Three tiny homeless kittens and a stolen lawnmower - problem solved!


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Oct 1, 2012
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A problem of three baby cats and a stolen lawnmower was resolved in the oddest way today. I don't have a link but I know it's true as it happened to me. I'm going to take a risk and post the story; if it gets deleted because of no link, no harm done.

It starts with my neighbor having his lawnmower stolen from his garden shed, a couple of days ago. Upsetting, as he bought quality to last and doesn't have money to throw around.

Strolling into the garden with my dog and his dinner (breakfast) this morning, as dog did his usual rolling in the grass, three tiny, swift shadows moved quickly over the lawn and dived on the dinner. It was three of the tiniest kittens, obviously hungry and more accustomed to suckling - they had such trouble with the food.

Dog surfaced from his roll, to find himself face to face with three baby kittens stealing his dinner. There is nothing my dog likes more than chasing cats out of his garden. But only if they run, and he never bites. Furthermore, he's got a big problem. Not only can he see they are babies, but I immediately say the word outloud. And he knows babies are sacrosanct.

Good boy that he is, he freezes, shaking with self-control. Now I'm the one with a problem. My other half has the kind of allergy to cats that causes shock and the closing of air passages. No way can I bring them in the house and today is a National Holiday here. Nothing is open, no-one will answer the phone, even if I knew where to call.

Then it happens. The smallest kitten decides a cuddle is more important than food, and my dog looks big and furry like mom. It approaches, and nibbles at my dog's nose, then at my finger when I try to shoo it away. Apart from the tremors, dog's like a statue. Then the baby kitten works its way underneath, looking for a nipple, and finds.....anyway, my dog's restraint is amazing.

Several hours later, the babies are still sheltering in my rockery, with the smallest one running out to get a cuddle from any passing dog or passerby, and I'm still trying to find a cat rescue service that answers the phone. Tearing my hair out because I can't get hold of two babies, to even put them safely in a box. There is no sign of mom, and babies have a wild look. I think mom's dead, and babies are going to follow soon unless I can do something. I think about posting a plea for advice on WS, but don't want to leave the babies. I'm desperate.

At which point, 3 young Moms from my village stroll by, with a whole clutch of kids. They are canvassing the village to see if anyone had a lawnmower stolen, as one of them found one abandoned on her land. While they are telling me, smallest baby kitten runs out to get a cuddle from the kids.

Moms immediately tell me off. Those kittens are too young to be outside, they tell me. As I'm trying to explain, one mom (who says they all have cats and boy, do I believe them) has already managed to collect all three kittens in her arms - how did she do that!? - and the most timid one I just couldn't catch, has crawled, purring, inside the jacket of a beaming 18-month-old, held in Mom's arms.

'Can we take them home? half a dozen little voices ask. 'We know how to care for them. Properly,' Moms add firmly, giving me a hard look. These baby kittens are not mine to give but I say yes anyway.

I will keep on looking out for mom cat, but I fear the worst - she'd have been out and fighting for her babies if she'd been anywhere around. My neighbor's thrilled to get his lawnmower back. I'm thrilled the kittens are safe and cared for. As for the photo I should have taken - I did not even think until they were gone. They were the sweetest baby kittens ever though - huge, pointed ears and all with the lightest green eyes with the smallest different from his siblings in that he was red black, instead of tabby.
Thanks for posting this wonderful story zwiebel, it put a great big smile on my face! :tyou:
Thank's for posting your story, zwiebel! I'm so glad the kitties have homes. I love a good story with a happy ending, especially here, lol!
Thanks for the beautiful story, with a happy ending, although NO PHOTOGRAPH, REALLY ZWIEBEL, THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN A PHOTOGRAPH.
Aww, great story. I am in animal rescue. I spent my whole evening last night getting an abused dog to safely. A man lived in a motor home with his English setter Freckles. He had no other home, was a drunk and mentally ill, and he hung out a lot at the dog park and lake, or parked overnight in parking lots. The man's dog was a sweet and friendly dog but the man beat it until it hated him. He took the dog to the vet yesterday and told them he wanted it put to sleep because it was aggressive to him. He even had a muzzle on it and it had marks from being beaten. The vet reached out to a rescue and got the man to surrender the dog to a rescue. This is where I came in. The rescue had no place safe to put the dog, all foster homes were full. I am with a different rescue and offered to try to get the dog into our rescue. I put out a plea for a foster, contacted the board for permission to take the dog in with rescue paying its bills, arranged for the dog to be hidden at a friend's kennel (the man was driving all over looking for the dog), and arranged for later transportation out of our county to a boarding kennel/day care, where the dog will wait for a foster home to open up. Well, actually it will go to the vet first for vetting. We are changing the name of the dog before posting it so the former owner, who is crazy, can't find it. My friend at the first kennel gave the dog a flea bath and it is now happily playing ball with her kids. Freckle's life is on the upswing! He is going to have a great life from now on! No more abuse, only love!
Thanks Jan for the story about the dog rescue, and especially the amazing lengths you went to, just to rescue the poor abused dog. I am pleased the poor English Setter (formerly called Freckles) now has a happy life free from abuse from the mentally ill drunk. Unfortunately they get a dog for company, then abuse it because they are mentally ill.

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