The ransom note - Patsy or intruder? It's all in the detail.

Check this out:
Notice that Patsy spells business as bussiness in this letter.

Also, there are a variety of exemplars and statements from professionals at:

I think it's FFJ that has a comparison sample that indicates an exact match for indentation and spacing. Patsy's paragraphs are indented the exact same measurement as the ransom note, as are the closing and signatures.

Pretty interesting stuff. I've mentioned this before but will repeat in case there are new readers. The ransom note, to me, looks like two hands wrote the note. Notice how every few lines there is a slight change in slant yet the forming of the letters is fairly (but not quite) consistent but that's just my speculation. :angel:

you mean from 2 different ppl,or one person changing hands?
I think they think Patsy wrote it with her left hand,I got that hint out of ST's book when he talked about Patsy being born as a 'right-handed baby girl'.
But you could be right.I don't think we're hearing all the evidence on it.
What I meant is how can any one tell anything from looking at what you provided. LARGE Computer font and when I say large it does not get bigger does it?. So I suggested going to acandyrose and getting the actual note and examplars. That way if you wished to point out certain things we have the exemplars and the ransom note to actually study. If that remains silly to you I would guess that will just have to be off set how silly it seemed to me to ask us to believe Patsy nor John could have written the ransom note based on what you provided which was basically a comuputerized font with gigantic i's? How can anyone tell anything from what you provided to us. Your assumption is that we would go and pull the samples and try to see what it was you were asking of us. And I told you even after having done so I still did not agree? Do not take it personally. I still did not see that the handwriting was not strikingly like Patsys.

I do hope that you are pulling my leg. The large font, is ONLY there to emphasise the particular letter in question. :doh:
You are looking at the correct place. I mis-read it. I thought the s and i were two s's. :blushing:

Don't be embarrassed...I thought the same thing when I looked at it. It took me a minute to realize that she spelled it correctly. Doesn't really matter, though...does it? Because we all know (the RDI's) who wrote that ransom note, don't we??
Don't be embarrassed...I thought the same thing when I looked at it. It took me a minute to realize that she spelled it correctly. Doesn't really matter, though...does it? Because we all know (the RDI's) who wrote that ransom note, don't we??

Will you answer the question in post 29?
Will you answer the question in post 29?

Sorry, I didn't know that it was directed at me...because it was a reply to a quote from CK.

I really don't see what difference it makes where she places the dot to her i's. I never place the dot on MY i, in the same place...especially if I am in a hurry. I would be more careful if it was something that I was writing, that I needed to take my time with, and put alot of thought into. BUT...that's just me.

From John's 98 Interview...

16 LOU SMIT: Okay. And I know, John, that it

17 really hurts to talk about this guy, but that's

18 probably all you've thought about since day one.

19 You must have a mental picture of the type of

20 person this is. I mean, in your mind. I know I

21 have a mental picture of various people that I

22 would look at. But I'm sure you think about this

23 all the time.

24 JOHN RAMSEY: Oh, absolutely, everyday. You

25 know. Of course, my first instinct is, it was a


1 man. Because of some of the similarities,

2 apparently in Patsy's handwriting, I wondered if

3 it was a woman

John apparently thinks that the writing's are similar too!
Sorry, I didn't know that it was directed at me...because it was a reply to a quote from CK.

I really don't see what difference it makes where she places the dot to her i's. I never place the dot on MY i, in the same place...especially if I am in a hurry. I would be more careful if it was something that I was writing, that I needed to take my time with, and put alot of thought into. BUT...that's just me.

From John's 98 Interview...

16 LOU SMIT: Okay. And I know, John, that it

17 really hurts to talk about this guy, but that's

18 probably all you've thought about since day one.

19 You must have a mental picture of the type of

20 person this is. I mean, in your mind. I know I

21 have a mental picture of various people that I

22 would look at. But I'm sure you think about this

23 all the time.

24 JOHN RAMSEY: Oh, absolutely, everyday. You

25 know. Of course, my first instinct is, it was a


1 man. Because of some of the similarities,

2 apparently in Patsy's handwriting, I wondered if

3 it was a woman

John apparently thinks that the writing's are similar too!

Nedra even said she thought it looked like Patsy's writing.
Nedra even said she thought it looked like Patsy's writing.

Yep...she sure did, didn't Patsy say that too?? I thought that I remember Patsy saying that....and if she did...I think that it was because she thought that the police would NEVER suspect HER...if she said that the handwriting looked like a WOMAN'S writing...and SHE was the one that wrote it. I think that she was using reverse psychology on them.
Holdon, please don't include me in the sweeping RDI generality you made. I think the sole purpose was to create a non-existent kidnapper and not frame a particular person.

Soorry, I thought standard RDI has the two gentlemen as connected to JR and AG. Do you think then, that the two gentlemen are completely ficticious, not an attempt to frame AG workers? What about the 118K, I thought that was supposed to link to AG bonus?
Intruder wrote that note.

An English as 2nd language foreign intruder. Thats why business was misspelled. Nobody can figure out SBTC, because its a foreign organization. Nobody has popped up with any similar crimes, nobody has turned anybody in, and nobody can exactly match the handwriting. All because the perps are in a foreign country, and are not subject to any suspicion.
Soorry, I thought standard RDI has the two gentlemen as connected to JR and AG. Do you think then, that the two gentlemen are completely ficticious, not an attempt to frame AG workers? What about the 118K, I thought that was supposed to link to AG bonus?

Yes, I think the two gentlemen are fictitious and the third person, the writer, was Patsy. I don't think it was an attempt to frame anyone in particular. I think she gathered random thoughts and put together what she thought would sound like what an Intruder would say who was out to get John.

I don't think there's such a thing as a "standard RDI" either. We don't all agree on all points and I'm an RDI but a Fence Sitter on some of the major points such as how did it happen, was John involved and if so at what point and how. I also wonder if Colorado law might be hiding any possible involvement concerning Burke (I doubt that but I still have questions about it), and some other things.
Intruder wrote that note.

An English as 2nd language foreign intruder. Thats why business was misspelled. Nobody can figure out SBTC, because its a foreign organization. Nobody has popped up with any similar crimes, nobody has turned anybody in, and nobody can exactly match the handwriting. All because the perps are in a foreign country, and are not subject to any suspicion.

You can't be serious. You are the ONLY IDI..that believes that a FOREIGN FACTION actually committed this murder. The rest of them, think that it was a friend, or someone that John had business dealings with. But, you actually think that it was Small Foreign Faction...and that they are now in a foreign country??? Oh my gosh...are you sure that you are not John Ramsey?? :crazy: That is CRAZY!!!!
Intruder wrote that note.

An English as 2nd language foreign intruder. Thats why business was misspelled. Nobody can figure out SBTC, because its a foreign organization. Nobody has popped up with any similar crimes, nobody has turned anybody in, and nobody can exactly match the handwriting. All because the perps are in a foreign country, and are not subject to any suspicion.

One more thing...

So, this was some foreign dude...with English as a second language..and the ONLY misspelled word is Business??? Come on...get real.
One more thing...

So, this was some foreign dude...with English as a second language..and the ONLY misspelled word is Business??? Come on...get real.

Elementary schoolkids can spell business, yet the RN has adult themes. Only answer: Adult with elementary school level English spelling ability. Coincidentally, EASL's are adults with elementary school English abilities. RN author has poor handwriting also. Elementary school kids have better handwriting than the RN author.

There was another misspelled word in the RN, I'll have to reread it to find it.
Elementary schoolkids can spell business, yet the RN has adult themes. Only answer: Adult with elementary school level English spelling ability. Coincidentally, EASL's are adults with elementary school English abilities. RN author has poor handwriting also. Elementary school kids have better handwriting than the RN author.

There was another misspelled word in the RN, I'll have to reread it to find it.

I'm not saying you are wrong but have you considered that "bussiness" was purposely misspelled? I find it hard to believe someone can correctly spell attache, including the accent mark, but not spell business correctly.
I'm not saying you are wrong but have you considered that "bussiness" was purposely misspelled? I find it hard to believe someone can correctly spell attache, including the accent mark, but not spell business correctly.

RDI paradox No. 37: RN author deliberately misspells 'business' while going out of the way to correct other misspellings.
RDI paradox No. 37: RN author deliberately misspells 'business' while going out of the way to correct other misspellings.

I'm sorry, but I don't see that your comment pertains to what you call "RDI" any more than it might pertain to an Intruder.

By the way, what are the first 36 RDI paradoxes?
I'm sorry, but I don't see that your comment pertains to what you call "RDI" any more than it might pertain to an Intruder.

By the way, what are the first 36 RDI paradoxes?

Yezzzz I would like a list of those paradoxes. Should HOTYH be sooo kind and so inclined to share them with us. What you think BOESP do you think we could find one or two paradoxes of our own just for comparisons sake. :doh:

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