TN TN - Joshua Walden, 10, Chattanooga, 10 Dec 2000

It definitely sounds like someone who knew he insisted on wearing shoes at all times. How old was the brother who was in the group of people who found him? Where were the parents if it was the sister who reported him missing?
Abuse went on in the Walden house. Did Josh know something? Was he on his way to report it? Why did the other brother Dallas move away and not come back for 3 years? With everything being said that the mother while on her death bed told what really happened was that never reported? Was it even followed up on?? The Walden siblings had it rough. I know they did the older brothers jonathan and jason they were mentally messed up. Jonathan shot his self only to survive as for Jason wasn't so lucky.

They said it was a outsider, I think it was someone inside the Walden family. Knowing that Josh never took his shoes off. That screams it was personal.

His father was a pool man or something like that wasn't he? What really happened that fatal day?

Abuse went on in the Walden house. Did Josh know something? Was he on his way to report it? Why did the other brother Dallas move away and not come back for 3 years? With everything being said that the mother while on her death bed told what really happened was that never reported? Was it even followed up on?? The Walden siblings had it rough. I know they did the older brothers jonathan and jason they were mentally messed up. Jonathan shot his self only to survive as for Jason wasn't so lucky.

They said it was a outsider, I think it was someone inside the Walden family. Knowing that Josh never took his shoes off. That screams it was personal.

His father was a pool man or something like that wasn't he? What really happened that fatal day?


His Father was a pool man and he was burned with muriatic acid? Surely that's not a coincidence.
I find it Super ironic but The police seem to think they already spoken to the suspect.

Crystal is watching him, he always kept good communication going as far as I recall . of that is true then why did he just up and leave without telling his sister where he was going?! Unless he was going with someone he knew as in brothers? Parents? A friend of his family? Have they even questioned the father? What about Dallas, or Jonathan?

After all these years only Crystal has made a effort into finding her brothers killer. Why wasn't her "FAMILY'' more concerned. I mean if that was my son I would NEVER REST.
Look at the evidence, ask the family again. Its right in front of you. The confession of the mother on her death bed.

Who was she telling? If the mother knew who killed her 10 year old son then you would think the Dad would too
So he went missing on Friday, but was not reported missing until Saturday.? And it would have to be LATE Saturday, as the report also says he was discovered 12 hours after reported missing. One would assume the brother found him during daylight ours, right?

Why the delay in reporting him missing? He's only 10!
Okay The sister had a new baby and yes she was the one who took care of her brothers as her parents didn't. She was at a family members house and she realized she hadnt seen him that morning she left she called her home dozens of times for her father to answer and tell her Josh had came home and got a jacket the weather was icy and snowy. She continued introducing her new child to family members when she got home at 5 she went to the closet and noticed his jacket was still hanging re-questioned her father to get a different story.. Her mom wouldn't listen and no one wanted to go searching for the boy so his sister threatened to steal a car and ultimately her mom finally took her to look for him. She went to every house and place he usually would be and tried to get home and file a report her father wouldnt get off the phone and when she was finally able to she was told it hadnt been 24 hours they officially made it a missing persons at 5 am that Sunday while later on she received a call stating get to the park they have found a child's body.. She immediately knew something wasnt right that Saturday Morning as it was normal for the kids to stay with friends but as for Joshua he was always home before or right at day break.
Do you know the family Crystal? Or are from the area? You should try to be a verified insider on this forum!

I've always felt it was personal, due to the socks/shoes. That cannot be a coincidence. It wasn't someone random. It was someone who had to know that fact.
I am The Sister of Joshua. I just dont like attention but people assume they know what happened but They truly don't. I raised my brothers and Did the best I could and Josh was the baby he was so excited he was gonna be an uncle he met my son and wanted to keep him all night in his bed that Thursday I came home from the hospital I of course was way to paranoid made him change his shirt wash his hands sanitize u know all that first time mom stuff But if I could go back I wouldve let him hold my son as long as he wanted and I wouldnt have ever let him leave that Friday to go meet up with my mom. I would've kept him home... I can remember those days like it was yesterday
Do you know the family Crystal? Or are from the area? You should try to be a verified insider on this forum!

I've always felt it was personal, due to the socks/shoes. That cannot be a coincidence. It wasn't someone random. It was someone who had to know that fact.
I agree I have never felt like it was a random neighborhood pedophile he wasnt molested so that in it's self goes to show it wasnt the usual kidnap & murder scenario that we all know about. I also question the fact it was accidental... Why go to the extent of covering it up and how does a normal person live with it for 20 years if it was truly an accident?
Wow Chrystal, thanks so much for joining us welcome ! I am so sorry for the way you lost your brother, has always bothered me that not much was available to search in the media. I hope this helps you work through the pain that must go with you through your life. If we can we are happy to help. Lead the way . Will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for being willing to join us here MOO
Wow Chrystal, thanks so much for joining us welcome ! I am so sorry for the way you lost your brother, has always bothered me that not much was available to search in the media. I hope this helps you work through the pain that must go with you through your life. If we can we are happy to help. Lead the way . Will keep you in my prayers. Thank you for being willing to join us here MOO
Thanks so much

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