TN TN - Jennifer Wix, 22, & Adrianna Wix, 2, Cross Plains, 24 March 2004 - #1

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I saw that Fox 17 in Nashville has a morning show. I wonder about trying to get you or someone on in order to talk about the missing girls. Will be glad to contact them & request them have you as a guest (if you'd like). Don't want to do that until you advise me that you think it's feasible. I'm not sure how far away they are from where you live or anything. Anyway, here is their website:
I've been reading topix (AMAP) as it seems that there is some good info on there (& a lot of misinformation too). I think I have about 100 pages left. Yikes!
Do we know what Nina's medical issue was the week they went missing? Also, did Jenn. have her bipolar meds. adjusted around that time or is that bologna from Sr.?
I read Topix til almost 3AM last night...taking notes and saving links. I'm going to rest from the case tonight. I'm EXHAUSTED! I swear, I almost felt like I was there...5 years ago...this case is heavy on my heart! :blowkiss:
I've been reading topix (AMAP) as it seems that there is some good info on there (& a lot of misinformation too). I think I have about 100 pages left. Yikes!
Do we know what Nina's medical issue was the week they went missing? Also, did Jenn. have her bipolar meds. adjusted around that time or is that bologna from Sr.?
If you will look back on this thread a couple of pages Kimster posted a link to Topix where Jenns sister gave her view of what happened the couple of days before they disappeared. I would rather you go back and read what she said. The info about Nina I would rather not post myself. As for Jenn, according to her family she was bipolar. According to them she was on meds and did not seem to be "crazy" the way Joe claims before she left. My understandind is that she was on meds and doing fine. If I have misunderstood I am sure Kathy will let us know. Joe does everything he can to discredit Jenn .
If you will look back on this thread a couple of pages Kimster posted a link to Topix where Jenns sister gave her view of what happened the couple of days before they disappeared. I would rather you go back and read what she said. The info about Nina I would rather not post myself. As for Jenn, according to her family she was bipolar. According to them she was on meds and did not seem to be "crazy" the way Joe claims before she left. My understandind is that she was on meds and doing fine. If I have misunderstood I am sure Kathy will let us know. Joe does everything he can to discredit Jenn .

Joe does everything he can to discredit Jenn .

just that raises many red flags.WHY would he feel the need? :waitasec:
Thank you guys for the rest of the media links! I've saved and catagorized them. Another WS member suggested we add the girls to the Cold Case threads of WS. What do you think? I was reading some of the work over there and am impressed by the wonderful sleuthing! And I didn't see mention of the girls there yet, either.
Thank you guys for the rest of the media links! I've saved and catagorized them. Another WS member suggested we add the girls to the Cold Case threads of WS. What do you think? I was reading some of the work over there and am impressed by the wonderful sleuthing! And I didn't see mention of the girls there yet, either.

Excellent idea. I was wondering about the Wix's case as being appropriate for discussion on there too.
:bang::bang::bang::bang::bang:pay me no mind...have had a super chitty week!
I just became aware of this case. I started reading the Topix forum this morning. I decided I would jump ahead by 100's. It did not seem to change the tone of the forum. There are kernels of truth in there. Think about what Casey A would say and there was the little bit of truth in what she said.
I am very glad someone has been taking notes on the Topix forum. Maybe then, we can see the real information.
As it stands now, the attacks back and forth for days, is enough to exhaust anyone.
From the little I have read, Jennifer seems to have been bipolar. No one seems to know if she was taking her medication or not. Her child seems to have lived in substandard surroundings.
Jennifer either worked as a stripper or did not work. Did she receive SSI for her bipolar problem? Did she receive welfare assistance for her child? Did she receive food stamps or a medical card for herself or her child?

Jennifer was either estranged from her mother and wanted to be away from her or she had push/pull feelings with her mom. She wanted to be with her, loved her, but maybe they just did not get along when together. I do not know.

Jennifer loved Joey. Joey was not always good to her. Joey loved her too.

Jennifer was last seen Thurs. night. OR Jennifer was last seen Fri. night.
Her friend who worked at the gas station either saw her or she did not see her.

Jennifer was either murdered by someone who knew her well. OR
Jennifer ran away, due to her bi polar problems and is living quietly in some other state. OR
Jennifer actually called a domestic violence hotline and actually followed through with their plan and has 'disappeared.'

I will be glad to see a timeline from those who have read the entire topix threads.
My hat is off to you!
Dream, Sorry I have to disagree on what you stated..."Joey loved her" How do you figure? If he loved her, would he have left her at the interstate as he stated? If he loved her, wouldn't he have at least tried to help in the searches? If he loved her, and she in fact did get into a car..wouldn't he have known the type of car? I could go on and on.....I took the time to read the entire Topix board.before forming any brought a lot to light. Yes, there is bickering back and forth.HOWEVER why are the Bentons he** bent on placing the blame on Jen or her family? WHY did they even feel the need to make that first posting on that board? Why taunt? ........and certainly last but not least why all the made up lies? Sorry just a few thoughts.........
Maybe I should have said Joey loved Jennifer, in the only one he knew love, a controlling love. It was not the good kind of love.
It sounds as if it was a controlling, abusive kind of love.

Even after domestic violence victims go to safe shelters, they will often return, up to seven times, statistics say, before actually being able to leave the person.
They go back because the abuser says he is sorry, he will never do it again, he will go to counseling, he will go to anger management, he will take care of her.
He does not.

You probably already know all the information in the links below:
But will post links in case there is more to be found:
Vine link:
Link to TN domestic violence statistics:

Dept. of Justice domestic violence information:
Violence against Women statistics:

Abused women stories:
check the email from judge g
It really sounds like the B family. What do you think? Even on topix, they are
'not answering' and trying to control.

Tell it like it is stories:
From the little I have read, Jennifer seems to have been bipolar. No one seems to know if she was taking her medication or not. Her child seems to have lived in substandard surroundings.
Jennifer either worked as a stripper or did not work. Did she receive SSI for her bipolar problem? Did she receive welfare assistance for her child? Did she receive food stamps or a medical card for herself or her child?

Jennifer was either estranged from her mother and wanted to be away from her or she had push/pull feelings with her mom. She wanted to be with her, loved her, but maybe they just did not get along when together. I do not know.

Jennifer loved Joey. Joey was not always good to her. Joey loved her too.

Jennifer was last seen Thurs. night. OR Jennifer was last seen Fri. night.
Her friend who worked at the gas station either saw her or she did not see her.

Jennifer was either murdered by someone who knew her well. OR
Jennifer ran away, due to her bi polar problems and is living quietly in some other state. OR
Jennifer actually called a domestic violence hotline and actually followed through with their plan and has 'disappeared.'

I will be glad to see a timeline from those who have read the entire topix threads.
My hat is off to you!

OK, let me see if I can help out some......without the emotion that the topix board brings......

I'm Jennifer's Mom, I can answer some of these things.

Jennifer is bipolar, or was diagnosed as such as a teenager.....I have my doubts as to that being an accurate diagnosis. She did take her medication and I have the remainder of the what was left of the bottle that she was currently taking when she vanished. She did think that she needed something else as she was having anxiety attacks in the couple of weeks before she disappeared. She went to her medical doctor, who prescribed something that was commonly used for asthmatic type symptoms(can't remember the name), she could not understand why she was given something that seemed to make her heart race more so she told me that she had flushed them down the toilet, that they were no good for her and she was going to see another doctor. She made an appt but vanished before the appt time arrived. I wonder if a person makes doctors appts and things like that if they plan to leave town?

Jennifer lived in the home with the B family......I have never been in their home but I have heard that it is substandard. For a brief time she lived with J in his "party barn" and preferred that over his parents house. I believe it was actually a cleaner place than the house. Jennifer was never a stripper, in fact, she was very modest, to the point that she did not wear shorts much and would not take her tshirt off when she wore her swim suit. She did not have a job at the time of her disappearance. She did not receive SSI or any form of welfare. She did receive food stamps, she had a card for them, it had just been loaded with the months allotment when she vanished and was never used after that day.

The only problem that Jenn and I had with our relationship was our disagreement of her choice of a boyfriend. I did not feel like he was a good choice for her or for Adrianna. I think that I was right about that. We spoke for 53 minutes the night before she was supposedly taken to the interstate exit..........she was beginning to agree with my concerns but asked that I let her handle it on her own. Jennifer did care a great deal about J and thought that she was "good for him" and that he was a good person when they were together. I'm not so sure about his feelings for it doesn't seem as if he took very good care of her and her child and has shown no concern for them since their disappearance. I never felt as if he really cared that much for them and that the feelings were mostly one sided.

The last member of Jennifer's family spoke with her on Thurs afternoon, J says he took her to the interstate on Thurs night and he says that she returned to his house on Fri around noon. This is the last time anyone states that they saw Jennifer. I last saw Jennifer and Adrianna on Tues night.

IMO Jennifer and Adrianna were murdered..........I do not believe for one minute that Jennifer ran away and I do not believe at all that she went to a domestic violence shelter........her shelter had always been her family and I believe that if she felt the need to get away from there because of a domestic situation and had the chance to actually get away she would have called on a member of her family or a friend.........not strangers, it was not in her personality to turn to strangers in a time of need.

I hope this helps...........I don't think that the topix forum is good source of information because too many lies are being told there and emotions run too high.

Thank you for your interest in helping us find out what happened to my beautiful girls.
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