The Texts Messages: Warning! Graphic SEXUALLY EXPLICIT

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I am curious why these explicit texts would be needed by Kaine's attorney at this stage. I don't doubt he will win custody, and unless Terri wsa going to waive her rights and speak out, I don't think the judge was leaning her way on very much. It seems to be this could have waited (filing these detailed texts) and prevented the hurt to Terri's son and parents, and any other innocent victims who are suffering by her behavior.

Did they produce these texts simply in response to TH's half-hearted efforts to claim some supervised visitation? It seems like overkill to me. Most likely even the little baby will hear about these texts one day, now that they are in public record.

IMO: I don't think Kaine/Lawyer care who is suffering by Terris behaviour, right now the goal is to show the judge Terris inappropriate behaviour days after Kyron went missing.

Also, it is my opinion that the only victim in this whole mess is the children, Kyron, Baby K and Terris son.
I am curious why these explicit texts would be needed by Kaine's attorney at this stage. I don't doubt he will win custody, and unless Terri wsa going to waive her rights and speak out, I don't think the judge was leaning her way on very much. It seems to be this could have waited (filing these detailed texts) and prevented the hurt to Terri's son and parents, and any other innocent victims who are suffering by her behavior.

Did they produce these texts simply in response to TH's half-hearted efforts to claim some supervised visitation? It seems like overkill to me. Most likely even the little baby will hear about these texts one day, now that they are in public record.

If the Baby hears about it, whose fault will that be? No one MADE Terri utter those words, take those pictures, or behave so recklessly when she ABSOLUTELY knew she was under surveillance. Terri CHOSE these words and behaviors. She chose them knowing she was taking a risk because she hardly knew the man she was "communicating" with. She was indulging HERSELF. It was all about HER.

These texts could not be released if they did not exist. Baby K can blame NO One but her Mother, the authoress...the risk-taker. Some day she will read them and understand this was how her Mother conducted herself during the early time when her stepbrother was missing. As an adult she will make her own judgments about that. But there is no doubt it was her Mother's choice to engage in these words and activities. NO ONE ELSE.

Unfortunately...I doubt J. will be surprised. This was not Terri's "first time." She certainly had the necessary dialogue mastered. Maybe Kyron and J often heard her speak like this. Maybe they walked in on Mommy sending pictures of herself to others. Maybe that's why J had to leave...or wanted to leave. Kyron wanted to leave too, and be with Desiree.

A few days ago, many were applauding Terri's attorneys aggressive approach. I read posts where people were optimistic that Terri would have her way in regard to Baby K.

I have read posts criticizing Kaine for not stepping in earlier in regard to Terri's egregious behavior, her drunken behaviors around Baby K.

Well, now Kaine's attorney has answered aggressively. And Kaine is going to use everything he has to protect Baby K. I say..."Hallelujah!"

I suppose if one can subtract out the fact that a child is missing...vanished...and that LE is focused on might think this divorce should play out like an Edwardian tea party. But one of Kaine's children is probably dead at this woman's hands. Dead. At. Terri's. Hands.

This is what Kaine believes.

This is why he fights for Baby K.

Kaine mentions in this filing a district court judge who sees probable cause that Terri is the culprit behind whatever happened to Kyron and the MURDER for HIRE plot.

Murder! That's the backdrop here. Baby K's mother probably murdered her brother. So, no, I don't think everyone should just send valentines.

Terri indulged herself in this seamy behavior; she took the risk; she said the words; she made the photos.

Now..she can deal with the consequences.

And soon, she will deal with the consequences of what she did to Kyron.
My point, really, is why would they think they needed these texts? I am under the impression Kaine will get his divorce and full custody and that Terri will get nothing unless she waives her rights, which she won't. So that is all I am wondering about...why his legal team felt it necessary to attach these lewd texts to their case. Of course it is their right, but I am not seeing that there was a need, I guess. They hold all the cards, as far as the baby is concerned, in my opinion.

I just think they could have done without them, that's all. I do not care about Terri or her feelings. But the released of this material has taken the focus off of Kyron, no matter what the intent was. The stuff is simply too salacious not to do so.
My point, really, is why would they think they needed these texts? I am under the impression Kaine will get his divorce and full custody and that Terri will get nothing unless she waives her rights, which she won't. So that is all I am wondering about...why his legal team felt it necessary to attach these lewd texts to their case. Of course it is their right, but I am not seeing that there was a need, I guess. They hold all the cards, as far as the baby is concerned, in my opinion.

I just think they could have done without them, that's all. I do not care about Terri or her feelings. But the released of this material has taken the focus off of Kyron, no matter what the intent was. The stuff is simply too salacious not to do so.

But this part of the legal proceedings is not about Kyron. It's about custody of baby K, and about Terri's fitness as a parent.

And in that custody battle, the parents' personality, habits, predilections, morals, etc. will be used by both sides good and bad. Kaine is trying to show she's not fit to parent, does not exercise good judgment. This is one piece of evidence of that.
The texts are not in chronological order. July 3, 2010, is when she starts using her 'clean phone.' Some of the more raunchy stuff texted is after that, I think. I'll have to go and wade through that yuck one more time to see for sure.

The night of June 30 and early morning July 1 are pictures and some icky stuff. Everything after that is on the bat phone, but she still has her other phone too it seems because she states that on July 3, 2010, LE is 'flashing' it while she is getting stuff from the basement.

This suggests to me that TMH may not have realised her cellphone was under surveillance by LE until after KH left.

I speculate that someone, perhaps one of her lawyers, gave her some information about methods of surveillance that LE can employ. After that is when she apparently took steps to procure a batphone.
But this part of the legal proceedings is not about Kyron. It's about custody of baby K, and about Terri's fitness as a parent.

And in that custody battle, the parents' personality, habits, predilections, morals, etc. will be used by both sides good and bad. Kaine is trying to show she's not fit to parent, does not exercise good judgment. This is one piece of evidence of that.

BBM - And apparently, Kaine and his counsel wouldn't have needed to file that had the case not been abated (per TH's request) at the last hearing. Kaine and his attorneys had the "Tool" or MC on standby at the courthouse (most likely to testify to the authenticity of the texts). But, because Bunch got the case abated (for Terri) and then filed for nonvisitation relief, Kaine was forced to file a response using texts supplied by MC instead of handling this in FRONT of the judge at the last hearing.

IMO, TH only has herself and her lawyers to thank for the texts being submitted to the courts in response to their requested change in the RO. Had her team not asked for the abatement, MC would have testified to the sexting at the last hearing. Either way, those naughty behaviors would have come out...sooner or later. What difference does it make when or how they did?!?
My point, really, is why would they think they needed these texts? I am under the impression Kaine will get his divorce and full custody and that Terri will get nothing unless she waives her rights, which she won't. So that is all I am wondering about...why his legal team felt it necessary to attach these lewd texts to their case. Of course it is their right, but I am not seeing that there was a need, I guess. They hold all the cards, as far as the baby is concerned, in my opinion.

I just think they could have done without them, that's all. I do not care about Terri or her feelings. But the released of this material has taken the focus off of Kyron, no matter what the intent was. The stuff is simply too salacious not to do so.

Right now the focus is on saving another child from Terri Horman...Baby K.

Is she expendable so that we may "keep the focus on Kyron?"

The intent is to prevent the "de facto suspect" in the disappearance of her brother, from bringing her malignant nature into Baby K's life.

It's that simple. The two things are NOT mutually exclusive.
tragco, it kinda sounds like MC might have been feeling guilty about the texts between the two of them and told her (visit on the 6th) that he didn't feel it was appropriate in after thought. This could be why she seems to back peddle and tell him his "friendship" is important to her. Trying to keep him as her ally, perhaps?!?

Just random thoughts on my part.

This sounds pretty plausible to me. She may have gone over there fully intending to make the moves on him, but he kept it cool, saying he needed to talk, etc. Then she probably became worried that he might tell someone she had visited (whereas if they were meeting for dirty business, she would assume his secrecy). It would also explain her response, "Whatever you need." Because it is hard for me to imagine that she wouldn't have "followed through" on her sexual "threats" otherwise.

Just pure speculation on my part.
This sounds pretty plausible to me. She may have gone over there fully intending to make the moves on him, but he kept it cool, saying he needed to talk, etc. Then she probably became worried that he might tell someone she had visited (whereas if they were meeting for dirty business, she would assume his secrecy). It would also explain her response, "Whatever you need." Because it is hard for me to imagine that she wouldn't have "followed through" on her sexual "threats" otherwise.

Just pure speculation on my part.

Excellent points, KrowdKat and Etilema. I agree that he stopped it and if he hadn't she would have followed through.
My point, really, is why would they think they needed these texts? I am under the impression Kaine will get his divorce and full custody and that Terri will get nothing unless she waives her rights, which she won't. So that is all I am wondering about...why his legal team felt it necessary to attach these lewd texts to their case. Of course it is their right, but I am not seeing that there was a need, I guess. They hold all the cards, as far as the baby is concerned, in my opinion.

I just think they could have done without them, that's all. I do not care about Terri or her feelings. But the released of this material has taken the focus off of Kyron, no matter what the intent was. The stuff is simply too salacious not to do so.

It makes me wonder if, with media attention steadily waning, KH is starting to do whatever it takes to get just a little more media attention.

I certainly wouldn't blame him; at this point, I suspect he feels that publicity is the only possible way that Kyron might be restored to him.

As for what Baby K may or may not find out, that possibility must seem unimaginably far in the future to KH compared to the urgency of the here and now. And likewise for the feelings of TMH's family and her son J
These texts could not be released if they did not exist. Baby K can blame NO One but her Mother, the authoress...the risk-taker. Some day she will read them and understand this was how her Mother conducted herself during the early time when her stepbrother was missing. As an adult she will make her own judgments about that. But there is no doubt it was her Mother's choice to engage in these words and activities. NO ONE ELSE.

sbm & bbm

just to help you bring your point home even further ... Kyron isn't baby's stepbrother ... he is her brother b/c they share the same father. that makes it even more sad. Kyron and her are blood.
Followed the back and forth on this all week. Agree: WTH was she thinking? Agree: There's a psycho/social screw loose. Agree: KH is not to blame for throwing TH's behavior into court docs; Baby K needs to be protected.

But in re-reading the messaging (I guess I'm not as squeamish as some WS members) I'm struck by TH's truly asinine, immature "sexual banter" ... "... I will pin you down and sit on you" sounds like something an older sister would say to a younger brother. "We need to arm wrestle." Give me a break!!!

IMO KH and his attorney have every right to offer these exchanges as exhibits. The sexting proves, above all else, TH has the maturity of a third grader.
These texts were taken off Mike's phone.

Some excerpts from Terri (please read all texts if you feel these may be taken out of context. I do not think so).

I do think M. is working with LE.

I'm curious if it's possible to tell from the *recipient* phone when the pix were taken, or even if they were taken with the sender's phone, uploaded, forwarded, what?

I'm also curious how such texts are authenticated as being from the sender's phone.

I know nothing about what tools LE has at their disposal, and how reliable they are.
I don't think he was working with LE. I think he wanted to be the guy who broke the case. Once he saw that Terri had the hots for him, he figured he would try to get any info he could from her, but she scared him off when she got so...bawdy. So he ran off to MCSO with his tail between his legs and his phone in hand.
I'm curious if it's possible to tell from the *recipient* phone when the pix were taken, or even if they were taken with the sender's phone, uploaded, forwarded, what?

I'm also curious how such texts are authenticated as being from the sender's phone.

I know nothing about what tools LE has at their disposal, and how reliable they are.

sounds like you're thinking these texts may not have come from terri. There's no chance of that. Not sure why you'd even question it.
I don't think he was working with LE. I think he wanted to be the guy who broke the case. Once he saw that Terri had the hots for him, he figured he would try to get any info he could from her, but she scared him off when she got so...bawdy. So he ran off to MCSO with his tail between his legs and his phone in hand.

I'm thinking along those lines, too. I wonder if she threw herself at the LE assigned to her house. Wouldn't surprise me in the least.
I am curious why these explicit texts would be needed by Kaine's attorney at this stage. I don't doubt he will win custody, and unless Terri wsa going to waive her rights and speak out, I don't think the judge was leaning her way on very much. It seems to be this could have waited (filing these detailed texts) and prevented the hurt to Terri's son and parents, and any other innocent victims who are suffering by her behavior.

Did they produce these texts simply in response to TH's half-hearted efforts to claim some supervised visitation? It seems like overkill to me. Most likely even the little baby will hear about these texts one day, now that they are in public record.

Sorry, but these have been public record for some time now, since the police took possession of MC's phone and Terri's phone records. These records and messages were already part of the evidence when the RO was filed, and the police showed them to Kaine to convince him to leave the house with Baby K for their own safety.

That is not Kaine's fault. That was done as part of the investigation into the disappearance of Kyron. Terri is responsible for these messages getting out - she wrote them, she invented them. She took "close up" pictures of her own body and sent them to a man she hardly knew.

She's clearly an adult - at least that's what everyone keeps saying - a "consenting" adult. Therefore, she made a choice to write this vulgar schlock and now she's reaping the consequences. :boohoo:
I don't think he was working with LE. I think he wanted to be the guy who broke the case. Once he saw that Terri had the hots for him, he figured he would try to get any info he could from her, but she scared him off when she got so...bawdy. So he ran off to MCSO with his tail between his legs and his phone in hand.

Whether he was working with them or not is irrelevant (at least with regards to my question). Clearly they have the texts. How do they know when the pictures were taken, by whom, and who they were sent by?

I'm not sure what kind of electronic fingerprint might follow such transmissions.
sounds like you're thinking these texts may not have come from terri. There's no chance of that. Not sure why you'd even question it.

Whether it is likely is different from it being impossible. I believe it is likely they come from TH, but that does not mean it is impossible they didn't, as has been discussed elsewhere.

There's something odd about her discussions. I wish we could see the rest. It doesn't fit the pattern I'd expect to see.
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