The Sidebar - Harris Trial

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That's what I must be (mis)remembering. So the child cruelty has to do with Cooper, not the minor sext'er??

Now do I have it right?


Quoting myself...

But seeing Ross' weiner pics should be considered cruelty to a child as well. Double-up that charge.
I really hope if the jury finds for malice murder that at least one juror explains why, what was the evidence that convinced them.
Just want to be sure I'm understanding everything correctly pertaining to the charges:

If the jury determines that Ross accidentally left Cooper in the car while not being negligent, he is to be acquitted.

If the jury determines that Ross unintentionally left Cooper in the car whilst being negligent (sexting-based distraction which precluded his ability to properly care for his child that day) he is to be found guilty of 2nd degree child cruelty and felony murder.

If the jury find that Ross with malicious intent left Cooper to die in the car he is to get 1st degree child cruelty and malice murder.

Obviously, the sexting of minors isn't really a matter up for debate.
I'd like red wine. I don't do other drinks. :angel:


Is this a cab or merlot? I will let you decide ;)


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Are they going to be sequestered?

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Wow watching him (Ross) laugh and chatting-no words.

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I really hope if the jury finds for malice murder that at least one juror explains why, what was the evidence that convinced them.

I hope the jury speaks about their decision either way! I would love to know what made them choose that particular verdict, and what pieces of evidence swayed them. That always fascinates me. [emoji5]

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Thank you! I also recall this list with an explanation after them that explained the definitions. I'm pulling my hair out looking for them.

IIRC they are on Courtchatter page for ross harris.


Count 1 - Malice Murder

Count 2 - Felony Murder - Felony is count 4

Count 3 - Felony Murder - Felony is count 5

Count 4 - Cruelty to Children in the First Degree - "..maliciously caused Cooper Harris cruel and excessive physical pain"

Count 5 - Cruelty to Children in the Second Degree - "..with criminal negligence caused Cooper Harris cruel and excessive physical pain"

Counts 6-8 relate to sexting with a minor

* - March 2016 indicted on 8 additional counts involving more minors

Count 6 - Criminal Attempt to Commit a Felony - "..the accused did request that a minor female...provide a photograph and visual medium involving a lewd exhibition of her genital and pubic area..."

Count 7 - Dissemination of *advertiser censored* to Minors - "..accused did knowingly disseminate and furnish a minor female printed matter containing explicit and detailed verbal descriptions and narrative accounts of sexual excitement and sexual conduct..."

Count 8 - Dissemination of *advertiser censored* to Minors - "..accused person did knowingly disseminate and furnish to a minor female a photograph and visual image of a portion of the human body which depicted sexually explicit nudity, to wit: a photograph and visual image of uncovered male genitals in a discernibly turgid state.."

Counts 1-3: Statute - Malice/Felony Murder

Counts 4-5: Statute - Cruelty to Children in First/Second

Count 6: Statute -Sexual exploitation of children

Counts 7-8: Statute - Dissemination of *advertiser censored* to Minors
I still have the lifestream on...very jarring to see Ross laughing and chatting and seeming really happy right now....
I really hope if the jury finds for malice murder that at least one juror explains why, what was the evidence that convinced them.

I'd never heard of Malice Murder. Just finished reading several articles about Georgia being the only state with this option.
I still have the lifestream on...very jarring to see Ross laughing and chatting and seeming really happy right now....

Not meaning to sound snarky. But what is he suppose to be doing that would be acceptable.

Just like when Leanna was on stand, if she smiled looking or thinking of a happier time she was wrong, when she was emotional, she was fake. I just don't understand. JMHO,
Not meaning to sound snarky. But what is he suppose to be doing that would be acceptable.

If the jury had just been charged and about to deliberate on if I killed my son or not and if I was about to be a convicted sex offender, I'd likely be shaking and puking with nerves.
I just cannot wrap my head around Cooper's death being accidental nor intentional, but it has to be one or the other. I can't imagine someone forgetting their child is with them in such a short time from CFA to the turn toward Daycare. Neither can I imagine someone choosing such a horrible way to kill his own child, nor any child for that matter. I'm glad I'm not on that jury.
If the jury had just been charged and about to deliberate on if I killed my son or not and if I was about to be a convicted sex offender, I'd likely be shaking and puking with nerves.

Top that off with the incontrovertible fact that he will be convicted of the sex charges, he will be a felon, he will be a registered sex offender, he will never be able to vote again (irony that tomorrow is election day--can he vote via absentee ballot at this point--is this Ross's last election?), he will never be CEO of a company (like he dreamed), and if he gets out of prison, he will likely be spending the rest of his life living in his mama's basement in Tuscaloosa. Seriously, he exchanged nudes with adolescent girls and got caught---that's enough to be puking.
I will try once again to post...I am glad to see other people are having trouble staying on WS. There are many following this case and others. Thanks to the mods for all they do.

Watching RH today, I saw a lot to me...and this is MOO. I felt he faked the tears. I saw times when he appeared to be mad, times when he actually spaced out, tuning out the proceedings and sometimes just too happy when the jury was gone over the past days in chatting with his team. I for one could not be happy if I was on trail. I do not think he ever thought he would be caught. Infact, the sexting charges I would bet he never even thought of. He never thought LE would take his cell phone.

On all the sex charges that pertain to this trial, I would vote guilty. If there is another trial on remaining sex charges, I would vote guilty again.

On the murder charge....this is MOO. RH and his ex wife did talk many times about 'leaving a child in the hot car'. They may have even researched it. Too much of this has happened and I can see a research being done. I do believe at one time RH did leave Cooper in the car, forgetting him....but somehow Cooper was remembered. LH remembered that time. I cannot get over thought that RH though he would be now a spokesperson....that to me is thinking ahead! Premeditation? I think so.

RH job performance was going down hill fast. I am surprised HD did not fire him. I bet they were building a case against him so they would not be sued or have to pay out to him any monies. How can a person work 8 hours a day, which he did not, get their work done and sext so much? No wonder he never got his assignments done.

I think most of us that have children, adults or other major responsibilities understand how sometimes that can be very stressful. We remember the times we were free to do what we wanted. With that said, I think most of us know we accepted the responsibility to have children, take in elders, commit to other issues and knew that our free time was no longer ours. If we wanted to change that, we would have done what we could legally, whether it be, divorce and split child care, find another solution for the elders, quit the other issues if possible, share them or solve them. Children are a joy, an extension of our families, but they take time, commitment love and work. When a couple have a child, some do not think ahead....just what they will be giving up. I believe that neither parent thought ahead that children would impact their lives so much and they would have to give up so much, especially RH. It was a surprise to him!

RH had the choice to divorce is ex wife to have his freedom. LH would have taken on almost ALL of the responsibility for Cooper. RH did NOT want to pay alimony or child support....he wanted his money, his freedom and no responsibility. If RH had not been spending monies on sexting they would have had a down payment on a house. I just wonder how much he did spend!? I wonder how much LH was asking about where all of RH income was going?

LH knew RH had affairs or sex issues in the past while they were married since RH had been to some sort of counseling. Why oh why did she not leave? So many reasons. She knew that there was a chance RH would forget Cooper again. We do not know what they actually talked about, but my feeling is LH had a terrible feeling that RH just may leave Cooper in a hot car again....and on purpose. She just hoped he never would.

The day RH left Cooper in the car....I do not think he thought 'this is the day', but I do think RH did think this, "What if Cooper is left in the car by accident if it happens it happens. I would be free. I don't plan on doing it but if it happens, okay what can I do so it really looks like a accident and I am not blamed.'' That morning after breakfast something made him snap....sexting that night, a comment from someone he was 'chatting' with, an argument with LH....but at the moment he left ast food, he decided that was the morning.

There is no way RH did not know, did not see, did not hear (yes he heard), Cooper in the too small car seat. RH did put the light bulbs in the car to check on Cooper. I have no doubt about that. When RH discovered Cooper....his actions afterwards were just bizarre....I do not need to go into them....everyone here has read them. Then his actions at the station....again bizarre. Those actions do not mean he is guilty but they sure make him look strange.

So even though RH did not preplan the day and time Cooper would die, he though about it a lot. Then in an short matter of time, he made the decision that morning to leave Cooper in the car....the end of a beautiful boy.

I do not know if he will get Murder 1.....but I hope if not, that any charge of sexting in connection with this murder will mean RH will go away for a long time....and then IF there is another trial on the other sexting charges, I hope he is committed to jail for the rest of his natural life. His life in jail will be hell, not the fun and free time he thought he would have with no child and divorcing his wife.

I have read all of Hope4More's posts....she was there is bring out the other side and make us think, 'what if then maybe this happened, this is what was actually said' and so much more. I know there are other posters too that did that, but I kept following her, reading what she wrote. Sometimes I agreed, sometimes not. We all read but interpret some things differently. I am glad those posters were there, to present and remind us of the other side, that maybe RH is not guilty of murder. I am glad the other posters were there to say, RH is guilty of murder and why. In going over everything, I still feel through all this RH is guilty of murder he never thought he would be caught, he thought because he worked in an area of LE, he had some buddies who would not question Coopers death, he thought he was free and was shocked he was put in jail immediately. RH never went home again. RH you messed up big time, never to be free again.

I think the verdict will be reached by Thursday before the long week end.

Got to go....doggies are hungry!!!
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