The Crown v Gerard Baden-Clay, 26th June - Trial Day 11, Week 3

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I desperately want to know what he looks like.. the passing years since Alisons murder have not been kind to Toni and I wonder if Gerard has suffered the same attack by gravity and time as she appears to have....

although.. I imagine Toni would look a bit older today than yesterday after checking in on his testimony about her.. .. dearie me.. most ungentlemanly..
Sarah Elks ‏@sarahelks 10m

Gerard #badenclay is talking about the International Scout Centre again. He is great-grandson of Scouts founder Robert Baden-Powell.

Oh thank god. I was worried someone wouldn't mention that.
He said his wife would have a panic attack if he left the house and was only capable of attending to her daughter’s most basic needs.

“To be perfectly candid with you it came to a point where I was doing 80, to 90 nearly 100 per cent of the parenting, I couldn’t breastfeed, but… because Allison was in a state that wouldn’t really enable her to do anything,” he said.

“It was during that time I wired up an intercom facility from the house to the garage so that if she ever needed me I could be there in seconds.”

Baden-Clay there was an option on the intercom where she could switch it to a setting where he could hear her from the garage.

He said he went on a holiday with his brother in 2001.

The accused said his wife’s mood swings and anxiety got progressively worse in 2002.

“We had a miscarriage that year as well and that wasn’t great,” he said.

He said he saw his wife pass out on a couple of occasions after she became very anxious with their second pregnancy.

“She became very anxious when driving,” she said.

“It came to a head when she told me she had been feeling very, very anxious and faint and pulled over on the side of the road on the high street at Toowong and she passed out at the wheel.”

He said their one-year-old daughter was in the car.
She fainted. She fainted. And I don’t know how else to describe it, she fainted. She felt very uncomfortable about driving anywhere so she stopped driving and basically from that moment on she didn’t drive at all,” he said.

“She was very, very nervous even as a passenger, so the longer the car journey, the more anxious she became. The longest journey that we did in the car in those years would have been to her mum and dad’s, Geoff and Priscilla, at Paradise Point and that was about an hour door-to-door and that really Allison’s limit.”

Baden-Clay said he would drive his wife around.

He said he did not tell anyone about his wife’s problem to protect her.

“She didn’t tell anybody because she didn’t want to be seen to be incapable,” he said.

The accused told the court his wife saw a doctor who thought his wife’s symptoms sounded like depression.

He said she may have been five months pregnant with their second child at the time.

Baden-Clay said the doctor referred Ms Baden-Clay to a psychiatrist called Tom George.

He said he drove his wife to the appointment, for more than six months and probably a year.

“I attended all of the initial ones and by that I mean for the first probably three months, after that I didn’t always sit in, often we brought, we had children, so I would look after the children,” he said.

Baden-Clay said that in the very first session Dr George went through a diagnostic process with his wife.

“He covered right back to childhood issues she had with anxiety that previously Allison had not spoken about those things,” he said.
3.46pm: Baden-Clay told the jury he was in a caravan park in New Zealand with Allison when they decided to build a business together.

He said they kissed on the top of a set of steps when they first met and got married at St Mary’s Church at Kangaroo Point in 1997.

He told the jury he and his new wife went on a honeymoon at the Maldives. He said they stopped at Kuala Lumpur on the way, then afterwards visited Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Spain, Portugal and Morocco and spent a few weeks travelling in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Germany.

Baden-Clay told the jury they visited a scout camp in Switzerland and applied to work there as volunteers.

He said they visited his grandparents in Somerset in the United Kingdom and he worked at Blockbuster International in London and worked there for around six months in 1998.

He said his wife got a job with Dale Carnegie training.

“She lived the typical monopoly board lifestyle in London and would catch the tube to work…,” he said.

Baden-Clay said his friend Ian Walton met his sister Olivia at their wedding.

He said they returned home for the weddings of two friends in July of that year and then flew back to Switzerland.

He told the jury he and his wife planned to go to South America and got a number of vaccinations before their trip from a local doctor.

“The one thing neither of us ever had cause to have before…we’d never had to deal with malaria before,” he said.

Baden-Clay said the doctor recommended a daily dose, as well as Lariam, which was taken weekly.

“Dr Mills informed us of potential side effects and one of those was it could cause episodes for people with mental challenges… Allison and I both looked at each other and thought, well that’s not us,” he said.

He said the drug had a dramatic effect on his wife in 1998. “The trip that we went on was a truck tour where you basically travel on a converted truck/bus and… that truck trip started in Rio and traversed east to west across South America and ended in Quito in Ecuador,” he said.

“At that time some of those places were fairly unsettled… Rio is an enormous city and it has some unsavoury parts to it and Allison was potentially a little bit nervous.

He said his wife became quite withdrawn

FFS! Ok have got it now - defense strategy is bore the cr$p out of the jury till they're pleading for Gered to stop, please just stop!! We can't take it anymore !!! You're not guilty ok!! You're not guilty!!! Anything just get us out of here so we don't have to listen to anymore DRIVEL!!!!!!!!
He said his wife was a gifted ballet dancer as a child who became ill in the wings during performances.

Baden-Clay said Dr George recommended therapy and medication as treatment.

“We, Allison and I talked about that, I more than Allison was a bit cautious about medication. I was a little bit gun-shy after the experiences we’d had with Lariam and… didn’t really understand what we were dealing with,” he said.

“We were cautious about that.”

The accused told the jury that over a period of time, weeks and months, his wife started to improve.

“She had less episodes of anxiety and panic attacks. The panic attacks were probably the most visible and frightening expression of the illness that she had because she could become quite, her whole body would shake…,” he said.

“The depression revealed itself in her being laid low and stationary and curled up and quiet and those types of things. We, Allison and I strongly believed in the power of positive thinking and I didn’t care, so long as she was getting better, and I felt definitely that she got triple benefit from the consultations with Dr George.”

He said his wife gave birth to their second daughter on December 16, 2003.

Baden-Clay said he looked at going into real estate around that time.

He said he and his parents undertook real estate courses together with his wife’s support.

“I wanted to be available for Allison should she need me and that would happen often, if she called me and I would drop everything and go,” he said.

He said he and his parents worked commission only for Raine and Horne.

The court will resume on Monday at 10am.
Seems he's really outdoing himself now. Perhaps he thinks he is the guest speaker at a conference and has forgotten where he is and why he is there.:please:

Ikr? I have to remind myself this is a murder trial, maybe someone should remind GBC.
Such a whizz band, hot shot leader. Olivia told me to call police, Dad told me to get a lawyer. It's Toni's fault I said I'd be seperated July 1 because she just wouldn't quit nagging (but it was over with her in October 2011, except I was still giving her the impression that we had a future as well as giving Allison that impression too, but it,s not my fault, they both wanted me and who could blame them? I'm a real catch you know!), it's Allison's fault I had an affair... etc.
What I would give to know what the marriage counsellors really thought of him! Seems unfair that defence is getting a forensic psychiatrist as a witness. I really wish the prosecution had a psychiatrist to analyse GBC's statements and behaviour.
lifestyles of the rich and famous!
i dont understand why he was allowed to go on and on about himself like that, what was the point? hes up for murdering his wife, not applying for a job, why wasnt he talking about the night allison died and what his theory is, who killed her? surely if youve been imprisoned for two years for something you didnt do you would be anxious to finally clear your name!? where is all this self promotion leading?
4:47pm: It has concluded a sensational day of evidence in Court 11.

Today ...

* Mr Baden-Clay elected to step into the witness box to give evidence. Mr Baden-Clay's choice exposes him to intense cross-examination by the prosecution. It also allows the prosecution to deliver its closing address last.

* He denied killing his wife and denied dumping her body in a creek.

* He cried, pausing to wipes tears from his eyes with a white handkerchief, as he spoke about his "beautiful wife" whom he was very protective of.

"I fell in love with her," he said.

"I fell in love with her pretty much straight away ...

"I knew that she was the one."

* During his at times rambling testimony, Mr Baden-Clay spoke about his relationship with his wife, recalling in great detail their travels around the world, even noting where he and his wife were when they learned of Princess Diana's death.

* He said his wife first showed signs of depression while on a trip to South America. He said her depression worsened after their birth of their first daughter and was a struggle for her thereafter.

Read more:
During his at times rambling testimony, :floorlaugh:
Adjourned until 10:00 Monday - phew! Don't even ask me how much work I managed to do here today. Been in the office all day, Twitter and WS running on auto-refresh, and glued to the screen.

Now the prosecution have 3 days to work out a strategy and define their target points. But of course, he hasn't even got up to the nitty-gritty yet - he's still stuck somewhere back in the mid-2000s.

The only purpose - the ONLY one - I can see for this entire charade, is to paint the black picture of Allison. The long-term depression, emotionally unstable, panic attacks, mood swings, and who knows what's next?

I know we shouldn't pre-judge things, but for crying out loud, this really is slopping on the bovine excrement a bit thick, isn't it?
Doc, agree with every thing you said....but please.....please...did you really have to mention auto refresh will send half of WS scurrying only a day after we found out about the refresh logo and F5?:floorlaugh:
He is MAKING them an insult to her. He's taking credit for "80, 90, 95%" of the parenting by saying she was incapable to the point that he did everything besides breastfeed their children.

He's making her sound irrational, paranoid, etc etc.

I've had depression and anxiety my entire life, I certainly don't think it's a character flaw, but he is using it against her to cover his *advertiser censored*.

I guess I just see it in a different way :)
How will the jury reconcile the intercom/baby-monitor between the kitchen and the garage? Allison's mum said it inhibited Allison on the phone so she couldn't talk honestly and Gerard says it was so Allison could call him upstairs if she needed him.

Prior evidence portraying Gerard as controlling is plausibly refuted by Gerard as being in Allison's best interest.

One of those conundrums that if he is innocent he's a nice guy and Allison was paranoid but if he's a socio-path he's true to type.
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