Tommy describes attack

Art later retracted the information about the gun being found at the Sr. Croslins home on Magnolia and corrected it to say it was found at Tommy's home on Tyler.
Might not be the same article MADJ posted but I did read where he corrected it.

Art's Comments:

Thanks to a vigilant reader who just pointed out a stupid misspeak or clarification I need to make after writing where the Ronald Cummings black Beretta was found. Last Friday, I wrote:

"But Ronald had put him down a week earlier, humiliated him in front of family, accusing him of stealing a handgun, Hank Croslin, Sr. told me. “I had to keep them apart,” he said. He said Overstreet vowed to get even, and that Cummings sloughed it off after he found the gun where he claims Overstreet hid it, in a drainage pipe that rans under the Croslin’s former driveway.


When Lindsay and Tommy Croslin, Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin showed me where they said Joe hid the gun--and Chelsea and Misty found it--we were standing in the yard at Tommy and Lindsay's house on Tyler St, where a culvert runs along the front and a drainage pipe runs under the driveway....

Hank and Lisa had moved to Tommy's from their Maganolia house, after Hank's car wreck; he was on crutches with pins in his leg.

The day Haleigh went missing, a family member drove back up to the Gainesville hospital to bring him home in the blue van. And there it was that day, covered in dusty white fingerprint powder in the driveway. More from those interviews later.
So AH is saying the gun was found on February 10th. That concurs with Ron saying he saw Joe's gf looking in the ditch, but not the rest of his story. And WTH was it covered in white fingerprint powder?

As usual in this case, with each new answer comes a thousand new questions.:banghead:
So AH is saying the gun was found on February 10th. That concurs with Ron saying he saw Joe's gf looking in the ditch, but not the rest of his story. And WTH was it covered in white fingerprint powder?

As usual in this case, with each new answer comes a thousand new questions.:banghead:

No, no, no, lol, AH is not saying the gun was found on Feb. 10th.

Will get into it more later...but Joe drove down with his girlfriend or friend who is a young woman named Jxxxxxxx. She stayed with her family in a large Florida city on the beach and came over to pick him up after one fight, then Joe changed his mind, my sources tell me, and told her he was going to finish the rest of my vacation." Then the s hit the fan when Haleigh turned up missing that morning. He and Misty caught a ride to Kangaroo, and he left later that day, an exit date that was perhaps an exit strategy. Steal the machine gun and split?

art ;

The van was covered with white fingerprint powder, not the gun.
I've said this before, you all might not agree but....:innocent:

When someone is adamant a fight didn't occur, it probably did! Same with Caylee's I'm inclined to believe this is probably the scenario with HaLeigh!

JO is a street , loves guns and violence, IMO and his attitude shines through. He's got some issues, for sure, is very immature, holds no love in his heart when you can take someone's child, just to get even. This was depraved, horrendous and if one goes down, IMO, they should all go down for holding this information for 19 months. NO ONE DESERVES IMMUNITY....JMHO

If this is true about the humiliation JO suffered at the hands of RC, then he took HaLeigh out of vengance, was riddled with rage for making JO look like a fool and RC conveniently "forgets" about this incident. He knows how badly this makes him look and he's not father of the year for keeping drugs, guns and violence around his children. If that weapon is found and found to be stolen, guess who else gets arrested for this theft! I've always thought RC's lifestlye is what led to HaLeigh's demise. I do hope the police are on this, checked it out throughly for it's the best lead they've got.

Now they need to find out Where is Haleigh???? What did they truly do with her and must have proof, not just talk. It's time for HaLeigh to come home...I think they need to get to JO in Tennessee and apply tons of pressure...JMHO

Where is HaLeigh???
No, no, no, lol, AH is not saying the gun was found on Feb. 10th.

Will get into it more later...but Joe drove down with his girlfriend or friend who is a young woman named Jxxxxxxx. She stayed with her family in a large Florida city on the beach and came over to pick him up after one fight, then Joe changed his mind, my sources tell me, and told her he was going to finish the rest of my vacation." Then the s hit the fan when Haleigh turned up missing that morning. He and Misty caught a ride to Kangaroo, and he left later that day, an exit date that was perhaps an exit strategy. Steal the machine gun and split?

art ;

The van was covered with white fingerprint powder, not the gun.

That is not what I originally read, but who knows with AH.. Sometimes I think he has a sidekick who is writing his articles ...JMHO
That is not what I originally read, but who knows with AH.. Sometimes I think he has a sidekick who is writing his articles ...JMHO

I read AH only when I want to be amused.

How sad this case is. So much rumor and innuendo, and the reporters and other media have been spreading the worst of it. "According to my sources," or "my sources tell me," good grief! if I hear either phrase one more time I will barf. What sources!!?? Either name them or quit referring to them.
I read AH only when I want to be amused.

How sad this case is. So much rumor and innuendo, and the reporters and other media have been spreading the worst of it. "According to my sources," or "my sources tell me," good grief! if I hear either phrase one more time I will barf. What sources!!?? Either name them or quit referring to them.

I'm not amused by his antics...At one time, long long ago, I sincerely thought he was all about finding out what happened to Haleigh and who was responsible, but unfortunately I came to the realization that wasn't the case... IMHO he has done nothing but add to the confusion and is more interested in getting hits to his site than he is reporting the truth or finding out what really happened...Award winning journalist my rear...I'm totally pizzed with just about everyone associated with this case...JMHO
I read AH only when I want to be amused.

How sad this case is. So much rumor and innuendo, and the reporters and other media have been spreading the worst of it. "According to my sources," or "my sources tell me," good grief! if I hear either phrase one more time I will barf. What sources!!?? Either name them or quit referring to them.

BBM....I agree with how you feel about AH.....

I believe his "sources" are........Ron, Misty, Tommy, Timmy, and all the rest of the players in this case......and thereby...completely UNBELIEVEABLE...

Art needs to validate ....FIRST..what he is be accurate..
I'm not amused by his antics...At one time, long long ago, I sincerely thought he was all about finding out what happened to Haleigh and who was responsible, but unfortunately I came to the realization that wasn't the case... IMHO he has done nothing but add to the confusion and is more interested in getting hits to his site than he is reporting the truth or finding out what really happened...Award winning journalist my rear...I'm totally pizzed with just about everyone associated with this case...JMHO
ha ha...I wish these journalists would be forced to name their sources, because if they're TN, GMFlora, etc...I'd choose to not read a lot of it. The only sources I'm interested in, are LE, neighbors, PDM employees, & then I'd still take it with a grain of salt.
If tommy and JO were involved with hiding Haleigh, it doesn't make sense of Shell Harbor. They are in panic mode, why drive almost to JO's and then turnaround and drive back to Satsuma and go back to Crescent City? Haleigh has to be close to that trailer on Green.

misty called tommy for help; tommy called JO for the van. Tommy drove and JO disposed. Tommy went home to Tyler and JO went back with the van to Crescent City.

There is a possibility that JO put Haleigh anywhere along Paradise Rd or in the water at the end of Smith Lane and tommy was not there when this happened. JO simply did this on his way back to Chelsea's.
We don't know if misty is telling the truth about Haleigh screaming and tommy is telling the truth about a limp Haleigh it could be that Haleigh died earlier in that MH...there would be a death scent. Also, the body is in rigor about 4 hours (adult). I don't know how long a child would be in rm but probably much shorter. Then the body would relax and limp. I think if she was there for four hours, LE could have picked up some evidence. It is possible that Haleigh was wrapped in that old blanket from the window though. I still say that misty got very sensitive when she described she covered Haleigh with a little sheet.

So when tommy saw a limp Haleigh, was this a recent death or one that took place hours before? Something happened in that MH and misty and/or tommy called JO because they needed the van. JO was much more able to handlel this situation than either of the other two. If he didn't hurt Haleigh himself, you can bet he was enraged when he saw her condition.
We don't know if misty is telling the truth about Haleigh screaming and tommy is telling the truth about a limp Haleigh it could be that Haleigh died earlier in that MH...there would be a death scent. Also, the body is in rigor about 4 hours (adult). I don't know how long a child would be in rm but probably much shorter. Then the body would relax and limp. I think if she was there for four hours, LE could have picked up some evidence. It is possible that Haleigh was wrapped in that old blanket from the window though. I still say that misty got very sensitive when she described she covered Haleigh with a little sheet.

So when tommy saw a limp Haleigh, was this a recent death or one that took place hours before? Something happened in that MH and misty and/or tommy called JO because they needed the van. JO was much more able to handlel this situation than either of the other two. If he didn't hurt Haleigh himself, you can bet he was enraged when he saw her condition.
There was something about the way that Tommy was so sure that Timmy would never move back, (conversation with Lindsey), that bugged the heck out of me, & there was something about the way he talked to Timmy about LE having nothing on him, & never would, that bugged me too. He was cocky, & IMO, very confident. I don't think he would've acted like that, if he had left the disposal to Joe. So, I think Tommy took care of that, himself. maybe with Timmy's help. & then in Misty's LVA, she talked about Tommy knowing, all the hidden spots, not Joe, & then Tommy's tales of deer hunting, make me think Haleigh's in the woods. Tommy's 1st story, was that they wanted to borrow a gun to hunt deer. So...get gun, go to the woods. But now he's saying they took Haleigh instead of the gun. So, I'm thinking...get Haleigh, go to the woods. I think it's possible, that he inadvertantly, & in a roundabout way, confessed to Haleigh's location. While lieing, he was thinking about her location, (the woods), & then connected the woods to hunting. Maybe whatever evidence was found at Shell Harbor, was evidence thrown there, the next day. IDK, but IMO, Tommy is too big of a liar, to tell a truth, that might come back on him, so the Shell Harbor search, was just part of the story. I think he gave just enough facts to prove that he had information, but used them in an attempt to set up Joe. I think he kept the big stuff to himself. This is just MOO, & I could be way off, but I got the impression, from the jail recordings, that Tommy thought he was the one in the driver's seat. & I didn't really pick that vibe up from Misty, & I didn't get that from Joe. From the few clips I've seen, he acted scared.
We don't know if misty is telling the truth about Haleigh screaming and tommy is telling the truth about a limp Haleigh it could be that Haleigh died earlier in that MH...there would be a death scent. Also, the body is in rigor about 4 hours (adult). I don't know how long a child would be in rm but probably much shorter. Then the body would relax and limp. I think if she was there for four hours, LE could have picked up some evidence. It is possible that Haleigh was wrapped in that old blanket from the window though. I still say that misty got very sensitive when she described she covered Haleigh with a little sheet.
So when tommy saw a limp Haleigh, was this a recent death or one that took place hours before? Something happened in that MH and misty and/or tommy called JO because they needed the van. JO was much more able to handlel this situation than either of the other two. If he didn't hurt Haleigh himself, you can bet he was enraged when he saw her condition.

BBM Hi Whisp, ITAthat there is something about the cover, and the blanket that we need to know about. Misty gave more info that was asked for concerning the covers, blankets etc.:waitasec:
Art later retracted the information about the gun being found at the Sr. Croslins home on Magnolia and corrected it to say it was found at Tommy's home on Tyler.
Might not be the same article MADJ posted but I did read where he corrected it.

Art's Comments:

Thanks to a vigilant reader who just pointed out a stupid misspeak or clarification I need to make after writing where the Ronald Cummings black Beretta was found. Last Friday, I wrote:

"But Ronald had put him down a week earlier, humiliated him in front of family, accusing him of stealing a handgun, Hank Croslin, Sr. told me. “I had to keep them apart,” he said. He said Overstreet vowed to get even, and that Cummings sloughed it off after he found the gun where he claims Overstreet hid it, in a drainage pipe that rans under the Croslin’s former driveway.


When Lindsay and Tommy Croslin, Hank Sr. and Lisa Croslin showed me where they said Joe hid the gun--and Chelsea and Misty found it--we were standing in the yard at Tommy and Lindsay's house on Tyler St, where a culvert runs along the front and a drainage pipe runs under the driveway.... :)waitasec: Ron told Cobra he was the one that found it, made it sound as if he was the one that hid it to. He said he retrieved, cleaned it, and gave it to LE. Misty was gone all that weekend and did not return until around 4AM Monday Feb9th I assume because her ride dropped her off to watch her brothers kids and she was to go to the hospital that AM to see Hank Sr. So, how would Misty and Chelsea have time to find the gun and give it Ron? Even if Misty came back Sunday at 4AM it was said her and Ron were up all night fighting, so at what time then did they have to retrieve this gun? On Monday Haleigh had school and she was rushed to school that morning. Misty and Ron both said they went back to the MH and slept...while Jr. did who knows what. It just does not make sense IMO.)
Hank and Lisa had moved to Tommy's from their Maganolia house, after Hank's car wreck; he was on crutches with pins in his leg.

The day Haleigh went missing, a family member drove back up to the Gainesville hospital to bring him home in the blue van. (Yes, Chelsea went to Gainesville and so did Joe, they went together and then they drove to the police station, then Joe and Misty went to hand fliers. So, Joe was with Chelsea at this time, how did he have time to hide a gun? A gun that Ron had already retrieved, cleaned and turned over to LE?)
And there it was that day, covered in dusty white fingerprint powder in the driveway. More from those interviews later. (How could that be possible if Ronald had already given LE the gun? LE said in the police report that they retrieved the Barretta in the MH Feb 10, 2009?)

:waitasec: BBM.... :cow:
Hank was discharged from the hospital on Feb. 11th according to hospital papers. I do not think JO would go to any police station for anything. JO refused to go with Chelsea anywehre near Tyler st. She dropped JO off at a gas station/kangaroo (?) and she went on to thepolice station. I would think Lisa would have been with her. It is doubtful Lisa would remain in Gainsville after this happened. What JO did with his time is unknown but he was met up with later and apparently given fliers to hang up while he was there.

Misty and Chelsea both said that JO would not come near the trailer either. The first I heard of LE talking to him was in TN. I would hope they saw him before that but there is no information to indicate they did.
BBM Hi Whisp, ITAthat there is something about the cover, and the blanket that we need to know about. Misty gave more info that was asked for concerning the covers, blankets etc.:waitasec:

My imagination says that misty found Haleigh deceased at some point and covered her with a sheet. Haleigh was taken out of that MH wrapped in a blanket (from the window).

It appears that LE are searching for a black bag, blanket, etc. When they drained the pond they didn't see it, so they ruled out the mondex.
My imagination says that misty found Haleigh deceased at some point and covered her with a sheet. Haleigh was taken out of that MH wrapped in a blanket (from the window).

It appears that LE are searching for a black bag, blanket, etc. When they drained the pond they didn't see it, so they ruled out the mondex.

I agree that she wrapped Haleigh in the blanket from the window. She just gave info that she wasn't even asked about , talking about the blanket, and didn't she ask someone or say something about her blanket being in the van?
Yes, Nonni. Misty said the blanket from the bed is in the van that "THEY" took. I used the window because it fits more with somebody looking for a large cover to wrap.

Either way, if she washed blankets that night, there was a very good reason to do so...and that is she was erasing evidence.
My imagination says that misty found Haleigh deceased at some point and covered her with a sheet. Haleigh was taken out of that MH wrapped in a blanket (from the window).

It appears that LE are searching for a black bag, blanket, etc. When they drained the pond they didn't see it, so they ruled out the mondex.

I'm more inlcined to believe Misty was on the scene with Ronald Cummings when Haleigh died and Jo was called to the scene and walked in and discovered a deceased Haleigh..And went ballistic...

Also, the black bag and the blanket could have even ended up and disposed of in the same manner the Cummings/Neves/Sykes clan disposed of Haleigh.. I'm still not convinced they didn't arrange by hook or crook to have her cremated..They could never risk Haleigh's remains ever being found..Had to be cremation or quick sand in the area and I doubt they would consent to to the latter...JMHO
I agree that she wrapped Haleigh in the blanket from the window. She just gave info that she wasn't even asked about , talking about the blanket, and didn't she ask someone or say something about her blanket being in the van?

Good post Nonni. I think if a blanket is missing, there would have to be an excuse or a story behind why a blanket that isn't there. Anything in the mobile home that would attract attention or be questioned by LE would need a cover story.

However, for me, the one big part of the story of Haleigh's disapperance was the lack (Oops!) of someone filling in Misty about whar Haleigh was wearing when she went missing

It was one of the early questions asked of Misty (in the 911 call). And a piece of information that was vital in searching for a missing child. What was she wearing when she was last seen?

It's clear Misty did not know. She went from Pajamas (because Haleigh was sleeping) to tan shorts and a pink Hanna t-shirt which supposedly showed up later in the dirty clothes or the shirt was folded neatly in the drawer?

In Misty's version, she put Haleigh to bed at 8 because she had school the next day. If Misty was there with Haleigh and Junior the entire evening, she would know what Haleigh was wearing when last seen. Or if Grandma Sykes testifies to the children getting clean shirts on, either GGS or Misty should know what shirt was put on Haleigh at that time.

Just this simple piece of missing information makes me believe Misty was not present when Haleigh met her fate or even when she was removed from the home. If, however Misty did wrapped Haleigh in a blanket to prepare her to be taken from the home, she would know what Haleigh was wearing.

Misty very well could have witnessed Haleigh wrapped up in a blanket or sheet, but that tells me whatever happened to Haleight had already occured and Misty was not there until afterwards, if she was there at all.

Unless of course, Misty was pulling a Scott Peterson, who gave LE a false description of what his wife, Laci, was wearing the last time he saw her the morning he left to go fishing. By doing that the last person to see a victim can make sure the searching LE does is hindered from the beginning. And, I don't think Misty is clever enough to try and trick LE during its search.

IMO, Misty did not know what Haleigh was wearing because she was not the last person to see this little girl before she was taken from the mobile home.

tommy's statement is sure out of order. This is the way the story was presented by tommy's attorney to NG:

1. Joe killed Haleigh
2. Joe developed rage when gun was missing
3. tommy heard noise
4. tommy looked around corner
5. Jo has his arms around Haleigh's waist
6. Haleigh thrown in back of van

I need time to digest this.

......note to mention of misty being present.

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