The Sidebar - Harris Trial #2

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JMHO again the only issues I have on the sexting is 1) that I don't feel they are related to Cooper dying 2) if they were legally obtained. That for another court to decide now. (appeal)

JMHO maybe it has made LEO more aware of these particular social media sites, an the apparently underage posting there. Maybe it will get some more caught, legally in a sting. (unless it a sting like with the prostitute, that still bothers me as much as the young girls sending RH photos, and being the ones posting to start with, for him to find) jmho
Paige, I completely understand your position on this and to some extent agree with you. What I cannot understand is the insistence on this thread to not call Ross a "sexual predator" because of personal discomfort when the law itself would classify him as such. We are shifting into the world of connotations and feelings, and incidentally enough by those who come across as objective and attentive to legal definitions and protocols during trial. Now it appears folks want to circumvent the in legal precedence established with regard to sex crimes and minors---and judicial precedence is the very fabric of our judicial system. It doesn't matter what Wikipedia says "sexual predator" means, what matters is that jurisdictions across this country classify Ross Harris as a sexual predator.

The whole 'child predator' label, to me, does three things: It takes the focus off little Cooper, for whom the state is seeking justice and for whom the label 'victim' should be solely designated.

Secondly, it reduces the suffering & trauma caused to those children victimized by classic predators. It fails to make the distinction between a precocious teenager willingly sexting a grown man and a 6 year old little boy who idolizes his T-Ball coach.
Here's an example of egregious overuse of a term that applies to more than one situation: When someone gets shot, especially if the victim is a different race or religion than the shooter, there is this massive push to get it labeled as terrorism. Eventually, regardless of the magnitude or the number of casualties involved in a shooting, we become so conditioned to 'terrorism' we fail to discern the difference between an inner city turf war and an actual act of terrorism.

‎Labels have purposes even if those labels can be used to describe a vast array of circumstances.‎ Grouping, over using or inappropriately applying labels just because they 'technically' fit is designed to make us completely indifferent to the labels themselves. *
Ok that's the whole point!!! A child has no ability to understand the consequences of their actions. It's why they can't vote or drink or sign a contract. It's a child!!!!!!!! He didn't cut off all communications...he asked for pictures and iirc a school uniform picture from one of them.

I am definitely no taking up for what RH did but I am not giving these teens a blanket pass either. Those young ladies knew right from wrong even though they were 15, 16, 17 yrs old. There has been and is stuff about sexting gone on for years. Kids sexting photos to others and they are spread around. Google and you will find cases. They know not to send photos of their unclothed body parts. Now those photos are in evidence and anyone deemed to see evidence can see them. And jmho if they sent them to RH, pretty sure they sent to others. And potentially could get themselves in trouble too, depending who else they sent them too. JMHO

ETA: Makes me want to throw up knowing that it was only 21 min later that this 15 year old sent RH photo of her genitals! Let that sink in...
Considering RH's escalating sexual addiction and lack of boundaries it's a good thing he was found out or he could have devolved further in his behavior.
IIRC, when an objection was made of Stoddard calling RH a pedofile (in a hearing) and it referenced in trial, Kilgore objected and the Judge sustained it... JMHO

I never once called him a pedophile, I'm only talking about the "sexual predator" label. Not sure why you even directed that comment to me, I agree he is not qualified to be described as a pedophile, but he is certainly a sexual predator.
Whisper Meme: Having an extremely boring and slow day. Can anyone help the day go by faster? 20F

. RH: My day just started too. Just started and I feel like I’ve been been awake forever. I woke up at 5:30. Kill me. Haha.

Reply: Ha. Geez. that sounds horrible.

10:53. Well, I have a son, that joker decided that “hey, im gonna get up early”

Reply: Ha. Ohhhh, gotta love kids

RH: Lol yeah.

Reply: How old is he???

RH: Two.

Reply: What a great age.

11:17. RH: He’s awesome

Reply: I bet (end of chat).

^^^^ IIRC this is the one that Katydid is thinking he was being sarcastic about.
Considering RH's escalating sexual addiction and lack of boundaries it's a good thing he was found out or he could have devolved further in his behavior.
Again not condoning his sexting, to underage or of age...
But how do we know it was escalating? What do we have to judge by? He has had the problem and others made aware of since 2010 iirc Multiple people knew about his addiction, even a professional therapist. "we" as in public only became aware of because of the SW for the iPhone5. From Kilgore, June 18, 2014 was just like any other normal day... So it would appear they have at least a year prior stuff.

Curious what was found on the iPhone4-his work phone. ***And iirc, one of the electronics that did not have a history beyond short time, RH had just been issued that electronic. Forget which it was. From CCPD standpoint it appeared "suspicious" jmho...
Makes you sick that a 15 year old did it in 15 minutes. Yes I'll let that sink in. *advertiser censored* shaming. since you want to stay factual why correct the 33-35 age and then say 15, 16, 17. She was 15. Doesn't matter when she turned 15 or 16. Since we can't refer to Ross as 35 when he was ONLY 33

Done with this topic. He was the adult and she was the child. And there was more than one. There is a reason it was against the law and he KNEW IT. Disgusting.

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Stoddard changed his testimony on that head in the car thing too. ;)

I don't doubt anyone who says they see what they see in that enhanced video. The jury will decide for themselves what they see, from the 1st time viewed, or the second, if that's what they were even interested in seeing again.

But what they are obligated to consider is the testimony by lead detective Stoddard (he didn't look back) , the surveillance tape witness (he didn't look back) , and the witness who enhanced the tape (I didn't see him looking back).
IMO there is no doubt that the State would have played the video on zoom if it was clear cut in the video that RH looked back, or even very suggestive that he did. Jmo

Stoddard NEVER SAID Ross's head was inside the car. He said he was inside the frame of the car. Meaning the triangle created when the door was open. That's the frame of the car.
Again not condoning his sexting, to underage or of age...
But how do we know it was escalating? What do we have to judge by? He has had the problem and others made aware of since 2010 iirc Multiple people knew about his addiction, even a professional therapist. "we" as in public only became aware of because of the SW for the iPhone5. From Kilgore, June 18, 2014 was just like any other normal day... So it would appear they have at least a year prior stuff.

Curious what was found on the iPhone4-his work phone. ***And iirc, one of the electronics that did not have a history beyond short time, RH had just been issued that electronic. Forget which it was. From CCPD standpoint it appeared "suspicious" jmho...

It had gone from viewing *advertiser censored*, to texting, so sexting, to meeting people for blow jobs in parking lots, possibly to homosexual activity as well, and to paying hookers...I'd call that escalating behavior.

The people who knew about his "addiction" knew he liked *advertiser censored*, not that he was hooking up with strangers for sex. NO ONE knew about that, as far as I can tell.
It had gone from viewing *advertiser censored*, to texting, so sexting, to meeting people for blow jobs in parking lots, possibly to homosexual activity as well, and to paying hookers...I'd call that escalating behavior.

The people who knew about his "addiction" knew he liked *advertiser censored*, not that he was hooking up with strangers for sex. NO ONE knew about that, as far as I can tell.

Thanks! You saved me a lot of typing. Testimony indicates escalation.
Stoddard NEVER SAID Ross's head was inside the car. He said he was inside the frame of the car. Meaning the triangle created when the door was open. That's the frame of the car.

From Probable Cause Hearing: "STODDARD: When he reaches in, he comes up, he opens up the door. And as he's reaching in, turns his head a little bit. He's in there, he has a clear view, and he kind of turns his head and then just tosses the light bulbs into the car."

Go to this link to see the many declaratory statements by Stoddard under oath, which have now been debunked:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thanks! You saved me a lot of typing. Testimony indicates escalation.

Didn't the prosecution also refer to it as "escalating?"

If so, it's not like the term was invented here to refer to Ross.
Hey Reg...

It's not Taco Bell but took the fam out for Mexican food tonight
Okay, I was thinking about everyone saying they look in the backseat of their cars, getting in or out. I did a check today and in my roadster, I don't look in the back because there isn't one. It's just a 'wall'. It made me wonder about RH's SUV and if the car seat created that same 'wall'. I'm not bringing this up as a counter-point, it's just something I noticed. We're still in summertime temps here, so I don't have my SUV out to test it to see if I glace back there, but I'm pretty sure I don't but, then again, I have no reason to.
Okay, I was thinking about everyone saying they look in the backseat of their cars, getting in or out. I did a check today and in my roadster, I don't look in the back because there isn't one. It's just a 'wall'. It made me wonder about RH's SUV and if the car seat created that same 'wall'. I'm not bringing this up as a counter-point, it's just something I noticed. We're still in summertime temps here, so I don't have my SUV out to test it to see if I glace back there, but I'm pretty sure I don't but, then again, I have no reason to.

Ross said he started looking back because of the PSAs, but just forgot to on that day. Sounds like he was trying to train his brain to look back, so if previously the car seat equated a wall in his own mind, it was one that was he dismantled by his own words.
This is the first trial I have followed since the event itself and through the trial all the way----so, forgive my ignorance...About how long after the verdict does sentencing typically take place?
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