Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #9 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Just checked in on Jeff Bauman's FB and he is now in rehab!!! Bless his heart! I will never forget his face as it is forever burned into my memory!
The Russians might not have had much specific information to offer. Maybe they were alerted by his posts on monitored websites, but nothing more. I'd like access to TT's internet activity, myself.
Boy wouldn't we all...He was pretty careful I think, other than the youtube account there doesn't seem to be much out there.. normally you can't hide that stuff from your typical internet crowd sourcing.
I wish the unnamed sources would have been indentified. His/her names may have been withheld due to security reasons, but I always like to know my sources, so that I can determine (for myself) if they're credible or not. A 'senior US official with direct knowledge of the information' may or may not be be trying to cover his/her own *advertiser censored*, and/or the so-called sources may or may not be credible sources. IDK

I can't help but wonder why the Russian Federal Security Service would have contacted the FBI 2 years ago requesting an investigation into Tamerlan Tsarnaev (of all people) unless there was a reason. I say 'of all people', because 2 years ago, who was Tamerlan, except a 24 year old dead-beat college drop-out Russian immigrant father?

Today, 2 years later, Tamerlan Tsarnaev is a deceased alleged terrorist.

I need to know why Russia was suspicious of him back in 2011, so much so that they wanted the FBI to look into him.

If Russia's Federal Security Service has more information on Tamerlan Tsarnaev and/or anyone else who may have influenced him (including possibly his family members), they need to share it with the FBI.

Although not clearly spelled out the Russians have good reason to watch Chechen separatist for terror activity against Russia if Russia suspected this to be the case.

The family then moved for a short time to Makhachkala in Dagestan, next to Chechnya, a mainly Muslim Russian republic that fought a war with Russia marked by terrorist attacks in Moscow and Beslan.


The feelings run deep between the two and I'm sure Russia watches terror activity from this area because of this incident (for reference).

The Beslan school hostage crisis (also referred to as the Beslan school siege or Beslan massacre)[2][3][4] of early September 2004 lasted three days and involved the capture of over 1,100 people as hostages (including 777 children),[5] ending with the death of over 380 people. The crisis began when a group of armed Islamic separatist militants, mostly Ingush and Chechen, occupied School Number One (SNO) in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia (an autonomous republic in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation) on 1 September 2004. The hostage-takers were the Riyadus-Salikhin Battalion, sent by the Chechen separatist warlord Shamil Basayev, who demanded recognition of the independence of Chechnya at the UN and Russian withdrawal from Chechnya.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beslan_school_hostage_crisis"]Beslan school hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

To continue with another incident:

The Moscow theater hostage crisis, also known as the 2002 Nord-Ost siege, was the seizure of the crowded Dubrovka Theater on 23 October 2002 by some 40 to 50 armed Chechens who claimed allegiance to the Islamist militant separatist movement in Chechnya.[1] They took 850 hostages and demanded the withdrawal of Russian forces from Chechnya and an end to the Second Chechen War.

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis"]Moscow theater hostage crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

These are a couple of Russia's major incidents with Chechen separatist and why I beleive Russia was watching and gave a warning to the US about the older brother.
I've seen nothing to suggest this Misha character ever did/suggested anything terror related. Misha sounds very religious, but so what?
Teaching someone about Islam and such doesn't indicate anything.
I think it's just an effort by some in this family to pass blame.
It does not make sense to me that Russia would reach out for help investigating a potential terrorist, and then not reply when contacted for more info. I wonder if it truly happened that way, or could someone be spinning it a bit, to cover themselves?
I've seen nothing to suggest this Misha character ever did/suggested anything terror related. Misha sounds very religious, but so what?
Teaching someone about Islam and such doesn't indicate anything.
I think it's just an effort by some in this family to pass blame.
I don't think the brother-in-law has much interest in protecting the family from blame. JMO, but I think he's passing along the information in earnest. He even said that he didn't witness Misha "making him radical".

My feeling about "Misha" is that he planted a seed, and that might have been the end of his involvement. I don't know, but according to what Uncle Ruslan and the BIL have said, he created quite a stir within the family.
The odd thing to me is. First they request info from the FBI while he's in Russia, they give little to no information with the request... He's investigated, nothing turns up so the case is closed, then what was? it 10 months later the Russians ask the same thing of the CIA and supply them with the same baseless info. There's obviously something that has their attention but they won't say what.

I don't know...lol starting to feel like a Robert Ludlum novel

now the dad who was all set to come to the USA and talk is rumored to have been whisked off to the hospital. If that is true and he never makes it to the US it just affirms my remarks yesterday that dad possibly didn't feel safe speaking candidly in Russia and was coming here to tell the feds things he couldn't say at home.

If Anzor didn't feel safe talking to the US investigators in Russia, out of fear of persecution by the Russian government, then I would think he would have boarded the first flight outta there.

If Anzor was taken to a hospital, it could be because he was truly ill, or it could be a made-up story. If it's a made-up story (IDK whether it is or not), perhaps he believes the nonsensical conspiracy theories his wife seems to believe - that "America took my sons because they are Muslim" (paraphrased), not to mention her other recent wild claims about the Boston bombing victims' blood on the pavement being "paint".

I don't agree that this is all sounding like a Robert Ludlum novel. That would imply that Tamerlan & Jahar were programmed by the CIA to carry out black-ops as part of some super-secret CIA operation. I don't believe that for a single solitary second.
It does not make sense to me that Russia would reach out for help investigating a potential terrorist, and then not reply when contacted for more info. I wonder if it truly happened that way, or could someone be spinning it a bit, to cover themselves?

FWIW, this is what the New York Times reported on Saturday.

A Russian intelligence official told the Interfax news service on Saturday that Russia had not been able to provide the United States with “operatively significant” information about the Tsarnaev brothers, “because the Tsarnaev brothers had not been living in Russia.”
FWIW, this is what the New York Times reported on Saturday.

A Russian intelligence official told the Interfax news service on Saturday that Russia had not been able to provide the United States with “operatively significant” information about the Tsarnaev brothers, “because the Tsarnaev brothers had not been living in Russia.”

So maybe it did happen that way, and everyone dropped the ball, letting him fall through the cracks. Sad.
I think this video is taken when Katherine Russell was first removed by the FBI from the Tsarnaev's Cambridge apartment on Friday, Apr 19. She is holding her daughter.

[ame="http://www.flickr.com/photos/32368051@N08/8673018473/in/photostream/"]Katherine Russell Tsarnaev & FBI | Flickr - Photo Sharing![/ame]
Off to the right of the video is a note saying, "video taken April 22, 2013". I just can't imagine she would have stayed at that apartment after everything that had happened.

No, it was taken Friday, April 19. You can hear the announcer start to say Friday and then the video skips because they don't want to show the daughter.
Off to the right of the video is a note saying, "video taken April 22, 2013". I just can't imagine she would have stayed at that apartment after everything that had happened.
This article was posted at 1:03 AM on Sunday morning.

The weeping bride of the elder Boston bomber returned to the family’s Cambridge home yesterday, a day after her twisted husband died in a shootout with police.

“She came to get her cat also,” he added. “I heard the cat crying.”

She left the home after a few minutes carrying her pet cat, a shopping bag and a duffel bag."

Does anyone know where the child was Thursday night?

Katherine Russell last saw her husband Thursday, just hours before he died in a gun battle with police, according to a source close to the family. She was handing off her 2-year-old daughter to stay with him while she went to work, the source said.

cbs news has an article on potential Misha that TT knew. Sounds like TT wasn't happy with Misha anymore.
"Tamerlan writes, "You're not Mikael anymore, but you're back to being Misha, as you were before Islam. You converted to Shiism not because you truly believe in it, but because of your own whims and interests (only Allah knows what they truly are). As you entered Islam, you have exited it. [With the same ease]. You have betrayed yourself, Misha. Whatever, goodbye." "

Tamerlan was obviously vexed that his previous mentor had adopted Shiism. For whatever reason, Tamerlan was opposed to Shiism.

The above comments by Tamerlan are reminiscent of when he had the audacity to scold the Imam who praised Martin Luther King, Jr.

I think Tamerlan fancied himself as wise. His father has referred to him as wise. His mother seems to worship the ground he once walked upon. I think Tamerlan was raised to believe that he could do no wrong and developed a dangerously inflated ego, possibly fueled by his parents' desire that he accomplish great things.

It's possible that this despicable know-it-all (who truly knew nothing & who was bereft of any genuine spiritual enlightenment), believed that by killing innocent people, he would teach his previous spiritual mentors (whom he arrogantly believed were in error) a lesson.
Tamerlan was obviously vexed that his previous mentor had adopted Shiism. For whatever reason, Tamerlan was opposed to Shiism.

The above comments by Tamerlan are reminiscent of when he had the audacity to scold the Imam who praised Martin Luther King, Jr.

I think Tamerlan fancied himself as wise. His father has referred to him as wise. His mother seems to worship the ground he once walked upon. I think Tamerlan was raised to believe that he could do no wrong and developed a dangerously inflated ego, possibly fueled by his parents' desire that he accomplish great things.

It's possible that this despicable know-it-all (who truly knew nothing & who was bereft of any genuine spiritual enlightenment), believed that by killing innocent people, he would teach his previous spiritual mentors (whom he arrogantly believed were in error) a lesson.
Just to note, the article points out that the person addressed in the video might be a different "Misha".
cbs news has an article on potential Misha that TT knew. Sounds like TT wasn't happy with Misha anymore.
"Tamerlan writes, "You're not Mikael anymore, but you're back to being Misha, as you were before Islam. You converted to Shiism not because you truly believe in it, but because of your own whims and interests (only Allah knows what they truly are). As you entered Islam, you have exited it. [With the same ease]. You have betrayed yourself, Misha. Whatever, goodbye." "

With the definition above of why they say Misha (Bear) as opposed to the other word (sort of like saying Candy Man, I guess,) perhaps TT means Mikael has done something dishonorable and is now worthy of the name Misha.
Could it simply be used as name calling or dismissing Mikael?
Just to note, the article points out that the person addressed in the video might be a different "Misha".

Yes - true. He could have been addressing someone other than his previous mentor known as Misha.

Nonetheless, Tamerlan seemed to have appointed himself as teacher to whomever he was addressing, and seemed to have considered himself as some sort of authority on Islam - a self-appointed Imam, if you will.

He strikes me as a self-righteous, arrogant know-it-all who knew nothing.
Does anyone know where the child was Thursday night?

Katherine Russell last saw her husband Thursday, just hours before he died in a gun battle with police, according to a source close to the family. She was handing off her 2-year-old daughter to stay with him while she went to work, the source said.


Nothing's been reported where the child was Thursday night. I wonder if TT passed her off to the landlord that night.
In the article that accompanies the "Misha" video, it tells where this guy lived when he first became Muslim. It was over there. Did not sound like he had lived in the U.S.

Do we think the Misha who was mentor to the bomber lived here in the U.S.?

FWIW the Attorney Uncle in his long interview the day after the younger bomber's capture (available on youtube) says that Misha was "attending a mosque right there on Massachusetts Ave." (in Cambridge).

He also mentions another Chechen immigrant family who lived there in Cambridge that he had called back in 2009 when Older Bomber first started spouting the religious BS. He asked the man what was going on with his brother's family and that man told him about Misha and his growing influence on both Older Bomber and Mouthy Momma.

I would think Attorney Uncle has shared this info with the FBI and they will contact the Chechen immigrant guy to get further info on Misha.
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