Thread No. 21

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1. Someone took care of Cassie.

2. The wounds to the head are different, indicating a different person and/or different weapon.

1. Someone took care of Cassie. - Jason Young

2. The wounds to the head are different, indicating a different person and/or different weapon. - Same person, same weapon, different angle.
Open your eyes. This is not a Dr. Godwin forum. This is not a FHL forum.

Has anyone else noticed the change in Jake's posts?
Very defensive.
Not a single "reckon" to be found.
Perhaps this isn't Jake at all...
What do you know about honor? Is it honorable to use your murdered son to gain your 15 minutes? Go get yours. Jason is raising his daughter.

This post is very unfair to the families who do speak out. They are looking for justice, not their "15 minutes" and it's just incredible to me that in your twisted mind that you have turned things around so that everything JY does is correct and the rest of the world is wrong.

This statement says way more about you than anyone else. Obviously you know nothing about honor or feelings. Your attitude is disgusting. You obviously don't realize it, but the way you post makes you and JY look desperate. :sick: :loser:

Oh, I forgot---WHY won't you answer the questions about Dr. Godwin---what are you afraid of?????
1. Someone took care of Cassie.

2. The wounds to the head are different, indicating a different person and/or different weapon.

The wounds to the head are not different. One person. The wounds to the face? Coupled with the amount of overkill=familial (spousal) homicide.
Open your eyes. This is not a Dr. Godwin forum. This is not a FHL forum.

My eyes are definitely open jake. You really do not like these subjects. Fetal homicide is quite relevant to this case as you recall, Jy's supposed name sake was murdered along with his wife. Seems that should have some meaning and should receive the support of someone who supposedly "knows" what it feels like, publicity be da##ed. More importantly it seems it simply does not matter today any more than it mattered the night he chose to end his name sake's life or his wife's life IMO.

Speaking of publicity - remind us again why you and other friends and family members haunt the boards, for entertainment and to wallow- isn't that what the boards are about ? You cannot correct misconceptions because you have been mislead as to what those misconceptions are IMO.
Open your eyes. This is not a Dr. Godwin forum. This is not a FHL forum.

I think FHL is very relevant here, Jake. Don't you want the person responsible for Michelle and the baby's murder to be punished for both of the crimes? And, yes, you can't execute someone twice, but justice in the name of that can you argue that?
Much more likely that Jason locked Michelle out, so he could chat with his honey Mrs. Money.

I saw on TV this morning that lawmakers in Raleigh are going over the new "Fetal Homicide Bill". The Neilsons are there, along with a family from Charlotte by the name of Bently, whose 20-year old pregnant daughter was killed by a drunk driver.

Funny, no mention of Jason Young. Wonder why he didn't see the need to honor his murdered unborn son.



Is that law, if passed, going to be retroactive? That would mean a death penalty for certain.
What's that saying? Bad things happen when good people sit idly by, or something like that.

What if Sharon Rocha hadn't pushed for Laci's Law?

Mark Lunsford..for Jessie's Law?

Just two as an example, but they used their voices to seek justice for their loved ones that had been so cruelly taken away.

How can Jason raise Cassidy, when he can't raise a finger to help find who bludgeoned his wife and unborn son to death?


didn't jason pack up and move to brevard so he could be near family to help him with raising Cassidy? all that help and he can't get away for a little bit to speak out against murderers who kill babies?
My eyes are definitely open jake. You really do not like these subjects. Fetal homicide is quite relevant to this case as you recall, Jy's supposed name sake was murdered along with his wife. Seems that should have some meaning and should receive the support of someone who supposedly "knows" what it feels like, publicity be da##ed. More importantly it seems it simply does not matter today any more than it mattered the night he chose to end his name sake's life or his wife's life IMO.

Speaking of publicity - remind us again why you and other friends and family members haunt the boards, for entertainment and to wallow- isn't that what the boards are about ? You cannot correct misconceptions because you have been mislead as to what those misconceptions are IMO.
excellent post, RC!
Well, Jake, as a matter of fact, yes, I am doing what I can to help see that bill into law. And actually, it doesn't require any speaking.

Just sayin'...

melinda, pretty name BTW, it probably only took Meredith Fisher a few minutes online to sign a petition. she wasn't afraid to. she wanted to see killers who murder pregnant women pay for killing those babies! i wonder why jason doesn't.
My eyes are definitely open jake. You really do not like these subjects. Fetal homicide is quite relevant to this case as you recall, Jy's supposed name sake was murdered along with his wife. Seems that should have some meaning and should receive the support of someone who supposedly "knows" what it feels like, publicity be da##ed. More importantly it seems it simply does not matter today any more than it mattered the night he chose to end his name sake's life or his wife's life IMO.

Speaking of publicity - remind us again why you and other friends and family members haunt the boards, for entertainment and to wallow- isn't that what the boards are about ? You cannot correct misconceptions because you have been mislead as to what those misconceptions are IMO.

May I add another man's opinion?
Might there be a chance those pushing the bill politely declined any actions that would be connected with Jason and his stigma as being a POI?
It's not a Meredith Fisher forum either, but that didn't stop you from bringing her up.

So, what's the deal with Dr. Godwin??????????? Why won't you answer????

Maybe he's waiting for Dr. Godwin to call him back and instruct him how to get out of this mess? JMO. Just guessing.:confused:
didn't jason pack up and move to brevard so he could be near family to help him with raising Cassidy? all that help and he can't get away for a little bit to speak out against murderers who kill babies?
Now that you mention it, what has Jason done to find the "real" killer? I thought that Michelle and he were happy as clams. You'd think that he would be enraged that the killer left that baby alone all night with her dead mother's body. You'd think that Jason would be enraged that his unborn son was murdered in the process.

I'm sure that Jason is saying, "Only if I didn't have to be gone that night...My precious family would be alive." :rolleyes:
May I add another man's opinion?
Might there be a chance those pushing the bill politely declined any actions that would be connected with Jason and his stigma as being a POI?
IMO, the only reason that Jason would be connected with pushing this bill would be to shed sympathy on himself. That being said, I am inclined to believe that he couldn't care less about this bill.
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