Teacher rattles table in class, student calls 911

I want to hear that 911 call

I want to know what she said, how she sounded etc.

it's possible she has PTSD and was genuinely scared

it does seem a bit extreme to be 'rattling' a table around children that young ... (if it were adolescents I could understand the frustration - lol) but the girl's reaction is even more extreme, which makes me think she was already nervous about this teacher for some reason - has he done strange or erratic things before that haven't been reported? did she sense he was out of control?

I'm not getting the bratty child feeling from this but that's just me


The class was described as an eighth grade class, which would normally be 13 and 14 year olds.

According to a friend who teaches middle school, adolescence seems to set in during winter break of the eighth grade year. They leave for winter break as older kids, they come back as adolescents.

She may have been honestly startled or fearful but in light of the fact that none of the other students were says to me that it is a problem with that girl rather than a problem with the teacher.

I think the school district is handling this all wrong. As Donjeta said above, now they've drawn a map for bored or mischievous adolescents to retaliate against teachers that they don't like.
Schools are systems just like the courts. And they set laws and everyone is expected to abide by them or suffer the concequences. But there the courts and the schools seem to differ. Where the court can/will adjust sentences according to whim/jail space/circumstances, the school wants to apply the rule as a blanket. It is written, it will be so. Probably there is something in the personnel guidebooks that says that a teacher cannot cause a disruption in class, or it will result in a suspension or something along that nature.

If only we could get the schools to look more at circumstances and the courts to pay more attention to their sentencing guidelines, we might have a couple of good systems.
This is ridiculous, kids these days seem to get away with everything, they have no respect for adults.

I had a few strict teachers growing up, I remember two specifically. My 6th grade reading teacher one time picked up John David by the knap of his shirt and slammed him against the chalkboard for mouthin off to him :eek: JD mouthed all the time ....

And Mr. Moon....... 9th grade Geography teacher would slap your desk with a ruler if you were falling asleep or not paying attention it would startle you for sure.....

Back then kids said nothing because they knew it would prob. be worse at home from the wrath of their parents then the teacher ....

Oh yeah and my science teacher that would kick your chair out from under you if you were leaning back in it after he told you not to ......

.... It's almost like calling 911 because McDonalds messed up your order ;)
Here is the 911 call, and article:

Atherton police release recording of distraught student's 911 call
By Jesse Dungan

Daily News Staff Writer

Posted: 03/03/2011 09:35:21 AM PST
Updated: 03/03/2011 09:36:12 AM PST

Student calls police after Atherton math teacher rattles tableFrom inside a bathroom at Selby Lane School, a distraught 13-year-old girl calls and tells a 911 dispatcher Tuesday that her math teacher has just knocked over a desk and screamed epithets at students, an audio recording of the conversation obtained by The Daily News reveals.

Fighting back tears at one point during the roughly 11½-minute exchange, the girl admits that "I'm scared."

"I know you're scared," the dispatcher responds, trying to calm her down. "But think happy thoughts."

The girl explains that the teacher became angry because students didn't know the answers to certain problems. She says she borrowed a friend's cell phone and left to make the call .... more here

From the same link above, snipped.....................................

Officers determined Haynes hadn't thrown anything, but that when he raised a desk a few inches off the ground and dropped it to get the students' attention, it landed on its side, Atherton police Lt. Joe Wade said Wednesday. They also learned the teacher had raised his voice and used profanity, Wade said

How ridiculous. Kat, don't be embarrassed.

I had a teacher who used to throw chalkboard erasers at any student who was misbehaving in elementary school. Slammed a few books on the desk. It was a little disconcerting, but we knew he was a bit of a hot head in class. He never actually hit anyone. The eraser may have just whizzed by the blabber mouth's ear. :)

Had a teacher do the same thing. Name was Mr. Friedle 8th grade.
See, this would be me on my first day of teaching 8th graders.

That girl sounds like she loves drama. Calling 911? :snooty: Ridiculous!
Wow, we have a teacher that threw a chair at a student & mocks the students to this day (I heard it!) and he's still here. They did fire the teacher that showed up drunk last month though.
When I was in school, I saw teachers do some absolutely unacceptable things in front of and to students but NOT in front of staff or parents. We were scared to tell anyone. So, you never know the history or situation unless you are right there.
My family has several members that have are and have been educators (3 generations) so I know there are good and bad people everywhere.
Good thing that kid didn't go to Catholic school! I have had erasers flung at my head by nuns when they noticed I was daydreaming! Talk about a wake up call!

From DarkKnight's link:

Atherton police Sgt. Tim Lynch tells the Palo Alto Daily News that officers went to Selby Lane School Tuesday afternoon because of reports a teacher was causing a disturbance.

Officers found a calm teacher with class in session.

The sergeant says the teacher's table-rattling startled a student and she used her cell phone to call 911. He says other students in the class weren't bothered by the teacher's actions.

Redwood City School District deputy superintendent John Baker says the teacher was placed on leave because there was a police response.

I've gotta tell you, if ONE student was disturbed enough to dial 911 and not one other student in the class was bothered, I'd be inclined to focus my attention onto that one student, and NOT ON THE TEACHER.

Those of you who are familiar with my posts will remember that I am not a huge fan of public education, but in this case kgeaux is standing in the teacher's corner.

As Kat said, this is beyond ridiculous.

I went to public school and was once hit by the FLYING ERASER that was meant for someone else! The teacher apologized profusely and gave me a week long homework pass. I was happy! Flying erasers and slamming wooden pointers on desks were common place.
Ya ever have a teacher come up and smack your desk with a ruler cuz you're yapping away? I have! No, the teacher never hit any students, but if he was trying to get attention, it was "whap" on his desk, or any desk (reminded me of JVM and her gavel). Yup, it made you jump, but it brought you back to earth.

Silly, silly story -- but I do believe the child may be ultra-sensitive (or ultra snarky) to call 911 for this.


When I went to public school, a long time ago, the teachers would smack hands with a ruler, usually the boys.

My friends from Catholic School had much worse stories to tell.

When my children were in public school, the principal would put an offender, none to gently, up against the wall, for a little chat. After the "chat", he would often drive the offender home and have a talk with the parents. There wasn't a lot of crime or misbehavior in that school, no law suits, and definitely no police. If anyone had called it would have been 45 minutes or more before anyone got there. Kids were kids and teachers were in charge.
what type of punk kid thinks they can go call 911 for just anything?

the little culprits likely weren't paying attention in class anyway. this whole thing is blow out of proportion and it sounds like the 13 year old girl who called 911 needs therapy as she's not getting enough attention at home.

it just FIGURES that the parents won't take responsibility for their daughter's actions either. a generation of punks thinking they are entitled to everything.

that poor teacher gets on leave and could face worse, just because some kid gets "scared" and calls 911. no normal kid would do that. it's his daughter who blew it out of proportion, we don't hear about any other kids calling 911.

if i were le, i'd press charges against the kid for calling 911 and wasting police time and resources to send a car there for no reason.

these newer generations just get worse and worse..
Shoot, we had paddles, real ones. My fourth grade teacher drilled holes all over his. Stung like the dickens!

eta: In Jr. High the vice principal had a razor strap... I had smartened up by then. lol Table rattle? pfft
Why in earth would the student even have access to her phone during class?
Why in earth would the student even have access to her phone during class?

That's a long debate. First of all, trying to find them all and pry them away would result in about 3/4 of the class being wasted by petulant cries only akin to medieval torture chambers. Second, parents of highschoolers are often very militant about kids having their active phones present at all times in case of a Columbine situation.
Shoot, we had paddles, real ones. My fourth grade teacher drilled holes all over his. Stung like the dickens!

eta: In Jr. High the vice principal had a razor strap... I had smartened up by then. lol Table rattle? pfft

Ooo...we had those paddles with the holes, too. I may have gotten swatted a time or two! Not more than that because those suckers hurt! But, not as bad as the paddling by my Dad when I got home!

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