Tom Cruise/Scientology/Katie - Merged

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Mabel said:
Too bad daddy's not around now because Tom could use a good beating.

PRICELESS!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

In all seriousness, it seems to be a stunt to gain attention for his upcoming movie. He did the same thing with his 'new' relationship with Katie a year ago for War of the Worlds. UGH! He turns my stomach.... :loser: :loser: :loser:
UGH! He turns my stomach....

Well, this will turn your stomach even more. Just heard on the local noon news that the Cruister is having a specially made pacifier for Katie so that she doesn't scream during childbirth. It is being made to the specifications of her mouth. :eek:
BrendaStar said:
Well, this will turn your stomach even more. Just heard on the local noon news that the Cruister is having a specially made pacifier for Katie so that she doesn't scream during childbirth. It is being made to the specifications of her mouth. :eek:

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

why doesn't he just bind a gag her????
BrendaStar said:
Well, this will turn your stomach even more. Just heard on the local noon news that the Cruister is having a specially made pacifier for Katie so that she doesn't scream during childbirth. It is being made to the specifications of her mouth. :eek:

Yeah, I just read that too.... I was telling my co-worker that I could think of something better for her to bite down on while in labor. :D :innocent:
Katie is huge. That kid is probably gonna be a big one and I feel silence is not in her future. I'd just like to see him try to gag her with his pacifier while she's giving birth. Hope she tears him a new one.
Can you imagine katie bitting down on a giant pacifier when in labor? Good God, that is the strangest thing I've heard about those two yet. These two weirdos give me the creeps. I wont see MI3, I don't care how good it is.
HOLLYWOOD - Hollywood couple John Travolta and Kelly Preston have raced to fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise's support as he and fiancée Katie Holmes plan a controversial silent birth in the coming days.

The heavily pregnant actress plans to adhere to strict Scientology rules and give birth without screaming obscenities or making loud noises.

But the Travoltas insist the birthing procedure, which has been mocked in the press over the past few months, isn't like people think.

The Pulp Fiction star says, "There are unwanted emotions and pain that goes along with any birth."

Preston insists the Scientology-friendly labor doesn't forbid the mom-to-be from yelling out in pain: "Screaming is fine... It's the words. If you can avoid saying certain phrases and words... Just try to keep it as quiet as possible.

"Of course you're going to groan and yell. It hurts. Just keep it to a minimum."

Cruise Denies Adult Pacifier for Holmes
Tom Cruise has hit out at reports he has bought an adult pacifier to keep fiancée Katie Holmes quiet during childbirth.

The heavily pregnant actress plans to adhere to strict Scientology rules and give birth without screaming, crying or making loud noises, and Star magazine insisted Cruise would help by providing a specially designed device to bite.

A source tells the magazine, "He commissioned an adult-sized 'binky' for her to clench between her teeth, hoping that it'll squelch her screams.

"In keeping with a Scientology silent birth, Tom is prepared to do whatever it takes to muffle Katie's moans and groans during the delivery."
calidreamin said:
Can you imagine katie bitting down on a giant pacifier when in labor? Good God, that is the strangest thing I've heard about those two yet. These two weirdos give me the creeps. I wont see MI3, I don't care how good it is.
All right - post 666 on the Scientology thread - appropriate, especially when talking about this psycho birthing junk!
OK, I'm going to be REALLY tacky here, but I think it would be so funny if the baby is breech and she ends up having to have a c-section! :eek: :D
Yep, saw the ET blurb on TC's childhood last night, and ya know what I thought? Too late, buddy. Good try at the sympathy factor. :snooty:

And I feel kinda bad for not feeling more sympathy for him. To me, I guess it's the timing, etc. Right before the baby, right before MI3, etc. I have no friggin' clue what his childhood was like, and if it was so bad, I am sorry. But it's so self-serving now. :mad:
I wonder if Scientology, through its various 'therapies' has him convinced of some kind of childhood abuse? Just a thought.
If he was having a pacifier specially made for me I would in turn have a made cork to fit up his ____ :innocent:
Masissy said:
If he was having a pacifier specially made for me I would in turn have a cork to fit up his ____ :innocent:

I'd be shoving the pacifier up there. ;)
I agree. I'm bound and determined to hold strong to my little boycott against anything TC or KH. And then I heard a Hollywood insider say it appears MI3 is actually going to be pretty darn good, and I thought, "damn!" Oh well. I can miss a movie for showing my disdain for this guy. Creep.

It will be on HBO eventually. ;)
What in the world are they talking about? "Certain words and phrases should be avoided"??? Do they think the baby already understands english? What word or phrase could possibly traumatize an infant that has not developed the comprehension of language??? These people are utter morons. :loser:
mesnowmom123 said:
I wonder if Scientology, through its various 'therapies' has him convinced of some kind of childhood abuse? Just a thought.

Yep, wonder what his mom is thinking about all this. Who knows!
Masissy said:
If he was having a pacifier specially made for me I would in turn have a made cork to fit up his ____ :innocent:

LMAO. Or, heck, it might not even "fit"...but we could force it to fit!!! :slap:
LMAO. Or, heck, it might not even "fit"...but we could force it to fit!!! :slap:

I heard rumors that make me believe he might enjoy it. Ooops, did I just say that. :angel:
TheShadow said:
What in the world are they talking about? "Certain words and phrases should be avoided"??? Do they think the baby already understands english? What word or phrase could possibly traumatize an infant that has not developed the comprehension of language??? These people are utter morons. :loser:

Yep, utter morons. They believe there are space aliens already living in the baby, and we don't want to stir them up!
Beffie said:
I heard rumors that make me believe he might enjoy it. Ooops, did I just say that. :angel:

:laugh: :laugh: We're soooo bad....
I think we need a new thread. This was is getting way too long. I'll start one, please continue there.
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