Tom Cruise agrees being an actor is like being a soldier in Afghanistan

The last movie I saw of his was Valkyrie. I watched it out of curiosity, to see if it was as bad as critics made it out to be. To me, overall, it wasn't a bad movie... but Tom Cruise sure did stink as the lead. He is rarely diverse as an actor... and the older he gets, the more it is like he is stuck in "Tom Cruise portraying Tom Cruise as blah-blah character" mode. That is how it felt in Valkyrie... he was less about portraying von Stauffenberg, but more about portraying HIMSELF as von Stauffenberg. (if that makes any sense lol)
I love the Jack Reacher books by Lee Child. When I heard they were making a movie about his latest book I was thrilled. Then I heard Tom Cruise was playing the lead. Needless to say I have never seen it. I felt if I saw him in the role of Jack Reacher I would never be able to read another Lee Child book again. Allowing himself to be compared to soldier in Afghanistan is way over the top. He no longer knows the difference between fiction and reality.
Tom Cruise did not make widely reported claim that acting is as tough as combat

Moss took issue with a magazine headline referring to Cruise having broken a promise to attend his daughter’s first day of school. “But the truth, as you know, is that Mr. Cruise is a devoted father, who simply happens to be working in London on film. By your reasoning, any actor who is shooting on location in a foreign country could be charged with child abandonment, as could all of the mothers and fathers serving overseas in the military.”

The comments come in a section of the deposition where Cruise is being asked about time he has spent away from daughter Suri, either because of film or other commitments.

“Now your counsel has publicly equated your absence from Suri for these extended periods of time as being analogous to someone fighting in Afghanistan,” opposing counsel asks him. “Are you aware of that?”

“I didn’t hear the Afghanistan,” Cruise replies. “That’s what it feels like and certainly on this last movie it was brutal. it was brutal.”

“Do you believe that the situations are the same?” Cruise is asked.

“Oh come on,” Cruise says, “you know, we’re making a movie.”

Cruise’s attorney, Bert Fields, tells CNN in a statement, “Headlines stating he equated his job with those in the military are demonstrably false. They are a distortion of what is provable and on the record.”

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:waitasec: :maddening: :crazy: :trainwreck:
I can see it though. For someone who's totally rich and sheltered, actors often put in 16-hour work days, their breaks are when they aren't in a particular scene. I'd imagine that it's exhausting. Maybe not serving a tour in Afghanistan traumatic, but certainly tiring and mentally difficult.

And he does do a lot of his own stunts and action work. Does that put him in soldier category? No.. But it sounds to me like the question was about being away from Suri and what it felt like to be separated from her. Not his actual job comparison to a soldier.

I am not one to defend him, But this is a snippet and not in context so I have to wonder what that would look like.
tmz watched video and reports that

Then when the lawyer says "Do you believe the situations [being in a movie and fighting a war in Afghanistan] are the same?" ... Cruise becomes almost indignant and says, "Oh come on." At this point he is clearly saying they're not the same.

Short story. It seems like Cruise got sucked into the lawyer's hyperbole and was showing a little too much macho at the beginning of the exchange, when he said, "That's what it feels like. It was brutal, it was brutal." And then when the lawyer crystallized it ... Cruise realized what was happening and made a clear statement he didn't view his acting like fighting in a war.

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And he does do a lot of his own stunts and action work. Does that put him in soldier category? No.. But it sounds to me like the question was about being away from Suri and what it felt like to be separated from her. Not his actual job comparison to a soldier.

I am not one to defend him, But this is a snippet and not in context so I have to wonder what that would look like.

Yeah TMZ totally twisted his words in a different context. I would be beyond pissed if it was me

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Meh. Cruise is a tool in so many other ways. I mean, maybe he didn't ACTUALLY say that, but he did denigrate people who take meds for depression or any other illness. So I am not leaning towards giving him a pass. But then, I am a beeotch.
No, Cruise's words were not deliberately "twisted". What happened is that all pages of the Deposition were not published. As it happens, in this particular exchange between Tom and the lawyer, the line where Tom says "Brutal, it was just brutal" was the last line published and/or made public. For two days or so.

It was not until Tom's lawyer provided the next pages of the Deposition that the further exchange was made public.

The full Deposition - or at least what is available of it - is quite a read. He says lots of stupid things. And IMO that is how he comes across - as being stupid.

And he's the big spokesperson for $cientology. And managed to fly round-trip from Pittsburgh to London and back in 24 hours via private jet in order to attend a $cientology event shortly before the split from Katie Holmes. Then it was "impossible" for him to make a trip from London to New York for over 3 months to see his child.

He verifies all of the above, says there are no inaccuracies within either published article and his only objection is to the word "abandoned" being used on the cover.

I don't like him or his cult.
Katie Holmes doesn't come out of this mess with any sort of glory.

She walked into this "arrangement" and willingly attempted to dupe the world along with TC.

Her career is now down the toilet as a result of her efforts. TC doesn't like it when his wives careers are successful.

I think she's a rock star. Yes, she fell for his tricks and played the game for a long time. But in the end, she outsmarted him in one of the most brilliant moves ever and she did it to save her kid. I think becoming a parent woke her up and she did the right thing.

I will never understand demonizing someone for the rest of their lives for past mistakes. It's not like she killed anyone.

Also, yeah, her career took a hit, because, it seems, he wanted his wife out of the work force. But she can reinvent herself. I'm not worried about her.

I think Raine man was my last as well. Then I started to see/hear him in the press. He reminded me of someone in my RL. It was not a good association for me. End of me watching his movies.

My mom long said he has a cruel face. This was way before his Scientology stuff was made public. I agree. I just never liked him.

That bring said, I understand his anger toward the tabloid. They really need to leave children of celebrities alOne. TC didn't abandon his kid. His wife just out litigated him. AlthOugh I will say that his fear of revealing the evils of Scientology played a major part in the settlement. Nevertheless, it's almost impossible for a person who travels all over the world to have 50% custody of their kid. His visitation schedule is typical for parents who travel for work and live in a different state from their child.
Meh. Cruise is a tool in so many other ways. I mean, maybe he didn't ACTUALLY say that, but he did denigrate people who take meds for depression or any other illness. So I am not leaning towards giving him a pass. But then, I am a beeotch.

You always have a way with words..LOL! I agree Cruise is a tool and I don't appreciate his denigrating people who are on meds, From what I can tell he could do well taking some meds himself.
No, Cruise's words were not deliberately "twisted". What happened is that all pages of the Deposition were not published. As it happens, in this particular exchange between Tom and the lawyer, the line where Tom says "Brutal, it was just brutal" was the last line published and/or made public. For two days or so.

It was not until Tom's lawyer provided the next pages of the Deposition that the further exchange was made public.

The full Deposition - or at least what is available of it - is quite a read. He says lots of stupid things. And IMO that is how he comes across - as being stupid.

And he's the big spokesperson for $cientology. And managed to fly round-trip from Pittsburgh to London and back in 24 hours via private jet in order to attend a $cientology event shortly before the split from Katie Holmes. Then it was "impossible" for him to make a trip from London to New York for over 3 months to see his child.

He verifies all of the above, says there are no inaccuracies within either published article and his only objection is to the word "abandoned" being used on the cover.

I don't like him or his cult.

Haha don't get me wrong that I agree he's bizarre and narcissistic. The link I read said tmz twisted his words which I think it messed up. I don't understand how partial statements could be printed and tmz just took part of it and said to was about another subject? Still messed up if they didn't know what the statements were referring to and acting like they did. But yes he's still a weirdo lol

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danzn: When the Deposition was leaked, it was not the entire document. No one knows (yet) who leaked it, or why they only leaked certain pages of it. So when you read it (just google, you'll find it) there are pages of it, then it skips maybe 10 pages or so and starts again.

In the particular exchange in question, the very last line on the page is where Tom says "It's brutal, really brutal". That's it. The next page and the next lines of his response were NOT PUBLISHED. Actually, I don't think they have yet been published.

Tom's lawyer had, of course, copies of the full Deposition and he contacted press members after several days and showed them the next page. And as per the updated TMZ report, he also showed them at least a portion of the video tape of the exchange between Tom and the lawyer. (Likely so they could see if Tom was smiling, joking, being sarcastic or whatever. None of which comes across on a written transcript very well.)

Here's the thing. Tom Cruise is apparently all worried about the public or Suri herself thinking he is not a good father.

Yet he took his two adopted children, Connor and Bella, away from the only woman they had ever known as a mother, Nichole Kidman. And these children were still quite young at the time. What a crappy thing that was to do to those children. And to Nichole Kidman. And he went on to alienate both kids from Nichole.

He did this because of his "religion" $cientology. A church that separates families all the time! Anybody who doesn't believe in their Xenu space monster story is "declared" a "Suppressive Person". And they are then shunned.

That is what Tom Cruise did. Not exactly a father-of-the-year.

Who actually mothered Connor and Bella after they were ripped away from their mother? Who knows? Tom didn't marry Katie until years later. Penelope Cruz was his love interest for several years between Nichole and Katie. That didn't work out. And I somehow doubt Penelope Cruz at the time was a mother figure to Tom's children.

I never liked Tom Cruise after he pulled that on Nichole. And I felt really sorry for her, having her children taken from her like that.

Tom Cruise is a puppet for a cult. No wonder he gets booed when shown on the screen at a baseball game!
You always have a way with words..LOL! I agree Cruise is a tool and I don't appreciate his denigrating people who are on meds, From what I can tell he could do well taking some meds himself.

Maybe he does..........
TC = a petite little man, not very well educated, totally absorbed into some psycho-babble, and very immature.
In an update on this case, Cruise's legal team filed further paperwork today in which they reveal they polled tabloid readers regarding their reactions to the "Tom abandoned Suri" headlines.

The claimants (Cruise) say the majority of readers of the headlines thought that Tom had permanently discontinued seeing his daughter Suri.

Here's the link to the story in The Hollywood Reporter:

My questions:

1.) Why didn't they survey me? I read tabloid headlines all the time! While I am in line at the grocery store checkout. It helps me decide which magazine to read while I am waiting.

2.) I wonder if the majority of the people thought Tom Cruise had permanently discontinued seeing Suri because the child was in the custody of her non-$cientologist mother?

(Because if the poll was taken in L.A., L.A. people are more likely to know the rules of the $cientology "disconnection " policy. "Disconnection" in $cientology = if you are no longer a $cientologist you are shunned.)

I can honestly say - though I never saw either of these two magazines and their headlines about this - that had I seen these headlines while standing in line at the grocery store, I don't even know that they would have made me pick up the magazine. I think I would NOT have believed it to be true.
I think she's a rock star. Yes, she fell for his tricks and played the game for a long time. But in the end, she outsmarted him in one of the most brilliant moves ever and she did it to save her kid. I think becoming a parent woke her up and she did the right thing.

I will never understand demonizing someone for the rest of their lives for past mistakes. It's not like she killed anyone

I agree. My respect for Katie went up enormously when she pulled her one-two punch on the jerk. Besides, I have to give her a bit of a pass for being so young when she met him. He was this huge star and she was just a baby, really. I pulled a few dumb moves in my early twenties too. Live and learn is a saying for a reason.

She learned. When it came right down to it, she acted to protect her child and I think she deserves credit for that (in addition to making him look like a fool almost as well as he does).

He is a tool. Can't stand the man. I hope she has a chance to come back and re-establish her career. I hope he just goes away.

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