The complicity of Patsy in coverup.

thank you so much for the reply but what I meant is
with no body, how can you know that child hasn´t been abducted?

Mrs. Schiller,

You are that childs mother, what does your heart tell you? No matter what someone else tells you, follow your own heart. Until you are given a body to bury or a place to put flowers, then he is still alive in your heart. Dont give up, until you say its time to give up and to Hades with anyone that says different. Again, you are his mother, you will always be his mother and do what you have always done, that which is in his best interest. You are both in my prayers.
How could Patsy be complicit? easy...if she were the type of person to put herself & her family above others, while looking down her nose & judging...that kind of person could never stand to have the tables turned. If that kind of mother knew there was no hope for her daughter, then she wouldn't have a problem, keeping family secrets private. On one hand, Not covering up, wouldn't change the fact that her daughter was dead, but it would essentially ruin their lives. On the other hand, covering up, would at least keep some little bit of normalcy. They would still have money AND be seen as victims, instead of a sick family. MOO.
PMPT/pg 312:
"In answer to reporters questions,he(John Douglas) said he had been hired to determine whether John Ramsey was capable of killing Jonbenet,at time when,according to Douglas,Ramsey's attorney's weren't sure if their client was innocent."

CLIENT,not CLIENTS (singular not plural)-this was about John IMO


And in 1997, former FBI profiler John Douglas was hired by the Ramseys attorneys to help in a possible legal defense.

NOT to look for the killer.


Former FBI profiler John Douglas has conceded that the only briefing he received on the JonBenet Ramsey autopsy report came from the Ramsey family's lawyers.In a one-hour interview Thursday on Larry King Live, the criminal profiler hired by John and Patricia Ramsey to help solve their 6-year-old daughter's murder said his knowledge of her unfinished autopsy report is third-hand.
"I was briefed by the attorneys'' representing the Ramseys, Douglas said.
He said he has not seen the final report.


But Douglas also conceded that all the information for his "private" investigation came from the Ramsey team.


SO if the lawyers and experts and investigators were hired to prepare a defense and NOT to look for the killer and if these people were hired for JOHN's defense......then......?!?!

maddy, I HOPE that certain people are reading this!
maddy, I HOPE that certain people are reading this!

well I know that this doesn't prove anything in a court of law,still,it's very telling isn't it?and it should make people who can really do something about it wonder.......

The fact that JonBenét's body was wrapped in a blanket when she died shows that there was love towards the little girl.

Laying JonBenét on her blanket after her death may indicate love for some; however, would placing her directly on the cold and moldy concrete floor shown less love?

For crying out loud: JonBenét was strangled, raped and beat upon the head yet the blanket signifies a sign of love. No. There was no love involved in the murder of JonBenét. JonBenét hated that basement. She did not go willingly into that good night.

Nedra told Steve Thomas that if anyone tried to awaken a sleeping JonBenet, she would scream bloody murder. They'd get an elbow or a kick. Nedra told Steve Thomas that JonBenet would not wipe herself properly and would have to be washed and her undies changed.

Patsy told Tom Haney that if JonBenet did not use the toilet before bed, she would most likely wet the bed.

You have a six year old who woke up at 5:30am Christmas day. She is excited to open her presents, plays with neighborhood children, rides her new bike around the patio, plays with Daphne and other kids at the White home...

I believe she did konk out in the car...but when John lifted her out of the car, she woke up. She is, I believe, still running on adrenaline and asks for a snack. She eats pineapple and puts some in a tupperware bowl to take on the plane the next morning. She places the tupperware bowl in her backpack and hangs it over the doorknob in her bedroom. That is where some pineapple is found.

She places the tupperware bowl in her backpack and hangs it over the doorknob in her bedroom. That is where some pineapple is found.

There was pineapple found in a bowl in JBRs backpack? So, she did not need to go to the kitchen for pineapple. It was brought upstairs to her room?
I have been meaning to ask, and DeDee's post reminded me, how do we know JBR hated the basement? I'm sure there is a statement somewhere and I just haven't seen it. Link please? Thanks!!
Toltec , I'm no expert on this case by any means but have been with it almost from the beginning. I don't recall and plastic bag on a door knob with pineapple in a plastic container. Can you furnish an authority on this ?
For crying out loud: JonBenét was strangled, raped and beat upon the head,

Your assuming all of those things were done to her at the same time.

Rape consisted most likely of the paintbrush being inserted....and rubbed on her vaginga...activities that could be post mortem.

Only one bash....not multiple.

Besides, many people who have killed out of love have killed via slit throat and multiple stab wounds. Many people have gunned down their lovers multiple times.

Jonbenet's injuries appear more to me like someone who is squeamish about blood and rape. But yet has no problem defiling a body if necessary.
tawny, the first mention that I easily recall of JBRs dislike for the basement came from LPH.

Maybe that is written in her Chapter One.

For crying out loud: JonBenét was strangled, raped and beat upon the head,

Your assuming all of those things were done to her at the same time.

Rape consisted most likely of the paintbrush being inserted....and rubbed on her vaginga...activities that could be post mortem.

Only one bash....not multiple.

Besides, many people who have killed out of love have killed via slit throat and multiple stab wounds. Many people have gunned down their lovers multiple times.

Jonbenet's injuries appear more to me like someone who is squeamish about blood and rape. But yet has no problem defiling a body if necessary.

Please refrain from telling me what I assume.

The AR evidence clearly tells us JonBenet was raped while she was alive [She bled].

Her neck was tightly strangled with a nylon cord [Lou Smit claims she was strangled at two different places on her neck.].

Her head suffered a massive fracture as well described in her AR when she was beat or whacked or smashed upon the head with possibly the flashlight or something similar. It only took one solid hit to knock her out.

Please do not diminish JonBenét's injuries nor the horrendous death by stating her vagina suffered a bit of a rub with a paintbrush.

The AR evidence clearly tells us JonBenet was raped while she was alive [She bled].

Raped or had an object inserted in her vagina under the assumption she was dead. Big difference desecrating a corpse as opposed to killing your live daughter.

Her neck was tightly strangled with a nylon cord [Lou Smit claims she was strangled at two different places on her neck.].

Strangled? or a rope was placed on a suspected corpse?

Her head suffered a massive fracture as well described in her AR when she was beat or whacked or smashed upon the head with possibly the flashlight or something similar. It only took one solid hit to knock her out.

Yet only one...only one. A low velocity hit from which we still can't place what the murder weapon was.

Please do not diminish JonBenét's injuries nor the horrendous death by stating her vagina suffered a bit of a rub with a paintbrush.
I think I did say an insertion of an object.
On the same point, her vagina and anus was not torn apart by rough penal pentetration.

Her injuries should not be diminished but nor should they be overblown.

This guys had a knife...would be the easiest thing to ensure she dies would be to slit her through. Yet no. He assumes that strangulation and one head blow will do her in. He had no stomach to attack anyone else during his invasion of the Ramsey house. Hell he doesn't even muddy their their carpet or steal their beer.

This killer had a limit to what he was willing to do. This is a huge clue.
As child murders go...this actually is one of the less gruesome crime scenes and corpses.
Raped or had an object inserted in her vagina under the assumption she was dead. Big difference desecrating a corpse as opposed to killing your live daughter.

Strangled? or a rope was placed on a suspected corpse?

Yet only one...only one. A low velocity hit from which we still can't place what the murder weapon was.

I think I did say an insertion of an object.
On the same point, her vagina and anus was not torn apart by rough penal pentetration.

Her injuries should not be diminished but nor should they be overblown.

This guys had a knife...would be the easiest thing to ensure she dies would be to slit her through. Yet no. He assumes that strangulation and one head blow will do her in. He had no stomach to attack anyone else during his invasion of the Ramsey house. Hell he doesn't even muddy their their carpet or steal their beer.

This killer had a limit to what he was willing to do. This is a huge clue.

JonBenét was not dead when her vagina was infiltrated against her wishes whether it was digitally or with a paintbrush.

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) defines rape as: "The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim."

Rape is the commission of unlawful sexual intercourse or unlawful sexual intrusion.

Lack of consent is a necessary element in every rape.

The State of Colorado (District Attorney) will have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the following things for a person to be convicted of sexual assault (otherwise known as “rape”) pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 18-3-402:

§ 18-3-402. Sexual assault

(1) Any actor who knowingly inflicts sexual intrusion or sexual penetration on a victim commits sexual assault if:

(a) The actor causes submission of the victim by means of sufficient consequence reasonably calculated to cause submission against the victim's will; or

(b) The actor knows that the victim is incapable of appraising the nature of the victim's conduct; or

(c) The actor knows that the victim submits erroneously, believing the actor to be the victim's spouse; or

(d) At the time of the commission of the act, the victim is less than fifteen years of age and the actor is at least four years older than the victim and is not the spouse of the victim; or

(e) At the time of the commission of the act, the victim is at least fifteen years of age but less than seventeen years of age and the actor is at least ten years older than the victim and is not the spouse of the victim; or

(f) The victim is in custody of law or detained in a hospital or other institution and the actor has supervisory or disciplinary authority over the victim and uses this position of authority to coerce the victim to submit, unless the act is incident to a lawful search; or

(g) The actor, while purporting to offer a medical service, engages in treatment or examination of a victim for other than a bona fide medical purpose or in a manner substantially inconsistent with reasonable medical practices; or

(h) The victim is physically helpless and the actor knows the victim is physically helpless and the victim has not consented.

This guys had a knife...

There were several documented knives at the CS. The knives discovered were, according to acandyrose, as follows:

1) A couple of knives on breakfast table (JR 6/98)
2) Red Swiss Army Knife in wine cellar near blanket (Bonita Papers)
3) Wooden handle knife in upstairs kitchen (PR 6/98)
4) Patsy bought Burke a Swiss Army Knife while traveling to Switzerland (Patsy 6/98)
5) Burke's name was on his Swiss Army Knife
6) Pocket knife found on basement counter.

A red Swiss army knife was also found lying in the corner of the room away from the blanket.

So, should we expect the killer to use one of the above mentioned knives to slit the child's throat on Christmas night? Are you suggesting that BRs Swiss Army knife was dangerously sharp?

Strangled? or a rope was placed on a suspected corpse?

Climb out from under the rock and read the AR. Asphyxia from strangulation was the cause of death.

Cause of death of this six year old female is asphyxia by strangulation associated with craniocerebral trauma.

I agree. There should be no doubt the killer did not intend to make a bloody mess based on the killing methods chosen and the killing tools selected.

We have ourselves a tidy killer. The murderer even troubled themselves to wipe blood away most traces of blood from JonBenét's upper thighs. Nor, as you suggest, did the murderess track any muddy prints onto the basement or upstairs floors.

Originally Posted by THE BUNK View Post
Strangled? or a rope was placed on a suspected corpse?
Climb out from under the rock and read the AR. Asphyxia from strangulation was the cause of death.

No need to take this personally. I sure am not. I will treat you with respect, as I assume you will treat others.

That means nothing, because the killer may have assumed that she was dead. Does the autopsy prove beyond a shadow of doubt what came first? The bash? or the strangulation?

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