Found Safe TN - Mary Catherine Elizabeth Thomas, 15, Maury County, 13 March 2017 #2

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Sorry, I just have to giggle that she said she went to church with the "super attendant" of schools!

I've been thinking about this comment ET made. I wonder if she really did go to church with the superintendent - - the church that the Cummins took her to sometimes. If that's the case, then TC also went to church with the superintendent which would be...interesting....:thinking:
I have been thinking back to a favorite teacher I had in middle school. He was probably mid-forties. Lots of students loved to hang out in his classroom after school. Me and my girlfriends did so regularly. I was trying to remember if there was ever a time that one of us was alone with him. It occurs to me that his door was ALWAYS open, and if I ever ended up being the last student in there, we somehow ended up in the hallway to complete whatever conversation. To me, THIS teacher is what a wise, responsible, and supportive teacher does when they want to be there for their students but remain above reproach. I don't remember ever seeing him in his classroom alone with a student with the door closed.
Cummins' wife isn't the superintendent. She works for the school system in some capacity, but not as superintendent. Of course, it is possible that Cummins told ET that his wife was the superintendent, though.
Yep. He may have told her they can't get in trouble because of her position or something. Clearly he's a liar at the very least.
Looks to me like TC's Twitter is the complete opposite of his Instagram (i.e. no lovesick teenager-type memes, more professional-minded, etc.) I'm also noticing that while TC and his wife follow each other on Twitter, that does not seem to be the case on Instagram that I can detect. On the one hand, I'm amazed that he set up that account under his real name but on the other, I wouldn't be surprised if the arrogant s.o.b. got a thrill out of carrying out an illicit relationship right under his wife's nose without her knowledge.

I noticed this as well. The separation of the two distinct "social media" personalities is interesting to me... While he is obviously not a criminal genius, I do think he is aware/manipulative enough in the sense that I think he was posting the type of stuff he was on Instagram to show how similar he was to Elizabeth, establishing more of a camaraderie (i.e. the love sick teenager memes). What an awful man.
ET's sister - I will refer her here to ST says (now there appears to be bullying going around in that school, reports being made, and the school administration doing nothing about it):

ST heard Cummins tell stories with other students about being in the FBI, CIA and Secret Service. “He was a weirdo,” she said.

It wasn’t until allegations of Cummins and her sister kissing at school that ST said other students made fun of her. “She would say, ‘I got to get out of here. We got to leave. We got to get out of here,’” said ST about her sister. ST said she tried to stop other students from bullying her sister, but it wasn’t enough.

“She would always say for me to make them stop, and I tried. I’d bring them to the office and they didn’t do anything. I can only do so much,” she said.

After the Amber Alert was issued, ST said she is now struggling at school without her sister. “Sometimes I’ll hear a comment here and there about, ‘Oh, I bet he’s raping her or hurting her.’ I don’t want to think about that. She is my little sister.”

With each passing day, I grow more and more angry at this school's administration/teachers/counselors/superintendent/etc.

Well if anyone is wondering how this type of thing happens , that's it. When a 15 year old girl from a dysfunctional family, has a bad home life and a bad school life, the idea of running away with a 50 year old school teacher could start to look pretty good.
Quoting myself here...

I received a call back from an agent. So, it sounded like they will be looking into it.

When I called they said they would send someone to check it out. Do you think I should think they didn't find my tip credible since I didn't receive a call back?
I finally found the case I have been hunting for, that reminds me of this situation. The teen girl ran away with the 47 year old ranch hand. They eluded police for quite awhile.

Maybe we can glean some of the thought processes they might have by reviewing this case.

Also, I will quote myself because, well, because nothing ever changes with these creepers:

In my state but I never heard about it. Bizarre. Surveillance video showed she was very relaxed and seemed happy when spotted with him while on the run. He was sentenced for unlawful intercourse, or something, right? What happened to her? What was her take on things I wonder? How was she found? How did she react to being found?

It looks like later, her dad was murdered. What a mess.
I was reading through her IG again today. About 4 wks ago, There is a stock photo of a blonde girl behind a guy, the guy wearing a shirt that says "If you are reading this you are to close, I have a girlfriend" and then in the comments she writes something that has nothing to do with the image at all "_.babygirl2001._I have all Spanish 1 work I ended with a 98 in spanish. Hmu". I still think that they are trying to get in to Mexico. It's quite easy to disappear there in the poor villages who will readily accept a "Minister" as well as someone to teach them English.
I'm confused as to how exactly they would have been able to leave the country. Flights require ID's, and handguns must be registered and secured in luggage. Big paper trail that would not be hard to follow. Cross into Mexico? Not legally. That requires documentation, and minors must show ID.

Perhaps TC researched how to enter Mexico illegally, but that would require ditching the car and trekking a long, dangerous route on foot.

I'm just not seeing it.

Why would they do it on foot?
Vegas is the perfect place to hide out. It's a huge trafficking hub. He could walk around in disguise and pawn her out for $$ they wouldn't even stand out.
wow, I saw you added this to your OP, so I am bringing it forward because, well, what could this mean? Ummm....

_.babygirl2001._"the time comes for the flowers to bloom, the fruit of love starts to grow, soon when the fruit gets too heavy, it shall fall from the tree, fertilizing a new part of the ground away from the tree, and starting a new life." #love #together

It almost sounds like Pregnancy....or am i reading too much into it?
It doesn't matter if ET's parents beat the hell out of her or starved her to death. (Not saying they did) It doesn't matter if she pursued TC for perceived help or romance. It doesn't matter if she left willingly with him. It doesn't matter if she plans to marry him. It only matters that she is a 15-year-old victim of a horrible crime! Stop minimizing what is happening to her. She was kidnapped and is likely being raped.

I think it is you who is minimizing what happened to her, before she ran away. As far as her being raped, that may or may not be true. We don't know. So could we avoid talking about that, until we have some evidence, one way or the other.
Just a heads up:

You cannot sleuth her family or give out information about her family. They are victims as well. Adding her fathers twitter is not ok, per TOS of this site.

(And just so everyone knows, when I quoted this I deleted the fathers information).

Thanks very much, for the correction. Glad you are on top of it.
I was thinking...what if that student hadn't told? What if something does happens to ET while off with TC. The guilt that student would have to live with by not speaking up. She did the right thing!
I still believe TC had a plan and would have left with ET.

What ifs, could be a lot of possibilities. I would guess, if the student hadn't told, TC and ET would have continued doing, whatever it was that they were doing. He would still be a teacher, and she would still be his student, and we wouldn't be having this conversation now. Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. I don't see any good things in this case, or any possible good outcomes.
Thanks. I am aware of the definition. My point is that referring to it otherwise can be minimizing.

I get your point. It's because "intercourse" implies consent. And a minor lacks the capacity to give consent to having sex with a person who has more power and maturity than she does. I always hate when reporters describe child rape as "was caught having sex with" the 8 year old, for example. Or describing a child molestation situation as a "relationship". Gross.

[Tad] is believed to have watched a TV show about living off the grid before the pair disappeared, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Investigators receive 700 tips ....

Oh boy. Could be very hard to find them. I hope every campground and national part is alerted.

"Jesus freak." Gmafb.

Disgusting. He is no Godly man. He's not a husband anymore either.

It's true he has many a good post, just not those ones. Sarcasm is cool, but sometimes it's...not. Just sayin...

I sure hope it was sarcasm. I have always respected the poster. Maybe I'm on the defensive based on posts I have seen here but mostly elsewhere that really act as if this is not a crime and ET is not a victim.

How was she getting that level of information on another student? Unless, someone with access was giving it to her...

Hi all (new to this case).


That's exactly what i was thinking. All that detail about the poster's school schedule?

What does boi mean?

It means a very young, butch lesbian. But I do not think that's how they meant it!
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