TN - Chris Newsom, 23, & Channon Christian, 21, murdered, Knoxville, 6 Jan 2007 #12

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Personally, I'd give them all death. There were no innocent bystanders in my opinon.

There sure weren't. :no: LWOP is a serious punishment, though.

I would prefer the DP for myself, the way we do it, with years of appeals, my own lawyer and team of advocates, kept out of the general population in my own cell...then put to sleep like a surgical patient. :rolleyes:

Compared to that, LWOP would be the worst fate, imo. Of course, that's largely because I'd be living in hell around bad guys. Some people seek them out.

Still, I've read that there are skinheads waiting to abuse these guys... they'll live in fear every day. I hope.

ETA: That's not an endorsement of skinheads. I despise them too.
A vereran prosecutor told me that a life sentence is much less likely to overturned on appeal. I'm afraid this one would be if the sentence is death.

This is a different situation though. I think that GT will appeal even a life sentence. In order to assure life, we need to give him death first.
Surely judge knows difference between "abominable" (against nature) and "abdominal..."

Did I just see Hugh Newsom sitting there alone? It didn't even look like Gary and Deena were there.

eta: I just saw Gary and Mary, as they were leaving the courtroom.
I'd post a capture of GT, but every shot looks the same as the others I've posted.
Thanks everyone for all the updates, I was in and out all day and this is first place I came to check in on the days events. I am going to take a guess that we will know GT's fate by lunch time tomorrow and he will get Life behind bars. Have a great night everyone...........can't wait for VC's trail to begin.

Judge says jurors shouldn't be swayed by emotion over vics families (fat chance)

3 aggravators a given - heinous, done 2 avoid arrest, Chris burned. Less certain is Thomas "substantial role"

It only takes 1 aggravator however. It's really more about whether jury thinks Thomas not primary, rates chance

No deliberations tonight. See KNS tomorrow or online for full report
I'd say 50/50 chance of death. This jury stunned us all with the previous verdict, so its hard to predict. I hope its death
'A person’s presence at the scene of a crime, along with
an association with the perpetrator of that crime, does not make one criminally
responsible. Under a theory of criminal responsibility, an individual's presence and
companionship with the perpetrator of a felony before and after the commission of an
offense are circumstances from which his participation or criminal intent in the crime
may be inferred.'

I look at it as the MERE presence at a crime and MERELY knowing the perp can't make the defendant criminally responsible. Here the jury, the finder of fact, found the facts supportive of the inference that he was criminally responsible. Here we had extended presence over many hours during a heinous crime, participation in enjoying the fruits of that crime, apparent "comfort" with the criminals and their acts, etc. and perhaps even a conclusion that it was not reasonable to believe a person present through all of this was not actually invovled. I see all of that as leading a reasonable juror to conclude that the defendant's conduct went well beyond mere presense and acquaintance and entered the realm of criminal responsibility. I don't think it would be proper for the judge to overrule that determination as I don't think he can make a case for the proposition that there was no reading of the facts under which the defendant could be found criminally responsible. But I guess we will have to wait and see.

Oh ok btm so the jury can draw inferences from companionship... gotcha so you must mean as in consorting w beforehand, cooperating during, or ridin around in cahoots w afterward in Channon's 4R... kinda like that? Cuz I'm inferring a whole #lluva lot from that and it looks like the jury did too.

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