State v Bradley Cooper 3-21-2011

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If that was true, it would have come out today.

Why? He was not the person that collected that evidence from the car. He's not the one. That's like saying the ME should have been the one to discuss the results of the SA test. He's not the one that tested it. I know I should remember this but the defense brought something into cross and folks were saying that prosecution evidence should have come out at that point regarding something or other but the witness on the stand wasn't the person with that direct knowledge. The agent described the straw at the site where Nancy was found. It's up to someone else to introduce the evidence found in the car. (If in fact there was straw in there.)
Apparently the internet print reporter for WRAL was not following their own stream of the trial. That was a glaring mistake in their own report.

And to think, that is the only output we will be privy to when the undercovers are on the stand...:maddening:
I'm still on the fence with this case. I've tried to view it without the Nancy Divorce Friends/Family/WRAL press speculation, he this and that and the other.....

The sports bra found rolled under leads me to believe she put it on, someone else tried to put it on. I wear many of these contraptions. They are tight, snugly etc. Putting them on rolls one way, pulling them off rolls the other

The other earring being found/had is significant to me. It leads me to believe this was not a random crime. I know CPD announced it wasn't, yet, hearing they have both of her earrings changes my perspective about a random/perp/ stalker immensely.

This poor woman was caught off guard, in a place she felt safe. Either in her home or somewhere else.
Notice today that the defense kept asking the CCBI agent about wearing booties and who wore booties in the house. He asked about 5 different times. This signals that something (likely from the dump site) was discovered INSIDE the house while LE was collecting evidence and it may tie BC to the dump site off of Fielding Dr. The defense will obviously try and say that one or more agents tracked debri from the dump site into the Cooper residence and that's why that WhateverItIs was found.
We have said it many times, but Willoughby has a track record of proceeding very cautiously, especially in high profile cases. I will be shocked if there is not some very compelling hard evidence Brad is indeed the killer. Based on Kurtz's opening about the state's computer evidence, I have the feeling there is something very incriminating that will be revealed. Something as simple as a google map aerial shot of Fielding Drive on that Saturday will place him at the scene of the crime(virtually).

I am FAR from an expert but I think if they had solid evidence they would have been smart to get right to it. Nothing says they have to put all the neighbors on the stand and today was a total waste. It seems they are dragging this out. I think their case will be all circumstantial but that is just my gut feeling.

This is why I wanted to read more details about the indictment. I'm really puzzled that they were able to get one.

Has CPD ever handled/convicted anyone of murder? Does anyone know?
I am willing to PAY the locals to go to court! PLEASE!!!!!

I could probably go 10am-12noon some day when my son is in preschool, but that is not that long to really come back with much info.. especially when they keep taking breaks and sending the jury out of the room.
Could be something was found in the car - they were sure hoping someone other than the CCBI agent moved the car. Didn't work out that way - he drove it on to the wrecker bed and drove it off as well when it arrived.
Notice today that the defense kept asking the CCBI agent about wearing booties and who wore booties in the house. He asked about 5 different times. This signals that something (likely from the dump site) was discovered INSIDE the house while LE was collecting evidence and it may tie BC to the dump site off of Fielding Dr. The defense will obviously try and say that one or more agents tracked debri from the dump site into the Cooper residence and that's why that WhateverItIs was found.

I was thinking along a different line based on the RUMOR that straw was found in the car. The defense wants to present the idea that CCBI transferred that straw into the car. But it may have been in the house. I only say the former because Kurtz was so big on Hill having to get into the car, whether or not Hill had been in the house. Whether or not others had worn booties in the house that Hill went through.
To me the fact that she had two diamond earrings in her ears when they found her body when everything else except her sports bra which was rolled up backwards from someone raising it over her chest to expose her and nothing else is evidence that it was not a stranger murder.

When I heard that it was rolled up on the back, and pulled up on one side, I thought she was dragged there by her feet.
I am FAR from an expert but I think if they had solid evidence they would have been smart to get right to it. Nothing says they have to put all the neighbors on the stand and today was a total waste. It seems they are dragging this out. I think their case will be all circumstantial but that is just my gut feeling.

Yes, by definition it is a circumstantial case, as are the majority of all cases. Unless one has either an eyewitness or a confession or a videotape of the crime being committed, everything else is 'circumstantial.' Even DNA is circumstantial.
When I heard that it was rolled up on the back, and pulled up on one side, I thought she was dragged there by her feet.

Could also be under her armpits and grabbing under the bra pulled it under. Based on her face down the hill position, I'm thinking she wasn't dragged by her legs. They were uphill according to today's testimony.
Someone attacking and killing and taking the time to remove all items on her person (except the sports bra that her husband described even before he knew that the body found was wearing nothing but a sports bra) would not leave valuable jewels behind when this stranger has no connection to the victim.

So much is made of the earrings because of the word "diamond". Do we know that they were worth anything?
I was thinking along a different line based on the RUMOR that straw was found in the car. The defense wants to present the idea that CCBI transferred that straw into the car. But it may have been in the house. I only say the former because Kurtz was so big on Hill having to get into the car, whether or not Hill had been in the house. Whether or not others had worn booties in the house that Hill went through.

Ahhh I missed that part of the testimony. I didn't factor the car in it since Kurtz kept asking about who was wearing booties inside the house.
So much is made of the earrings because of the word "diamond". Do we know that they were worth anything?

If it was some random stranger would it matter? I'm guessing they would take them first and find out their value later.
Yes, by definition it is a circumstantial case, as are the majority of all cases. Unless one has either an eyewitness or a confession or a videotape of the crime being committed, everything else is 'circumstantial.' Even DNA is circumstantial.

Okay, you know what I'm saying. I'm talking about physical evidence linking him to the crime. And you are wrong that the majority of cases are all circumstantial.

If they found BC's blood and skin under her nails and scratches on his face or neck that would not be "circumstantial". It would be direct evidence.

If they found footprints matching his shoes at the scene that would be direct evidence.
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