The Case of Caylee Anthony on Oxygen


Apr 20, 2017
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fogive me of there’s a thread, delete this if there is (I looked and didn’t see one?).
I just watched the first two episodes.
I was 17 when this all went down so I semi remember it but only my mom being disgusted so I don’t know much about the case.
Watching these episodes were a bit eye opening. I knew she didn’t report her missing for a long time but I didn’t realize it was Casey’s mom that reported it and Casey sounded CALM on the phone and basically didn’t act bothered at all that her child was gone?
I’m getting anxiety again just thinking about it. Watching the episodes made me take many smoke breaks because I was getting so stressed. I’m sure there are so many bias’s in a tv show, so I’ll be lurking this sub forum.
But I want to know yalls insights and opinions on the show if you’ve seen it!
I haven't even heard of it. I guess i missed it somehow, but I will watch it online. But I know what you mean about getting anxiety and stressed. When the case first came out, I kept turning the channel because it was so upsetting. It wasn't until Cindy just wouldn't get off the air that I got really caught up in it.
I’ll have to look for it. My gbaby looks a lot like Caylee. I think of her often. RIP sweet baby girl
Been watching it on and off. Just watching a part where they interview Judge Perry. He describes Baez as a "relatively inexperienced" "BUT what he did was "ingenious" and also described him as a "skilled soldier". We all know what that really equates to. Someone out their depth throwing about anything that sticks and throwing anyone under the bus with no proof to confuse the jury. Best thing is, HE allowed it in his courtroom. Turned it off.
Been watching it on and off. Just watching a part where they interview Judge Perry. He describes Baez as a "relatively inexperienced" "BUT what he did was "ingenious" and also described him as a "skilled soldier". We all know what that really equates to. Someone out their depth throwing about anything that sticks and throwing anyone under the bus with no proof to confuse the jury. Best thing is, HE allowed it in his courtroom. Turned it off.

I have to wonder how well Judge Perry remembers this case. Baez repeatedly made a fool of himself and he made accusations that he couldn't prove. Judge Perry didn't even allow him to use them in his closing statement because he'd failed to offer a shred of proof to back them up. There was also some indications that he'd suborned perjury from Cindy Anthony regarding the "neck breaking" and chloroform searches. IIRC, Judge Perry filed some more bar complaints against him at the end of the trial.

Right after the trial, Judge Perry didn't have such favorable things to to say about him. He said Baez reminded him of a "used car salesman." He was also far more convinced of Casey's guilt and said that while Casey wouldn't face justice on this earth, the judge of judges wouldn't go easy on her.

I kind of take offense to him calling Baez flouting the rules of the court "ingenious." I dislike him more and more every time he does an interview.
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