Strange Sun Phenomena in S. Florida

You're right about the crystals around the moon, I've seen that before. It is a farmer's tale about snow coming.

Say Amraann, have you ever seen the flash of green glow from the setting sun just as is falls below the water? I saw it once at Mallory Square, during one of the nightly sunset celebrations there.

A halo around the moon means precipitation of any kind within 24-48 hours, not just snow. And it is meteorologically accurate most of the time, actually. :)

I caught a photo of the green flash while in Hawaii. You have to blow the photo up a little and you can see the green. I'll go look for it. I've backed it up to .... somewhere safe. I'll let you know when I come across it. It's amazing. I don't know what it is and never heard of such a thing until my DH told me about it while we were dating. Oh I thought he was so interesting with all of his knowledge of stuff like that. I've always called him my magic man.

What part of Hawaii? ( the reason I ask is that I am always seeking out places in Hawaii to try to capture atmospheric anomalies) It took me 3 years of chasing sunsets in Hawaii, before I finally scored a good bright green flash. I never saw one on Oahu... and I only photographed wispy ones from the Waikoloa area... but the Kona coast rewarded me pretty darn well... the green flash so bright that it shocked everyone that was on the beach, that day.

topic of this post: having seen and photographed quite a few atmospheric anomalies, I don't think I have ever seen a solar halo that bright, before. Simply beautiful... thanks for sharing, Amaraann.

If anyone wants to understand atmospheric visual dynamics, check out this site:

Mr. Cowley is an atmospheric expert from Europe... his specialty is often tapped in to by NASA, to help explain atmospheric anomalies... his site is awesome and easy to understand. (I got to know about him when NASA used his expertise to explain some of my atmospheric captures... he's pretty darn good)

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