The Duggar Family: 18 Kids & Counting

Sally said:
How Lovely. Were there any children of the daughter and the ex-son-in-law turned spouse?

No, I don't recall there being any. But I know that the daughter had the mom thrown in jail for adultery, as the ex wasn't an ex when the affair started. I don't think they jail people for that anymore, unfortunately.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Michelle Duggar just delivered her 16th child, and she's already thinking about doing it again.

Johannah Faith Duggar was born at 6:30 a.m. Tuesday and weighed 7 pounds, 6.5 ounces.

The baby's father, Jim Bob Duggar, a former state representative, said Wednesday that mother and child were doing well.

He said Johannah's birth was especially exciting because it was the first time in eight years the family has had a girl.

Jim Bob Duggar, 40, said he and Michelle, 39, want more children.

"We both just love children and we consider each a blessing from the Lord. I have asked Michelle if she wants more and she said yes, if the Lord wants to give us some she will accept them," he said.

The Discovery Health Channel filmed Johannah's birth and plans to air a show about the family of 18 next May.

The Learning Channel is doing another show
I wonder if the children have been born in a hospital setting and if she sought pre-natal care.

There is a family in my parents church who have 7 kids and want more. The first 2 were born via vertical incision c-sections in a hospital. The parents decided after those 2 were born that they did not "believe" in modern day medicine, so the other 6 pregnancies (one was still born) she did not seek prenatal care and the children were born naturally at home. She had been told that her pregnancies were high risk because of some condition that she has that is not coming to mind right this second. One baby was still born and very disfigured or they would have 8 children right now.
Another child for the older children in the family to parent?

past reading about the Duggar mother and father tells me these people have a 'buddy system' going in the family. most unfair to the children. all of them.


this family is a cult, IMO.
Lesleegp said:
After looking at that pic, I can't help but think that those kids will be in need of some serious psychotherapy later in life. Their siblings are all clones, right down to the way the girls wear their hair. bash me if you want :bang:
Amraann said:
These people are mentally ill is all I can say.

There is no feasable way to properly raise this many children and give them each the attention they deserve.

Its disgusting and if they truly loved children they would focus on the ones they abundantly created and making them productive adults not focus on making more.

See I am with you on this. There is no way in hell that these kids are even getting a kick start on life. Taking care of the younger ones takes there own childhood away. Purely selfish on the parents part.

And Cass, no college for this group unless one is lucky enough to get a scholarship. Pretty much all are relegated to the task at hand and no further growth should be anticipated. However, their parents got a mention in the newspaper about irresponsible procreativity.
These people have no sense of compassion , respect & love for humanity.Then they blame it on God!" I will accept as many as as God chooses to give!!" Give God a chance , :silenced: put your tool away & try to quiet. :silenced: .How can you hear when you are always thumping around??????? :doh:
LOLOL Exactly!

And what about making your own choices?
I mean it was always my interpretation that the bible although it said believe and trust also said that people are responsible for choices they make.
I saw this family on a Discovery Channel (I thing) special.
It was fascinating. They said that all the older children have
a "buddy", so the children are helping to raise the other children.

I cannot imagine much "alone time" with any of them, and I think
it's crazy to have that many children, but hey, if they can afford it....
and from what I saw on the TV show about them, they can.
indigomood said:
After looking at that pic, I can't help but think that those kids will be in need of some serious psychotherapy later in life. Their siblings are all clones, right down to the way the girls wear their hair. bash me if you want :bang:
I noticed that too-----:cool: -- I read they are just about to move into the new house they have been building for 2 years- 7,000 square feet- yes i said 7 thousand square feet- not a typo-! 9 bathrooms and the article stated dormitory type bedrooms for the boys and girls.....commercial type kitchen, and 4 washers and dryers..apparently "dad" who was in politics, has done pretty well for himself in the real estate business..........sounds like they are growing their own commune...:crazy: :doh:
Schmerty_Jones said:
These people have no sense of compassion , respect & love for humanity.Then they blame it on God!" I will accept as many as as God chooses to give!!" Give God a chance , :silenced: put your tool away & try to quiet. :silenced: .How can you hear when you are always thumping around??????? :doh:

Remember that's exactly what Rusty Yates said as far as letting God control how many children they had before his wife murdered them all! :eek:

Does anyone else notice they almost look like a cult with the homemade dresses and no cutting of the females hair?
Sassygerl said:
Remember that's exactly what Rusty Yates said as far as letting God control how many children they had before his wife murdered them all! :eek:

Does anyone else notice they almost look like a cult with the homemade dresses and no cutting of the females hair?
up to and including "mom":waitasec:
if their "god" invented humans and the human brain, and the human brain invented BIRTH CONTROL, then that means: "GOD" INVENTED BIRTH CONTROL.

it never ceases to amaze me, the greed and selfishness of these kinds of people.. but in their eyes, "god" gave them the earth to exploit and overpopulate as much as they want... and WHO CARES what it looks like a few generations down the road....? i guess if it's "god's will" for planet earth to be destroyed by unchecked human breeding, then that's just the way he wants it, huh?
Sassygerl said:
Remember that's exactly what Rusty Yates said as far as letting God control how many children they had before his wife murdered them all! :eek:

Does anyone else notice they almost look like a cult with the homemade dresses and no cutting of the females hair?

Yes, this is pretty disturbing. Very cultlike. I mean who in this day and age would want that look? Looks like aiming to please some male who has control of the situation. His ego is definitely at the core of this fiasco.
What I understand, these kids, being home-schooled, do not have the interaction of school and other kids (socialization with others than themselves). I do know there was a part in the show that showed them all roller-skating at a rink with friend their parents chose, apparently they get together with these friends and the kids DO socialize with them. They come over to the Duggars and have church services. It almost sounded like they had their future spouses picked out already from these friends. So I would worry about how these kids will deal with the real world once they are outta that house.
On the other hand....

My MIL came from a family with 12 kids and they were as poor as dirt. They all chipped in, helped one another out, the kids helped with the farm work, and they grew up happy and close to one another.

To this day, I admire the relationship she has with her siblings - they are still very close and supportive of one another. My 76 year old MIL is out there driving the pickup truck and delivering hot meals to her brothers as they take off the crop, every harvest.

These people are simple and kind, and seem to me to be focussed on the things that matter in life.

Who are we to say how many children others should have? Who cares how they dress or wear their hair?

My MIL went on to have (only!) 8 kids. Despite the tight money situation, all 8 of those kids grew up and received a university education. It didn't come free or easy. They all learned to work hard in school, and make sacrifices.

There are worse ways to raise your family.

I popped in this morning after seeing this story on my homepage and posted it to the "Strange and Offbeat News" thread here. I had to go immediately back and delete it after seeing this one already posted. :bang: Anyway, thats what I thought of it...BIZARRE! My Dad was one of 8, and ended up being raised by his Grandmother when he couldn't be afforded anymore. He had a pretty hard life growing up. It seems these people are well off, so at least that kind of struggle won't be in their future hopefully. I just cannot imagine. I've got two to raise, and just try my best on a daily basis to give them what they need all around to be happy and well cared for. Not gonna bash..just wanted to add my 2 bits.

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