The Anthony's re-baptized on Caylee's 4th birthday

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To the long term Ramsey case followers- Does this not remind you of the Ramsey's insistence that 12/ 25 be engraved and forever used as the day JonBenet died, although forensic autopsy reports suggest it was after midnight, thus the 26th? December 25th, the day and night Christians celebrate as the birthday of Jesus Christ.

IF JBR had not been " the little beauty queen who died on Christmas night", we never would have known about her. News media would have passed the story by. I bet they wished over the years that they had let the date be.. not turned a tragedy into a media circus, probably the worst of the 20th century.

I don't know the hearts and minds of the Anthony's, none of us do or can. I am sure Caylee's birthday was a very emotional day for them, and maybe they do have an introspective spiritula side which I haven't seen displayed.
Mostly, I've seen them angry and cursing up til now.

I hope they did the right thing for the right reason for each of them. Otherwise, this ranks up there with the Ramseys publicity bus.
Oh yes, I am sure all of us will be anxiously awaiting the signs of their rebirth into the new man from the old, and the truth which should spill from their lips as surely as water runs downhill...

But I for one am not holding my breath while I await them...because frankly I do not want to suffocate...just in case this is all for show...ya know?
Gee I don't care one way or the other one this one. Hmmm.
I hope this is a true spiritual awakening, and we'll see the fruits of that awakening in the near future............time will tell.
What church did this happen in? In our church you have to have given your heart to the Lord before you can be bapitised. We have water bapitism where you are dunked.
Well, I'll be switched. Ain't they special! You know---I sure am glad God is the fellow who has to deal with the A's in the End. I have already handed all my baggage regarding the A's over to God.

To me---When did they decide to do this? If one chooses God as their Savior---one doesn't "CHOOSE A DAY TO BE BAPTIZED. The moment you choose that is the moment to be Baptized---not somebody's birthday---or Holiday---a week or 2 later. You don't put it up on a shelf and take it down on a certain day. Hellooooooo! This isn't like having a party, so lets choose what day we will have it on.

The A's have been hangin on to Caylee's coat tail from day 1---or day 31. If they are doin this to better their chances in the Foundation then it is a farce. I can't wait for the next stunt. Have been wonderin what they have been doin---now I see they have finally come up with something that they think will work. Can't these peeps just live their life or is their life just a fairy tale. Lets try this and see if it works. Bet CA has really been hittin the blogs to see what us low-lives think bout her now.

"Gods gonna git you for that". Member that old song? They may fool some but they ain't gonna fool God. Poor thangs. I really feel sorry for them. They don't have a clue as to why they are on this Earth. They are no more than veggies---rotting in the field. Cabbage, at that.

Think I am wrong????? Wait n see. LMFFAO If they keep peddlin them teddy bears---then they haven't changed.
Was sittin here thinkin-----I have never heard of being "RE-BAPTIZED".
Who came up with that. There ain't no "RE" to it. Is this more "A speak"? Either you are Baptized or your not. Never read in the Bible about being "RE-BAPTIZED". Learn sumpthin new e-day with these peeps.
I am very hesitant to discuss this topic, but, I'm a loud mouth so I will.

Having been raised by a Catholic mother and non-practicing Baptist father, I have exposure to both sides of the Baptism issue. For Catholics, a baptism is not just an idea or something cool to say you did, it's not a reason to throw a Sunday party, it's not done as the politically correct thing to do for your child, and it's certainly not a reason to get your name in the paper. It is essentially the erasure of "original sin", and it is the door that allows a child to enter the gates of heaven, it is for the sake of salvation. And it is done once, as the first of the Seven Sacraments.

Beyond that, for Catholics, baptizing a baby is to be consistent with what the Parish expects of you as a member of its community. Catholicism is all about community. In the baptism ceremony, members of the family, friends and/or congregation take spiritual part in promising to be there (in some form or another, even if just in thought) in the child's religious upbringing.

Also, Catholicism is not Bible based, it's Apostalic, and by that I mean that if the Bible didn't exist, Catholicism still would. Not so for the Baptists, who believe in literal translations of the Old and New Testaments, don't understand why Catholics "worship" Mary (which we don't), and have very sordid views of the most fundamental aspects of human nature.

But, that's neither here nor there, and I don't mean to disrespect anybody, we all have our own views on religion, and I am not interested in a debate about that. But as a Catholic, this whole "re" baptizing thing they're doing here .... a waste. HUGE waste.
How do we know that George and Cindy were ever baptised to begin with? This might be the Anthony's first baptism and it might also be their way of demonstrating to Caylee that they intend to be with her in Heaven. The Anthony's can no longer give Caylee material gifts for her birthday. I think this was their way of expressing their love for Caylee and making sure they can all be together in Heaven.
Was sittin here thinkin-----I have never heard of being "RE-BAPTIZED".
Who came up with that. There ain't no "RE" to it. Is this more "A speak"? Either you are Baptized or your not. Never read in the Bible about being "RE-BAPTIZED". Learn sumpthin new e-day with these peeps.

Aw mama, many adults were baptized as children, went to church during their childhood, then grew up and away from the church. Many simply didn't attend church for years, yet they knew they were baptized as infants or toddlers.

Then as adults they find they want a connection back with God and the church will then re-baptize them as adults who now know what the commitment to God and church means. As others have said, they now are members of their church with God and participate in church activities during the week as well as Sundays.

One doesn't need to advertise, brag or boast about their involvement with God and their church. One's daily actions TELL about their involvement with God.
How do we know that George and Cindy were ever baptised to begin with? This might be the Anthony's first baptism and it might also be their way of demonstrating to Caylee that they intend to be with her in Heaven. The Anthony's can no longer give Caylee material gifts for her birthday. I think this was their way of expressing their love for Caylee and making sure they can all be together in Heaven.

That was beautiful. Yes, I hope that this is their way of clearing the slate for a fresh start so at least part of her family can be with her in heaven. I pray that it brings them peace.
How do we know that George and Cindy were ever baptised to begin with? This might be the Anthony's first baptism and it might also be their way of demonstrating to Caylee that they intend to be with her in Heaven. The Anthony's can no longer give Caylee material gifts for her birthday. I think this was their way of expressing their love for Caylee and making sure they can all be together in Heaven.

I really want to believe this and fortunately it does not matter WHAT I believe, this is between them and God. I will pray that this will bring an honest change in their lives and be some comfort to them.
No matter how many lies they have told, I cannot help but realize how terrible it would be to face the loss of a grandchild at the hands of your own child. Having said that, there is no excuse for lying and pointing fingers at innocent people.

Rebaptism is actually a very common practice with the Baptist religion and other Protestant religions. Hence the name Baptist. It is referred to as a “Believers baptism” or Anabaptism. It is used primarily as an expression of ones faith. To be re-baptised is fairly common when one has strayed from their commitment from God and the Church. It can also be used as a means to reassert ones Faith or strengthen the believer in times of need. Many protestant religions particularly Baptists use it as a means of becoming a member of that church or faith. Most protestants use the book of Acts as the basis of this.

Edit: They also cite the baptism of Jesus as an adult by John the Baptist. Differing books by the Apostles which describe the baptism of Jesus and the Apostles. As well as Jesus' directions to them after his resurrection (which mention baptism), and the book of Romans.

Granted the Anthony’s do always seem to have ulterior motives for every thing they do, but under normal circumstances with normal people this practice would be rather common place in the Baptist church. If this was someone other then the Anthony’s who has just lost their grand child and is wanting help strengthen their belief or joining a new congregation this wouldn’t even really be an issue. However I do question the Anthony’s particular motives in doing this.
In my opinion as someone who spent many years living with someone who had NPD and anti-social pd (on other words, a sociopath), this was all instigated by CA, and GA just toed the line. She may truly believe that she did this for the right reasons, but probably just enjoys the attention that she is getting through that church, and it makes her feel more righteous and helps her to justify her actions. She will not change, will not now suddenly come forth and tell the whole truth. Nothing has changed with her other than she now probably believes that God backs her up and anyone who questions her or doubts her is "not being Christian." People with her type of personality issues use Christianity as a club to bludgeon others and to make them behave the way they want them to ("if you are a Christian you will do so and so, or won't do this or that"). My ex used to tell me God spoke to him and told him that I had to do this or that, whatever was on his agenda at the time. I don't think CA is that lost to reason or that arrogant, but I do not think we will see any change whatsoever, and I believe the baptism was all for her and how she feels and to gain further acceptance and validation from the members of that church.

Been there, seen it all before.
How do we know that George and Cindy were ever baptised to begin with? This might be the Anthony's first baptism and it might also be their way of demonstrating to Caylee that they intend to be with her in Heaven. The Anthony's can no longer give Caylee material gifts for her birthday. I think this was their way of expressing their love for Caylee and making sure they can all be together in Heaven.

You put my feelings about this into words perfectly. I also feel that this was a loving message to Caylee that they are holding onto the hope that someday they will be reunited with her in Heaven. It was how they chose to show their love for her on her birthday, not to the public - TO HER.
Respectfully, I think the Bible does say something about being re-baptized in the 19th chapter of Acts. Paul comes across disciples who had already been baptized and after teaching them further truths of the Word, he baptizes them again.

I was baptized when I was about 12 years old because some of my friends were doing it and I wanted to join in - and get the free Bible the church gave you when you got baptized. But there was no change in my heart or spirit and I didn't know Jesus as my Savior. Sure, I answered yes to all the Pastor's questions about whether I knew I was a sinner and that Jesus died on the cross for my salvation, and that I would accept him by faith. But I didn't really even know what those words meant. When I actually did come to the Lord - the day after my 20th birthday - I realized that being baptized before I came to know the Lord was putting the cart before the horse and that baptism was meaningless so I was baptized again or re-baptized.

I won't try to guess at the A's reasons for wanting to be re-baptized as it is between them and the Lord as is whether or not there is an inward commitment to go along with this outward identification with Christ and His church. I just wanted to point out that there were those in the Bible that were baptized more than once.
Oh yes, I am sure all of us will be anxiously awaiting the signs of their rebirth into the new man from the old, and the truth which should spill from their lips as surely as water runs downhill...

But I for one am not holding my breath while I await them...because frankly I do not want to suffocate...just in case this is all for show...ya know?

So.. this means they immediately plan to go to LE with the truth?

"By their fruits shall ye know them."
Rebaptism is actually a very common practice with the Baptist religion and other Protestant religions. Hence the name Baptist. It is referred to as a “Believers baptism” or Anabaptism. It is used primarily as an expression of ones faith. To be re-baptised is fairly common when one has strayed from their commitment from God and the Church. It can also be used as a means to reassert ones Faith or strengthen the believer in times of need. Many protestant religions particularly Baptists use it as a means of becoming a member of that church or faith. Most protestants use the book of Acts as the basis of this.

Edit: They also cite the baptism of Jesus as an adult by John the Baptist. Differing books by the Apostles which describe the baptism of Jesus and the Apostles. As well as Jesus' directions to them after his resurrection (which mention baptism), and the book of Romans.

Granted the Anthony’s do always seem to have ulterior motives for every thing they do, but under normal circumstances with normal people this practice would be rather common place in the Baptist church. If this was someone other then the Anthony’s who has just lost their grand child and is wanting help strengthen their belief or joining a new congregation this wouldn’t even really be an issue. However I do question the Anthony’s particular motives in doing this.

Hi. I am a Baptist and I have never heard of this Re-baptism that you speak of? As for Jesus baptism as an adult? That was his one and only baptism, and if once is good enough for the big JC then I would think it would be good enough for the rest of us lowly servants, wouldn't you?

Being baptized is symbolic of the old man (the physical or carnal one as the Bible calls it) dying and the new man (the spiritual one) being reborn. One can only be born once in the flesh and therefore it would stand to reason one could also only be re-born in the spirit once as well. A baby cannot be re-born a second time and neither can a spirit be re-born over and over again into the "kingdom of heaven".

If one wishes to renew ones faith, there is always re-dedication...but re-baptism? I never heard of it and spent my life in church...;)
I'd rather not comment on the Anthony's religious inclinations (or lack thereof). While they may be genuine, I have not seen any other behavior from them that does not appear either opportunistic or self-serving.

Perhaps they are re-inventing themselves and their public image the way they have seemed to reinvent their daughter as a caring and loving mother and their dearly departed granddaughter as a little iconic figure designed to elicit public sympathy for them (and raise money for their new lives as philanthropic mentors).

I realize that sounds cynical, but the only genuine behavior I have ever seen from these people is the backlash of defensive anger they show when even gently confronted about what may have happened.
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