State vs Jason Lynn Young 6-15-11

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New DNA reports available, defense asking for 10 minutes to review before court resumes. It's refreshing that the defense team specifically said this was not the state's fault, they just received the reports too. No accusations and no kittens, unlike the defense in the BC case.

What kind of new DNA reports? Are the reports related to the questions asked by the jurors? Analysis of the clumps of hair? What could it be?
I recommend the court not appoint a juror who has no direct transportation to the courthouse again. Kind of a given if they have to depend on a ride from some 3rd party person in a trial lasting longer than a week, there will come a day that ride doesn't work out.

It's refreshing when a defense team actually shows a modicum of class and doesn't throw daily tantrums escalating to birthing litters of kittens. Very refreshing indeed. Makes a case proceed faster too, in case no one had noticed. In addition, it helps because the jury doesn't come to despise the defense team.

It's also refreshing when a prosecution team acts with class as well.
What kind of new DNA reports? Are the reports related to the questions asked by the jurors? Analysis of the clumps of hair? What could it be?

I don't know -- the defense said they had just received a new report that was also new to the state, and asked for 10 minutes to review it before the next witness is called. I am scratching my head wondering how new DNA reports are just being produced, nearly 5 years after the murder. :waitasec:
It's refreshing when a defense team actually shows a modicum of class and doesn't throw daily tantrums escalating to birthing litters of kittens. Very refreshing indeed. Makes a case proceed faster too, in case no one had noticed. In addition, it helps because the jury doesn't come to despise the defense team.

In the Cooper trial, there were tantrums all over the place. In the Anthony trial only the defense is having tantrums. It is refreshing to not see lawyers stomping their feet, badgering the witnesses and misleading the judge.
In the Cooper trial, there were tantrums all over the place. In the Anthony trial only the defense is having tantrums. It is refreshing to not see lawyers stomping their feet, badgering the witnesses and misleading the judge.

But have they asked anyone about their facebook page?
I don't know -- the defense said they had just received a new report that was also new to the state, and asked for 10 minutes to review it before the next witness is called. I am scratching my head wondering how new DNA reports are just being produced, nearly 5 years after the murder. :waitasec:

Thank you ... yes, I somehow missed that. It must be important for it to be admitted late (ie: after the trial has started).
Aggressive cross-examination is not out of the norm in a murder trial. Judge decides if something is 'badgering' or not. A defense team who is sleazy usually tries sleazy and questionable tactics and causes a chain reaction, as expected. For instance, arguing over and over when a motion has already been ruled on. J.S. would likely hold someone in contempt and fine them. J.G. was too permissive.
But have they asked anyone about their facebook page?

They sure have! And WS was brought up too! (both were done by the defense). Also MySpace was mentioned on several occasions as well. How a witness presents themselves on social media sites can be used in a court of law. To not utilize such a resource by an attorney would be remiss.
Aggressive cross-examination is not out of the norm in a murder trial. Judge decides if something is 'badgering' or not. A defense team who is sleazy usually tries sleazy and questionable tactics and causes a chain reaction, as expected. For instance, arguing over and over when a motion has already been ruled on. J.S. would likely hold someone in contempt and fine them. J.G. was too permissive.

Geisner's courtroom seemed rude, antagonistic and beligerant compared to this trial. Can a judge hold the prosecutor in contempt for sleazy, questionable tactics?

We're on ...
BZ has a facebook page. As does HK. Don't know about anyone else. Almost every morning in the BC trial started out with the defense whining and taking at least 15 to 30 min to argue something. That set the tone and it also got them started late, with the jury waiting and waiting.
A woman is being replaced ... so what's the male/female jury makeup now?
Does that make 5 male and 7 female?
Aggressive cross-examination is not out of the norm in a murder trial. Judge decides if something is 'badgering' or not. A defense team who is sleazy usually tries sleazy and questionable tactics and causes a chain reaction, as expected. For instance, arguing over and over when a motion has already been ruled on. J.S. would likely hold someone in contempt and fine them. J.G. was too permissive.

Kurtz was not sleezy.
I am so much more impressed with JS than JG. In addition, the prosecution team and defense team are both very professional. I was surprised at the courtroom behavior and problems exhibited by all sides in that case. IMO
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