SURPRISE HEARING Friday 18th August

What is posted is the WMPD interview. They were easy on him as compared to what the Pasdar attorneys did. If you want to see the real Terry Hobbs, check out the Pasdar deposition on the Blackboard. Caution: You may have to join to view. I'm not sure. Here's a link in case you don't:

I only got to see the first tape of this last night for the first time and I am going to go back after I finish with finals next week and rewatch the first part and watch the second and take a count of the number of times he says "I don't recall" or something similar. He is so arrogant in what little I have seen of it that it was mind blowing to me. I really wish that WMPD would at least entertain the possibility of looking into him. He really bothers me on a level that I don't come across often--without all of the other allegations and the DNA. I don't know what it is, and that feeling certainly does not prove or come close to proving guilt in any way shape or form.

But I also may be colored by my feelings of guilt based on the evidence. I feel the same was a gitana1 stated they feel upthread. 1000%.
Why did you think he was an actor in PL, guardangel?? Terry Hobbs was very, very quiet in PL. He appears on screen about three times and each time fades into the background and says nothing.

IMHOO there was just something about him. A feeling imoo he gave off. I can't explain it any better than that--a gut feeling, sorry.
Oh, I fully share the gut feeling. I was just wondering if you could put it into words, because I know I can't.

He just....lurks in the corner with his eyes darting around the room. That's about as well as I can put it.
It bothers me that DE is said to be guilty based on his crazy statements when he was younger, when one of the victims mother's said some crazy things herself. Certainly, no one would come close to accusing her of anything, and I would not either and am not doing so now. Just pointing out that sometimes things are said that are a little over the edge and can't really be considered evidence of anything. I have heard crazy statements from people all the time who are not murderers at all.
SOo we are back to stating MOO after ever post?
Memory and removed film footage are NOT to be mentioned? :innocent:

IMHOO it's going to be hard to discuss a case some of us have followed for 19 years if we hve to document every thought and remembered statement.

Just state if it is your opinion or fact. the entire Websleuths forum is set up this way and has been for a very long time. Nothing new.
For those of you watching/rewatching Paradise Lost: The Child Murders in Robinhood Hills, take note of Terry Hobbs' reaction at the guilty verdicts. That gulp IMO says a lot!
Compassionate Reader,
THANK YOU! This is blindblowing and telling. IMHOO.

Here is "telling" information that was taken from the affidavit of George W. Woods, M.D. about DE.
(Dr. Woods is a psychiatrist, board certification in psychiatry and neurology, diplomate in the American College of Forensic Examiners, and Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington.)

Mr. Echols first recalls being overwhelmed by distressing and terrifying emotions in the second grade when he was positive there was going to be a nuclear war. He believed he “had to get back to where something told him he came from before the war started.” As he grew older this obsession evolved into a driving force that consumed him and “took up every bit of brain space and brain power.” He became convinced that he was “an alien, from another world, not like any human on earth.

He reported periods of dissociation in which he “lost” long spans of time. He also endorsed numerous physical problems, including frequent severe headaches (for which he was treated with prescription medications as a child), heart palpitations, difficulty breathing (he was diagnosed with and treated for asthma), and chronic sleeping problems. He reported having nightmares from which he awakened in a terrified state as often as twice a night. These symptoms persisted throughout his childhood and adolescence and grew to include periods of psychosis.

Mr. Echols’ mental status worsened with time. He developed a psychotic euphoria that caused him to believe he would evolve into a superior entity, would be assisted by similar deities, and eventually would be transported to a different world. His psychosis dominated his perceptions of all aspects of the court proceedings. He developed delusions of reference in which he believed every event or movement, regardless how insignificant, was a potential “sign” that the deities were attempting to show him the pathway to the other world where he would join other entities like himself.

Prior to and during his trial, Mr. Echols heard “voices that were not really voices” and he “was not sure if it was a voice inside” his head or “somebody else’s voice.” He thought it “was nearly impossible” to tell if it was his voice or somebody/something else. He experienced visual hallucinations that “were personifications of others. They were like smoke, changing shape but present and constant.” The personifications had specific names and activities. One was “Morpheus Sandman” who was a hybrid of a human being and a god. Another example was “Washington crossing the Delaware.” Mr. Echols saw Washington cross the Delaware with “Hermes on the boat.” Hermes was able to cross with Washington because “Hermes was moving backwards through time.” Mr. Echols came to believe that he was the same as these personifications, “made of the same material and from the same place.”

Mr. Echols stated that at some point in his adolescence he came to believe he was “something that was almost a supreme being that came from a place other people didn’t come from.” (Mr. Echols believed) This transformation caused him to change physically, the pertinent changes appearing in his “appendages, hands, feet, hair.” He acquired “an entirely different bone structure that was not human.” He developed “stronger senses.” His eyesight was better and his “ability to smell and taste changed.” He had a different stance, moved his eyes and held his head differently. He grew his nails so that they would be a “perfect 1 ½ inches long.” His weight dropped to 116 pounds, consistent with neurovegetative signs seen in mood disorders. This period of physical change began the year before his arrest and lasted for about two years after he was on death row.

Mr. Echols’ became so debilitated by his escalating mental illness that he was hospitalized three times during the year prior to his arrest for the current offense.
Why did you think he was an actor in PL, guardangel?? Terry Hobbs was very, very quiet in PL. He appears on screen about three times and each time fades into the background and says nothing.

LOL...I was sitting here with a confused look on my face Glad you cleared it up.
Today’s proceeding allows the defendants the freedom of speech to SAY they are innocent, but the FACT is, they just plead GUILTY. I strongly believe that the interests of justice have been served today.

On behalf of the State I have preserved the verdicts of those juries and averted more prolonged and costly trials and appeals in this case.

Echols and Baldwin pleaded to three counts of first-degree murder; Miskelley to one count of first-degree murder and two counts of second-degree murder.Punishment was set at 18 years in prison -- time they had already served. In addition, each will serve 10-year suspended sentences, although they won't be required to report to parole officers and won't have any travel restrictions.

Each entered an Alford Plea, a legal maneuver that allows a defendant to plead guilty -- even if he maintains his innocence -- because it is in his best interest to do so. Although an Alford Plea allows a defendant to profess innocence, and each did in brief statements to the court, the plea carries the same legal weight as a regular guilty plea.

in life, not all things are as simple as black and white. in the legal system, not all cases are as simple as guilty or innocent. regardless of how many times or how many ways in which it's stated, an alford plea is not the same as a guilty plea. while it's an issue that is often confused bc of semantics, consider this......if they were exactly the same, there would be no need for both to exist. just as there are gray areas in life there are complicating factors involved in entering a court plea. the reasons these complications exist very often have absolutely nothing to do with a defendant.
in life, not all things are as simple as black and white. in the legal system, not all cases are as simple as guilty or innocent. regardless of how many times or how many ways in which it's stated, an alford plea is not the same as a guilty plea. while it's an issue that is often confused bc of semantics, consider this......if they were exactly the same, there would be no need for both to exist. just as there are gray areas in life there are complicating factors involved in entering a court plea. the reasons these complications exist very often have absolutely nothing to do with a defendant.

I believe it has everything to do with a defendant (s) and his/their entourage. Thank goodness for the Dixie Chicks. lol
The Alford Plea allowed them to claim their innocence, which they did, and verbally enter a plea of nolo, or no contest, which is then entered by the court as guilty.

exactly. thank you!
MOO regarding the laundry list of allegations on Terry Hobbs per his ex wife Pamela Hobbs and her family, friends, and associates..

Some may think it is in criminal court cases the most vile and disgusting of human nature is seen.. I know many that have had personal experiences with "exes" both in and out of court rooms, and some Attys as well that have made the statement that in dealing with the vile and disgusting human nature that is seen in MANY relationships that have dissolved into literal vehement hatred of one another(each of the exes) that it makes even the most horrendous of criminal court room details pale in comparison to the details, allegations, and accusations that are hurled between the "exes"(and I am not only speaking in family court and it's surrounding procedures but even more frequently outside of the court proceedings as well) [exes]themselves as well as absolutely anyone they can beg, steal, or borrow to assist in painting their ex no less than Satan, himself..

IMPO there are/were a great number of this community that would be seen or labeled "questionable" at best IMO.. I don't personally put stock into the laundry lists created by exes, their fam, friends, and acquaintances.. And it's well proven that sadly children of all ages are too swept up in the vile and disgusting human nature that many selfishly display for years and lifetimes on end manipulating, swaying, and even feeding children caught in the middle of these hellish situations downright lies about the other parent(sometimes even coming from both sides)..

It's just a known fact that I personally have witnessed in complete fabrications of the worst abuses, attacks, rapes, etc against "exes" both in and out of court proceedings.. It by far is not a rare occurrence by any stretch of the imagination..

All of the nastiest of the vilest of accusations hurled still does NOT a murderer it make.. And definitely it does not make one the murderer of Stevie, Michael, and Christopher.. That has been twice over found to be Damien, Jason, Jessie with 7 counts 1st degree and 2 counts of second degree murder of those three little boys..

Just as we have to live with the Casey Anthony jury's finding of Not Guilty of her daughter's murder.. So too must we live with the fact that two separate juries, at two separate trials, at two separate times found first, Misskelley GUILTY of 1 count 1st degree murder and 2 counts 2nd degree murder.. And then to follow was that separate trial and jury finding Echols and Baldwin of 6 counts of 1st degree murder(3 per defendant obviously).. That's a fact that must be lived with as it was once again upheld this past Friday that all three would remain as the jury of their peers found them.. ALL 3 defendants GUILTY of murdering all three of the little victims

How valuable would 1 hair with a root on it belonging to Casey Anthony have been wrapped in that duct tape? How valuable would it have been for the death band hair to have had Caylee's root on it? For what reason should a hair of both TH and his friend, that he was with that evening be at the crime scene?

And most importantly, there isn't even one hair belonging to the WM3 there. If a hair is not enough, what evidence was there that was enough for you to find the originally convicted people guilty?

Not being snarky whatsoever. I am genuinely curious, because I do want to see this from all sides and I haven't followed closely for about 5 years and I am totally open to all possibilities.
I believe it has everything to do with a defendant (s) and his/their entourage. Thank goodness for the Dixie Chicks. lol

in this case, an entourage was good for 18 years of unjust confinement.

it's truly laughable that people are bent on claiming these 3 got one over on the justice system bc of the help of some high-profile individuals.

as much as i'd love to have a reason to attach myself to johnny depp, 18 years behind bars is not a price i'd be willing to pay for it.

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