Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #6

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Okay......let's think positive here. This will be solved, these 2 angels will have justice. I keep thinking back to the Groenes, how that went on and no clue, no clue, no clue and all of a sudden...Shasta shows up in a Dennys.

I go back and forth as to who and why I think it happened. (1) A meth lab or some involvement with drugs; (2) a hit or payback; or and with that description of the gunfire I have to think this....(3) a sicko sniper or 2, just sitting in the trees or in a tree stand and they were just picked off.

About the criminal backgrounds of many of the residents, let me just say that some people think this is just a way of life. I never will forget the FIRST time I had to bail my now ex out of jail. I knew nothing about jails, bonds, the "way of the courts" here in the Dallas area, and let's not even go into jail visitation and putting money on his books. He said to me..."didn't you ever have to bail XXXX (my 1st live in) out of jail??? And no, my response to him was....NO, normal people don't get arrested every other week. I can't say that he was a bad guy, well, you know what I mean...but just like that easy money. And numerous people would tell me...oooh, I can't believe you would take your kids to jail to see him, or that's not a good environment. Let me tell you....there are lots and lots of kids and families, grandpas and grandmas, upstanding and other wise visiting their relatives in jail. no means do I find that type of life preferrable...but its just common place to some, and sounds like it was around Waleetka.
For "work" like this they probably used weapons that were easy to conceal and easy to maneuver in close quarters.

They do have machine pistols that are fully automatic and other automatic weapons that are small.

I'm no gun expert, but what comes to mind is the gangbanger pics where they pose with a small Uzi. Not sure how many shots per trigger pull they have though. But any rapid fire weapon would explain the description that the girls were spread (sprayed) with bullets.

ETA: a machine pistol is scary. Easy to conceal and deadly...yikes.

If a local person is responsible for this crime, I would suspect a more simple and common weapon like a rifle was used.
I'll go sniff around somewhere else then.

By all means sniff around them! I really don't remember how involved that discussion was and whether it led to any interesting info. It's always good to revisit facts previously brought up. What may not have meant much initially could mean something more further down the line. ETA: especially 4-5 threads later.
I agree. But seems like folks would have seen him around town.

ITA, I wonder if OSBI has been able to locate everyone they initially said they needed to and couldn't?
We've speculated some about the boys with guns. Here's a quote from Rosser early on:

It's possible they may have interrupted something at the bridge
The bridge along County Line Road is a popular place for teens to gather and shoot guns, Rosser said.
Agents looked into a tip Wednesday morning that someone reported a pickup full of boys in the area around the time of the killings.
"We contacted those individuals, and yes, they had a shotgun,” Rosser said. "They told us they were down there shooting, just like they would have been on any Sunday. There's nothing to indicate that they are suspects.”

Why would she assume that they interrupted something at the bridge? Is that a place where interruptible activities frequently occur, and if so, what might those be? Ever the optimist, I continue to hope and assume that LE knows a lot that they ain't telling! But, lordy, what a hotbed of crime that little area seems to be...I think a lot of us immediately thought of meth labs when this occurred. I still have an uncomfortable feeling about those boys, though. Taylor was a very pretty and mature-looking young girl, and those daily walks to the bridge could have been for a meet-up with an older boy.
And I remembered someone on WS saying that on Greta or Nancy Grace, the question of where the parents(not sure which set) worked, and they kept answering saying the parents are still together.
Here's the part of the blog. I read it as MOTHERS, not one mom and one grandma.

PS If I'm not supposed to post this, let me know; and I'll remove it.
I also found Jessica Placker myspace, but nothing much on there I could see.

Both the girls mothers work at our Henryetta McDonalds and had moved to the area from Oklahoma City for a quieter, safer place for their girls to grow up together. All of us are helping to raise money for the funerals and help these ladies with their unimaginable losses….

Her grandparents adopted her so her grandmother IS her mother.

My Mother adopted one of my nieces and she calls her both grandma and mom. To some they know her as my niece's Mom and to others they know her as my niece's grandmother so I don't find anything weird about this at all.:confused:
Two shots heard from those witnesses don't account for Taylor and Skyla's murders since they were riddled with bullets. However I don't disbelieve that they heard two shots simply because I had mentioned previously that someone was being killed in the woods and the POI was the look out. I myself pondered on here about the shots heard by witnesses and if there was a break in between hearing gunshots. In other words the two in the woods and then 3 to 5 minutes later more shots. Doubt they were local either if that's what happened. Maybe not that far away such as Tulsa. That's why I have been spending so much time looking through the state corrections website.
Hi all.. I'm new here but just wanted to throw something out. I know it's important to focus on every angle and the work on the families has been awesome. I just wonder if it's something unrelated to their families.

For example, if something happened to me, online sleuthers might dig into my family and see tons of criminal activity (from both my mother's side and my father's side. My parents are pretty much the only children from their families who flew the straight and narrow and even did very well for themselves.) So I have cousins, aunts, uncles who have been in and out of jail for everything from drugs to child abuse and murder. It is something we are all deeply ashamed of and we have nothing to do with these relatives anymore. Yet, I knew them and spent time with them until my teenage years. I grew up with them and loved them deeply until they started their lives of crime. Now, I couldn't tell you the last time I saw or spoke to them. So, I guess what I'm saying, is that it's possible to have family involved in this criminal world and not have any associations with them.

:)I think its wonderful that your parents saw clear to take you away from the criminal element in your extended family.

I realize that Peter Placker tried to do the same. However, unfortunately I was so totally not thinking it was the family, until I saw Uncle Mosher's mugshot who lives in Weeleka. I am all for people going "straight and trying to raise their children away from violence". But my gut tells me this family is knee deep in "something", what it is, only OSBI can tell.

O, welcome to WS, we have alot of new ones on this thread!!
Thanks for the welcome...

This case has me completely befuddled. Usually, I think it is pretty clear from the get go what the motive and who the suspect are. That's why I swing back and forth from a family connection to random thrill kill on this case.

It's awful having family that you're fearful of. Thank God I ended up with the normal parents. :)
Commenting on the bold part of your post. Your goose is cooked. Give your family take-out menus, call a maid and expect not to get anywork done. Welcome WS!

You have no idea how correct you are. My husband was ready to go to bed last night and I actually said, "go without me, I am working on a case". I initially said it to make him laugh but, in reality, I meant it. I may have some serious websleuths issues! :loser:
Ruflossn - you a RUSH fan?

My fiance makes fun of me mercilessly about websleuths.
I don't remember seeing this posted. Please let me know if it has already, so I don't keep sniffing down this trail if it's been done.

ODOC# 176500 Timothy P Creech PO Box 771, Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 Okfuskee Verified (White Male aggravated) ODOC# 159542 Will Ernest Frye Jr Rt.1, Box 147, Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 Okfuskee Verified (White Male ) ODOC# 449823 Michael James Hensley PO Box 113 , Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 Okfuskee Verified (White Male aggravated) ODOC# 383029 Billy Ray Walker Jr PO Box 77, Weleetka, Oklahoma 74880 Okfuskee Verified (Black Male aggravated)


Yes Creech was posted earlier, I thought he looked alot like the sketch, color eyes excluded.

Others disagreed.
Does anyone have the link to 'Tribute to Taylor' handy?
Two shots heard from those witnesses don't account for Taylor and Skyla's murders since they were riddled with bullets. However I don't disbelieve that they heard two shots simply because I had mentioned previously that someone was being killed in the woods and the POI was the look out. I myself pondered on here about the shots heard by witnesses and if there was a break in between hearing gunshots. In other words the two in the woods and then 3 to 5 minutes later more shots. Doubt they were local either if that's what happened. Maybe not that far away such as Tulsa. That's why I have been spending so much time looking through the state corrections website.

The way that I interpreted what the ear witness was it wasn't just two shots she head but several rapid fire shots at first then a small pause and then more shots with that burst of gunfire.

I think if there were a 5 minute delay between shots she would have described it as she heard the first shots then later she heard more. She seems to convey all of these shots came very close in time even though not all at one time. LE will be able to get a real good feed on it because LE has said they have other ear witnesses that heard the shots.

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