Thread No. 21

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I have a question ( most probally already asked) Was the business trip planned? Or was he visiting family? Or a spur of the moment "I'm going on a trip".
I don't know of anything new that would shed any more light on the killing. Well, nothing to do with the murder... maybe.... but some
poster(s) is making a great effort to hack passwords. I reckon it could be the killers doing this, but I don't see the point.

The Wake sheriff investigators know about this, so maybe they will manage to right things soon. In the meantime, I don't know if the board can do anything about it. Any ideas?

speaking of which...
light was shed on jason at birchleaf at the time of the murder. there are witnesses.

and as far as jason not having signed he Fetal Homicide Bill petition - maybe it's because he's a murderer but not a hypocrite.
You are absolutely right, again. I never knew her. Kinda wish I did. But as a recently retired guy, I've had the opportunity to realize what a small world this world really is.

I also spent time last night thinking about justice, and what true justice would be in this case. True justice for Michelle would be that her murderer would be arrested and convicted and have the opportunity to never forget, not one single day, what those last few moments of her life were like. I like the idea of the murderer being haunted by the thoughts and sounds. I say that and it stands 100% no matter who the *advertiser censored** who did it may be.

My wish for Jason, specifically: If he's innocent, I hope everyone working diligently on Michelle's behalf is able to find the necessary evidence to get a solid conviction of her murderer. That would at least help him, taking that black cloud of suspicion off him and he could try to lead as normal a life as possible after this. I think you (and him, if not one and the same, of course) would be surprised how many of the actually caring people here would apologize for suspecting him. However, based upon his actions, it's not unreasonable to think he was somehow involved. He honestly hasn't done a good job in public trying to help his case. You'll probably respond by saying he's not worried. I call BS when I see it, and sometimes I let it float on by.

If he's the man lower than pond scum that did this to his pregnant wife and left a toddler in the house to roam, I wish for harsh justice for him. And the harsh justice, I believe, will be after he leaves this earth.

Just one man's opinion, you know. ;)

I mostly agree with your every word, Deputy.With one exception, in that I truely believe that Jason Young is the murderer, or one of the murderers, if that be the case. I personally don't believe that scenario, though. So much coincidently points in his direction. Plus, much too many coincidences, which I don't believe are coincidence at all!
I would also venture to say that he is already living a hell on earth at this very moment. He is human, isn't he? The paranoia he must carry around 24/7! I can't even begin to imagine it!
I pray that earthly justice is carried out, but I agree the justice will be harsh when he " leaves this earth ".

Not a day goes by that I don't think of this case, and think of that sweet little girl that was left without her mommy. :( And possibly left all alone for a very long time, fretting over her mommy lying there unresponsive to her, and the thoughts and the feelings she must still have surrounding that nightmare.

I am in 100% agreement with you on apologizing if that should be neccesary and I will be the first to line up and tell Jason Young that I am so sorry I ever believed him to be his wife's killer, if this case takes a huge unexpected turn of events. I just am not holding my breath for that to happen.
Seems that happens on every board and it is the same person indicating it.

It's curious isn't it? It seems to be a pattern
1. Show up on a board as an "insider"
2. Act like you know tons of insider info so to try to get people to believe whatever you say
3. Insult people who actually DO have insider information because you can't let on that they are right
4. Gain acceptance from a very, very small group of people with inflated senses of self-importance who display very little common sense
5. Try to get as many people as you can to do "research" for you
6. Throw out w.a.g's like there is no tomorrow to distract people from the real evidence-you don't like what it shows and you can talk about the victim's family all you want, but no one can say a word about JY--he's perfect!
7. Complain behind everyone's back to all the mods to try to get posts deleted because you don't like them-someone may be hitting too close to home
8. When number 7 doesn't work, try to intimidate people
9. Slink off because you can't have your way and go to a different board
10. See #1
What's that saying? Bad things happen when good people sit idly by, or something like that.

What if Sharon Rocha hadn't pushed for Laci's Law?

Mark Lunsford..for Jessie's Law?

Just two as an example, but they used their voices to seek justice for their loved ones that had been so cruelly taken away.

How can Jason raise Cassidy, when he can't raise a finger to help find who bludgeoned his wife and unborn son to death?


Very good points made, 5BigFish!
It's curious isn't it? It seems to be a pattern
1. Show up on a board as an "insider"
2. Act like you know tons of insider info so to try to get people to believe whatever you say
3. Insult people who actually DO have insider information because you can't let on that they are right
4. Gain acceptance from a very, very small group of people with inflated senses of self-importance who display very little common sense
5. Try to get as many people as you can to do "research" for you
6. Throw out w.a.g's like there is no tomorrow to distract people from the real evidence-you don't like what it shows and you can talk about the victim's family all you want, but no one can say a word about JY--he's perfect!
7. Complain behind everyone's back to all the mods to try to get posts deleted because you don't like them-someone may be hitting too close to home
8. When number 7 doesn't work, try to intimidate people
9. Slink off because you can't have your way and go to a different board
10. See #1

this will be great for future wife/baby killers to know and is perfectly spot on. excellent analysis. now if only someone can write a book for the emotions that a wife/baby killer should act out after commiting the act. sp and jy are not good examples to follow. i was going to say neilsen is a class act, but then again, he didn't kill his wife and baby.
speaking of which...
light was shed on jason at birchleaf at the time of the murder. there are witnesses.

and as far as jason not having signed he Fetal Homicide Bill petition - maybe it's because he's a murderer but not a hypocrite.

There are witnesses, Saint!! ? :clap:

Can you elaborate a little more about this? What is the hold up with the arrest, can you say. Or can you pm me?
A little off topic... but wanted everyone to give some thought to the length of time it may take to put the evidence together and finally get to the bottom of this horrendous act:

Dateline NBC ran a show on Saturday night regarding the woman and "boyfriend" who murdered her husband back in the '80s. Prosecutors secured a guilty verdict on the wife after 24 years!!!! 24 years!!! And the "boyfriend" had swore all along he wasn't in on it, didn't help, was nowhere near the crime, couldn't possibly have committed such a heinous act - CONFESSED in court. Yep, 24 years later. After a marriage and 5 children, he had to admit it. He did it. Beat the guy with a tire iron. Took 24 years, but justice was finally served. Let's not forget that it may take some time, but justice will be served in this case also. I just know it.
There are witnesses, Saint!! ? :clap:

Can you elaborate a little more about this? What is the hold up with the arrest, can you say. Or can you pm me?

there are at least 2 witnesses.
it is a complex case. it is premeditated. jason is the killer and he acted alone.
"Circle of Jake" is a very accurate analysis.
A little off topic... but wanted everyone to give some thought to the length of time it may take to put the evidence together and finally get to the bottom of this horrendous act:

Dateline NBC ran a show on Saturday night regarding the woman and "boyfriend" who murdered her husband back in the '80s. Prosecutors secured a guilty verdict on the wife after 24 years!!!! 24 years!!! And the "boyfriend" had swore all along he wasn't in on it, didn't help, was nowhere near the crime, couldn't possibly have committed such a heinous act - CONFESSED in court. Yep, 24 years later. After a marriage and 5 children, he had to admit it. He did it. Beat the guy with a tire iron. Took 24 years, but justice was finally served. Let's not forget that it may take some time, but justice will be served in this case also. I just know it.

I totally agree! I get so tired of people saying since JY hasn't been arrested it must mean he's innocent. That's crazy! Real life is not a CSI or Law & Order episode-sometimes it takes a while. Some other examples are: Justin Barber, Christopher Porco, Jeffrey MacDonald, Perry March and I could go on and on. It took a while, but all these murderers are in jail where they belong. There are several open murders out there now where it's been a while but the police have their eye on someone (mostly the husbands)-Lisa Stebic, Debbie Hawk etc... There isn't always a smoking gun and people don't always confess. But the victims of the people above received justice even though it may not have been immediate.

Justice will also be served in this case, I feel it.
No, Jake, a LAW. A law can be made retroactive.

Grow up. If hacking a password is not illegal when I did it, you think you can pass a retroactive law making it illegal so I can be arrested? Not gonna happen.
A little off topic... but wanted everyone to give some thought to the length of time it may take to put the evidence together and finally get to the bottom of this horrendous act:

Dateline NBC ran a show on Saturday night regarding the woman and "boyfriend" who murdered her husband back in the '80s. Prosecutors secured a guilty verdict on the wife after 24 years!!!! 24 years!!! And the "boyfriend" had swore all along he wasn't in on it, didn't help, was nowhere near the crime, couldn't possibly have committed such a heinous act - CONFESSED in court. Yep, 24 years later. After a marriage and 5 children, he had to admit it. He did it. Beat the guy with a tire iron. Took 24 years, but justice was finally served. Let's not forget that it may take some time, but justice will be served in this case also. I just know it.


I'd like to add another example, if I may:

Paul Kovacich

Wife murdered in 1982. Hubby was actually a LEO at the time (for those who don't appreciate LEO's, there ya go - feel free to google this case :crazy: Don't say I never help you, LOL )
Arrested in 2006 for her murder (finally); released on bail; he can be re-released if he can pony up $1.5 million.

So, another 24 year case. These poor women just don't get murdered by accident - it was done at the hands of someone else. :loser: Therefore, in each case there is at least one murderer roaming in a physically free life for quite awhile. I'd prefer to see :behindbar

Justice for Janet Kovacich and Michelle Fisher Young.
there are at least 2 witnesses.
it is a complex case. it is premeditated. jason is the killer and he acted alone.

Premeditated is what I have thought for a while now... all those coincidences sort of give him away!

How can he live with himself ?

Poor little Cassidy! Living with him! That's a crime in itself to me! :sick:
what is Jake's relationship to Jason Young?

edited to change....

actually i should have posted the question to Jake....Jake, what is your relationship to Jason Young?

Howdy, Close Enough. We've been friends since he was a baby.
A little off topic... but wanted everyone to give some thought to the length of time it may take to put the evidence together and finally get to the bottom of this horrendous act:

Dateline NBC ran a show on Saturday night regarding the woman and "boyfriend" who murdered her husband back in the '80s. Prosecutors secured a guilty verdict on the wife after 24 years!!!! 24 years!!! And the "boyfriend" had swore all along he wasn't in on it, didn't help, was nowhere near the crime, couldn't possibly have committed such a heinous act - CONFESSED in court. Yep, 24 years later. After a marriage and 5 children, he had to admit it. He did it. Beat the guy with a tire iron. Took 24 years, but justice was finally served. Let's not forget that it may take some time, but justice will be served in this case also. I just know it.

I agree! And I know these cases can't be tied up neatly like the tv shows.
Plus, add in the fact that in this case, the husband of the victim has offered no help at all! That must double the time that's involved.

I know in my heart that Justice will be served. I hope and pray it doesn't take 24 years though!
this will be great for future wife/baby killers to know and is perfectly spot on. excellent analysis. now if only someone can write a book for the emotions that a wife/baby killer should act out after commiting the act. sp and jy are not good examples to follow. i was going to say neilsen is a class act, but then again, he didn't kill his wife and baby.

Spring - check your pms when you get a chance :D
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