the top of the tea maker where the water was suppose to go..he looked up at me with those big brown eyes of his and said...mama... Im making tea :floorlaugh:
Nice color choice....
I'm sorry but.... Bwwwahahahahahaaaa!

I hope you have the same reaction to the project you gave me! Great story and fun project!

Pictorial of story for Hopeful One!

I hope you have the same reaction to the project you gave me! Great story and fun project!

Pictorial of story for Hopeful One!


Thanks, ANJ!!!! You are amazing!!

Went to target practice for date night my hubby tonight and kept seeing a certain someone on the target...
It wasn't really a photo shoot! Jodi could care less if the pics looked good at all. This was premeditated and no way was she hiding and taking pics for 11 minutes! She simply wanted him in a vulnerable position so she tells him it's a "Calvin Klein Photo Shoot!" and directs him into some "poses". She has the camera in her right hand per testimony from Day 6. She gets her nerve up reaches for her weapon with her left hand and starts the murder.

Thanks for your viewpoint and also for the avatar from El Real Tex-Mex Cafe.
TexMex I looked up chile relleno, the closest we get to real mexican restaurants around here are Taco Bell. I will have that someday but with MILD chilies!

It's not too hard to cook,
Roast, broil the peppers and peel skin off (30 min til black and then take skin off)

Stuff with cheese (any kind you like) or meat, rice, chicken etc

Batter (I use a tempura) and fry

I have used Anaheim peppers and poblano
It's not too hard to cook,
Roast, broil the peppers and peel skin off (30 min til black and then take skin off)

Stuff with cheese (any kind you like) or meat, rice, chicken etc

Batter (I use a tempura) and fry

I have used Anaheim peppers and poblano

We are HOT chile eaters. If you feel like some of that, give me a headsup where to send them. The hottest we get come from Hatch, NM.
It's not too hard to cook,
Roast, broil the peppers and peel skin off (30 min til black and then take skin off)

Stuff with cheese (any kind you like) or meat, rice, chicken etc

Batter (I use a tempura) and fry

I have used Anaheim peppers and poblano

I went to a few real mexican restaurants in Colorado and the menus were not in English so I winged it. The waitress understood that I did not want real hot and my daughter also knew what most of the stuff was.
Well it was to die for. But we both still like Taco Bell
The chilie relleno was most likely something I had no clue of what it was! Looks soooooo yummy.
We are HOT chile eaters. If you feel like some of that, give me a headsup where to send them. The hottest we get come from Hatch, NM.

Yikes they would put me 6 feet under for sure.
I went to a few real mexican restaurants in Colorado and the menus were not in English so I winged it. The waitress understood that I did not want real hot and my daughter also knew what most of the stuff was.
Well it was to die for. But we both still like Taco Bell
The chilie relleno was most likely something I had no clue of what it was! Looks soooooo yummy.

on the aniheim chili all you have to do is boil them till soft then stuff them with cheese or whatever and then bread or batter them and fry.
aniheim chilis are very mild or I wouldn't be able to eat them.......
I went to a few real mexican restaurants in Colorado and the menus were not in English so I winged it. The waitress understood that I did not want real hot and my daughter also knew what most of the stuff was.
Well it was to die for. But we both still like Taco Bell
The chilie relleno was most likely something I had no clue of what it was! Looks soooooo yummy.

They are good. We go to a place for brunch in Houston sometimes. They have good ones (chile rellenos). They also have bacon enchiladas which I tried to recreate two weeks ago but I need to work on my sauce
New Mexico chili powder yummiest for enchiladas etc. also how expensive are pine nuts in New Mexico? Here. At WINCO grocery stores, they sell for 18.00 lb
I'm Hispanic
Back to justice for Travis

I think pine nuts are pretty cheap here in El Paso.
We are HOT chile eaters. If you feel like some of that, give me a headsup where to send them. The hottest we get come from Hatch, NM.

I love Hatch peppers. In Dallas all the markets have parties when the Hatch peppers arrive. I freeze them to use all year. Trouble is they don't last all year. When do you get them? tia
All the time but some haven't been so good because of the long droughts around here.

We have to wait until a certain time, maybe middle summer, and then they only last a week. They go really fast.
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