Sidebar Discussion #8

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Brad Conway‏@justiceonwheels

Reading Baez's book is like having a root canal without anesthesia while surrounded by a dozen clinically insane Baez fans. Ugh !!
Just like all his Motions

Puleeze, don't remind me! :floorlaugh:

I finally signed up for a Twitter account yesterday. I love Brad's and this one re-tweeted by Matt Morgan:

Steve Helling‏@stevehelling

#BarbaraWalters on #CaseyAnthony: "She had one great lawyer."

Retweeted by Matt Morgan
I thin ANJ and others that have posted should repost their reviews over there.


Was her CaseyOMaries and AIM or IM account? I thought she had both - does anyone know off hand? I have to run out now, but I will post my review anywhere you want me too. Or feel free to post it for me! This lyin' fool needs to be outed.
Omg... Jose on the view comparing the felon to jc dugard? Sherry shepard bringing up the partyng for 31 days... And he says .. Why did Jc duggard allow the abuse to continue?

Baez's comparison of OCA to others has always been very poor
Anytime he compares OCA to another I think :what: and WTF and :floorlaugh:

I watched the view. JB said no one will ever be prosecuted for sexually abusing KC
He referred to Sandusky's victims not speaking up all these yrs. BUT Sandusky was prosecuted because his victims spoke up. So which is it JB?

Question to that statement would be "Why is that?" The choice is hers to file a complaint...yet she chooses to make accusations via Baez, in the courtroom and his book instead.

I have yet to see any proof that OCA has filed a sexual assault complaint against her father and her brother with the authorities in order for them to investigate.

She has Attorneys on her side if she chose to file a sexual abuse complaint.

Yes, we know NOW she is a LIAR but before July 2008 we didn't and neither did LE. LE would have taken her complaint seriously and investigated it.

IIRC LDB was a Prosecutor in the Felony Sex Crimes/Child Abuse Unit in 2008

Was her CaseyOMaries and AIM or IM account? I thought she had both - does anyone know off hand? I have to run out now, but I will post my review anywhere you want me too. Or feel free to post it for me! This lyin' fool needs to be outed.

Benbella publishers.
Liar or Not...I haven't seen any proof that OCA has filed a sexual assault complaint with the authorities in order for them to investigate.

Yes, we know NOW she is a LIAR but before July 2008 we didn't and neither did LE.

LE would have taken her complaint seriously and investigated it.

IIRC LDB was a Prosecutor in the Felony Sex Crimes/Child Abuse Unit in 2008[/QUOTE]

Yes, I knew that and her background so felt very comfortable with the SA statement that there was no indication GA was a molester. And I think as lead prosecutor she probably said get those DNA tests done now and get this carp out of the way in this child's case.
I just checked The View message boards. A little discussion on Baez not representing KC anymore. No outrage about the interview. The funny thing though, there is a thread titled "Babs, please retire!". :floorlaugh:
I never watch The View but I did turn it on this a.m. I recall last time he was booed by a few in the audience while he walked out (didn't watch it last time, have heard this), so I anticipated seeing how he would be received this time, but he didn't walk out, he was already sitting in the chair when his segment started.

I noticed Joy's body language and Sherri Shepard's body language, as they were on each side of Jose, and Sherri definitely appeared to me to be leaning away from Baez, Joy had an "aura of disgust" about her to me, she had "a look" on her face from the get-go.

The segment may have been a total of 5 minutes or so of actual JB (I can't watch these shows ever, so many Looooonnng commercial breaks), but I think a few of the ladies did try to ask some questions, they were talking over each other a few times to get their questions in. But of course Barbara wanted to be the "big questioner" LOL, it was as others here have already said.

The only think I didn't see mentioned was JB was talking about poor FCA, in her prison of freedom or whatever he was saying, talking about the bad, bad media and how she was vilified (this is how I CAN TELL these questions ARE GONE OVER BEFORE HAND, because in the background all of a sudden they showed the B&W video of FCA's "therapy diary", also when someone mentioned the 31 days, of course "all of a sudden" FCA in her blue dress with a GIANT smile is up on the screen behind then, the topics/questions are SO PREPARED BEFOREHAND),

and someone asked "what does she do all day?", did someone say "I hear she is looking herself up on the internet?" (can someone else confirm this?), anyway, the gist of it was she is on her computer all day, and I think Hasselbeck said in this same short timeframe in response to her being vilified and talked about constantly in the media "but she put herself in the media, what about those video diaries?", and then JB said she didn't put those out there, and also something like "Well, I don't think it is odd that a young GIRL is on the internet all day, What else is she going to do??"

and then Joy or Hasselbeck said "Read A Book!!!"!!!! and JB got a goofy smile on his face, it was kind of talked over by the others that that was definitely said, but it was great and appeared the only spontaneous thing about the whole interview, other than Whoppie said she was asking a question different than the one she had prepared (she ended up asking who paid for all of the fanfare when FCA got released from prison, wnoder what her prepared question was?) and then the segment was over and BW was talking about what a great lawyer JB was.

Anyway, those are my two cents on that interspew.

I'm trying to stay unemotional in my writing of this, but I am SICKENED by the lies he is telling about the psychiatrists saying FCA showed signs of abuse, and many other things that are lies too numerous to mention.

IMO, MOO, etc.

p.s. BWalters also said it appears FCA is having trouble finding a publisher for her book, and JB said "it is because she is like the boy who cried wolf with all of her lies." then they should have said WELL WHY DO YOU BELIEVE HER ABOUT HER FATHER MOLESTING HER!!! (wishful thinking)
Barbara trying to talk up the "fascinating book". Joy looks disgusted.., giving the awful book to everyone in the audience...

Barbara using the word "Fascinating" has lost it's meaning, at least to me...IMO it's a word she uses, often.
I just checked The View message boards. A little discussion on Baez not representing KC anymore. No outrage about the interview. The funny thing though, there is a thread titled "Babs, please retire!". :floorlaugh:

No outrage? I clicked "like" on about 50 outraged comments...:waitasec: there was also a comment there that said whoever was watching the Facebook site from the View was erasing negative comments....geez..:banghead:
Puleeze, don't remind me! :floorlaugh:

I finally signed up for a Twitter account yesterday. I love Brad's and this one re-tweeted by Matt Morgan:

Steve Helling‏@stevehelling

#BarbaraWalters on #CaseyAnthony: "She had one great lawyer."

Retweeted by Matt Morgan

Oh Yeah? Which one was great?
Barbara using the word "Fascinating" has lost it's meaning, at least to me...IMO it's a word she uses, often.

No kidding. She used it to describe the Kardasashians (or her pronunciation "Kaw-das-ee-ens). Babs didn't defend Jaycee because she did not get an interview with Jaycee. Jaycee had too much class than to sit down with a self-serving sensationalist shill like Babs Walters.
The women on The View were all talking over one another, but I SWEAR when JB compared FCA to Jaycee, SOMEONE said something about it, I can't remember, but like "Jaycee was kidnapped" or something, it didn't go completely unchallenged, but they were all speaking at the same time,

and JB did have a bit of a worried look on his face, he had to keep looking from one woman to the next because they were all shouting things out (not real loud, but kept saying things),

he looked a little uncomfortable a few times, like "oh no, what are they going to say next?"

IMO, MOO, etc.
Headline: Jose is On The Move Again!!

Yuk yuk - his book dropped from #212 in sales at Amazon this morning and is now at #221.....:lol:
I haven't even started to get caught up but wanted to mention that if you all remember right concerning the internet accounts that G & C had were not password protected, so CFCA could look up anything under their names.

Concerning The View!!! I will never watch anything again that has JB on it. As for BW? She has sunk to the lowest as far as I'm concerned. I'm disappointed by Joy B big time too.
Andddd, the audience got a free book! I hope they all deposited it in the nearest trash can on their way out.
Omg... Jose on the view comparing the felon to jc dugard? Sherry shepard bringing up the partyng for 31 days... And he says .. Why did Jc duggard allow the abuse to continue?

Wow, this one sure tops his "To Kill a Mockingbird" comparison, doesn't it?

Baez must not be aware that Casey did anything wrong because he compares her to real heroes, real innocents who survived without causing others any pain (let alone death). He manages to insult two kidnapped survivors by name and all of the Sandusky abuse survivors in one fell swoop.

"When questioned by co-host Sherri Shepherd about Anthony waiting a month before reporting her daughter missing, Baez tried to shed some light on the fuzzy logic of trauma victims.

“Why did Jaycee Dugard wait so long? Why did Shawn Hornbeck run into that situation? Why didn’t the boys in the Sandusky [case] say anything? People who are victims and sexual abuse survivors act very differently.”

The only similarity between Casey and Jaycee is that their names rhyme. (And Jose certainly doesn't sound like Atticus, either!)
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