trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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I dont know about it being a Houston thing. Ive lived here all my life and that is one phrase Ive NEVER heard.

We Texans pretty much have our own language, but not as much as Louisiana!!!


I love being from the South!

again, I even went as far as to pull it up. It is something I NEVER would have noticed I said until it was pointed out that I said it. Then I thought they were crazy and denied I had said that. Now I notice it ever time. No one else does, though. And I am not heavy on the southern accent either.

November 20, 2000

might could (double modal)

David Rubin wrote:

In this neck of the woods, one not infrequently encounters the following construction:

A: Can you help me clean the gutters?
B: I might could help you out.
I've encountered two opinions on this "double subjunctive" (might could). The first says that it's just plain illiterate and incorrect. The second says that it's a survival in the American South of a usage that was once much more widely spread. Do you think y'all might could cast some more light on the subject? [David is writing from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.]

Well, for starters, might could isn't a double subjunctive; it's a double modal. Modals belong to a category of auxiliary verbs that includes would, ought, must, should, and have to. The subjunctive is a mode (a.k.a. "mood") of a verb, that uses the bare infinitive in many verbs in the present tenses (If he be great, let him do something to prove it), but has only one form, were, in past and conditional constructions (Would that Caesar were great!/If only Caesar were great!). The other modes are the familiar indicative (Caesar is great), and the imperative (Be great, Ceasar!/Let Caesar be great!). The vocative is also usually classed as a mode (O Caesar!). Modals took over the larger role that the subjunctive used to play, so that may be what's confusing you (or your source).


The use of the double modal is definitely not "illiterate," but rather typical of regional dialect. It just happens to be largely, if not exclusively, confined to spoken language or reported speech, which says more about the intolerance of dialectal forms in "standard" written English than it does about the education level of the speaker. It's generally true that more educated Southerners tend to avoid this construction, but that's due to a prejudice of perception, not to any inherent inferiority of the use.

In fact, I doubt whether the most common double modals, "might need to" and "might've used to," would clang in most English speakers' ears. However, this dialectal use is indeed mostly concentrated in the South and South Midland, according to the Dictionary of American Regional English, which also gives the following complete list of actually occurring forms, which I think is surprisingly varied:
Can we leave everyone's PMS cycles and stories out of here.


Is this in reference to my post? I was just pointing out what another poster had noted--the migraines have appeared at the same time of the month.

I wasn't starting a topic.
Then why are those not convicted even imprisoned while awaiting trial? Show me the law where it says convicts vs. the accused are supposed to have different conditions in jail? That's what I meant.

They are not "imprisoned" but are detained to balance the need to protect the public with their constitutional rights. There is not "a law" saying the conditions that can be imposed are different, but, like a very large number of other things in the law, courts have determined this based on our constitution.
Since we are now doing math here, a bit early I might add but that is assuming she eats all her 2600 calories which I might add are not typical of 2600 calories, IT IS JAIL FOOD, she probably does not eat everything, seriously this has got to be taking a toll on her. Her breakfast is split in TWO and that is all she has from possibly 3 am til 6 pm when she gets back to jail. she has probably missed the supper time meal and a tray is saved for her but is cold and cold goulash probably really sucks so she may not eat much if anything at night.

This trial has been going on for a while, it has to be really difficult all the transferring from jail to court and the meal situation, I can easily understand a migraine or two.

Yeah I know she is in jail.....

She should have thought through these things before slaughtering Travis.

I mean, maybe she wouldn't have done this if she knew that she would be stuck having to choke down cold supper after returning from a trial that is being held because she butchered another human being.

She could be stuck eating ice cold dog&*%$ for each and every meal for all I care.
Is this in reference to my post? I was just pointing out what another poster had noted--the migraines have appeared at the same time of the month.

I wasn't starting a topic.

No I did not single anyone out but I did see three or more related posts, I know how things spiral, just did not want to be seeing pages full of.......
Ohh my, gingersnap is from the city right near me that requires every single citizen by law to own a gun! hey ginger, we're both rednecks! :D

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Oooooh! Do y'all sport the Kennesaw Claw? :floorlaugh:
Hi everyone - Newbie here. You all are amazing and I love your insight into this trial. I have been reading for quite a while and finally decided to sign up. You all seem like such great friends. Thankfully many of my questions have been answered by this site. I stopped watching HLN. I'd much rather come here to find out what is happening. Thanks for having me on board with you all.

I was watching the news the other night and guess who I saw handling another case in Phoenix? Judge S. She is handling the PV High case. He pled guilty to having relations with one of his students. That might answer some questions as to what she does before we see her in court. sorry to hear this about your granddaughter. Prayers for her to pull through quickly and give her children a story to pass on to their children.

The below time-line chronicles the progression of an obsessive psycho. The original link (at bottom) gives more specific detail with actual photographic Exhibits.
This chilling time line shows the events and the erratic behavior leading up to this PREMEDITATED murder.
If the jury doesn't find her guilty of 1st degree murder then I will officially give up any hope for the human race.

Early 2000
Jodi moves in with Matt

Jan 03- Jodi started dating Darryl

Jodi and Darryl buy a house

May 2006- Darryl said on the stand that Jodi said no more cussing.

June 2006- Jodi's breast surgery

Sept 2006
Sept 06-Jodi and Travis meet in Las Vegas (hung out Fri, Sat, and Sunday)

Sept 06-Jodi broke up with Daryl the Thursday after meeting Travis
Sept 06- Met up with Travis Wed and spent the night at the Hughes that Sat.

Fall of 2006-This is when Darryl said on the stand that Jodi started to change.

October 2006
Oct 06- Jodi babysat Travis' dog and she meet Deanne at Travis' house

Nov 2006
Nov 11, 06-Travis allegedly sends Jodi pictures of his penis.

Nov 26, 06- Travis baptized Jodi and they had anal afterwards

Dec 2006
Dec 2006- This is when Darryl said that Jodi moved out.

Feb 2007
Feb 2, 07- Jodi and Travis started dating (or became official boyfriend and girlfriend)
Feb 07-Travis sent Jodi the valentine's underwear, shirt, Spiderman stuff.

Feb 18, 2007- Jodi sent Abe that email.

Mar 2007
Mar 07-Jodi met Travis' grandmother

April 2007
April 07- Jodi tells JM that she took a trip with Dan, Desi, and Travis.

May 2007
May 07- Jodi moved back to staff housing. Matt shared housing with her.
May 07- Jodi and Travis had full vaginal sex

June 2007
June 29, 07- When Jodi says her and Travis broke up.

This was only a 25 week long-distance relationship!!!!

July 2007
July 07- Jodi says she let Travis take sexual pictures of her.
July 07- Lisa said on the stand her and Travis started to date until July 07-Feb 08.

July 07- Jodi moved to Mesa

July 9- Jodi's birthday
July 28- Travis' birthday

August 2007
Aug 07- Travis sends email to Jodi of the french maid outfit.

Aug 07- EX 455- Diary entry from Jodi about how much she loves Travis.

Aug 07- Jodi was peeking in Travis window and seen him kissing another girl (or so she says)
Aug 07- Jodi says to JM that she talks to Rachel about sex with Travis.
Aug 26, 07- EX 510- Diary entries where Jodi talks about suicide, then she talks about how she is not going to let Travis say anything mean about Rachel.

Fall of 2007- Travis orgasms on her face and throws candy at her.
Fall of 2007-Jodi answers a jury question saying this is when she found out Travis had a gun.
Nov 2007
Nov 5, 07- EX 522- Diary entry where Jodi says she can't say anything bad in her diary.

Dec 07
Dec 07- Travis' tires are cut.

Dec 07- Lisa receives a letter from "John Doe"

Jan 2008
Jan 8, 08- Jodi text to Travis: "Awww! I fell asleep! But TO answer your questio, yes I want to grind you. And I want to be LOUD. And I want to give you a nice, warm mouth hug too"
Jan 15, 08- Jodi writes Travis a check for $699
Jan 11, 08-Jodi writes Travis a check for $100
Jan 18, 08- Jodi text to Travis "My pussy is SO WET"
Jan 18, 08- EX 489- Jodi's text to Travis talking about BJ's and face ****
Jan 20-24, 08- EX 458- Diary entry about Lonnie being baptized and Jodi and Travis being naughty
Jan 20, 08- is the night of the tootsie pops and pop rock sex
Jan 21-22 EX 461 & 462-Text messages where Jodi wants to borrow Travis' car
Jan 21-22- The date Jodi claims Travis was being a PEDO with little boy pictures
Jan 21-22, 08- Travis text Jodi wanting to know if she went into his phone.
Jan 22, 08- Jodi text Travis wanting to know if he put a deposit in her account.

Jan 22, 08- When Jodi claims Travis chased her, then kicked her which broke her finger.
Jan 24, 08-EX 456-The diary entry where Jodi says "Nothing noteworthy happened"

Jan 30, 08- Jodi write Travis a check for $220

Feb 2008
Feb 08- Lisa said this is the month her and Travis broke up. July 07- Feb 08
Feb 25, 08- Text where Jodi wants a good spanking and *advertiser censored* pounding from Travis

Feb 26, 08- EX 442- Text about schoolgirl

March 2008
March 2008- Jodi says her and Travis were driving to a tax seminar when he had road rage and hit her.
Mar 2, 08- EX 471- Diary entry where Jodi mentions Travis taking MiMi on a date for rock climbing and how Jodi feel asleep at Travis' house.

Mar 2, 08- EX 472 & 473-Text to Travis where Jodi wants to borrow his BMW and Travis says sure.
Mar 30, 08- EX 443- The text where Jodi gets on the Travis for cussing. It's a long text. Travis is telling Jodi she is full of drama.

April 2008
Apri 08- Jodi went on a date with Abe. She said Travis got mad, hit her then threw her on the ground and broke her finger.
Apr 08- EX 445- A text about drawing.
April 08- Jodi tells JM on the stand that this is when she was sitting on the washer, Travis became a madman and threw her down and choked her.
April 18, 08-EX 484- A text message where Jodi tells Travis she loves him and he is a rock.

Spring 08
Spring 08- Jodi says on re-cross with Nurmi that this is when she found out about MiMi Hall and this is when he told Jodi he wanted to marry MiMi.

May 2008
May 2, 08- EX 392-Text about Little Red Riding Hood
May 2, 08- EX 391- Long nasty text about photo shoots and sex
May 3, 08- A few text where Jodi is hooking up with Ryan Burns
May 10, 08- Phone Sex Tape
May 10, 08- EX 495- Jodi admits to JM that she used the term "****** you" on this day.

May 10, 08- EX 448-The text message about Steve Carrol

May 10, 08- EX 425, 426, 427-Breast pictures. (These were not shown in court) but they are pre surgery breast pictures before Jodi's surgery in June 06
May 11, 08-EX 499- The text where Travis tells Jodi she looks beautiful in her photos

May 15, 08- EX 452- The picture of Jodi and her sister with the blondish highlights
May 16,08- EX 406- Long email that Jodi wrote to Travis
May 18, 2008-Travis makes a blog post titles "Why I want to marry a Gold Digger"
May 19, 08- EX 399- The poem Jodi wrote to Travis
May 22, 08- Jodi says on the stand that she changed her passwords to all her accounts.
May 25-26, 08- EX 450- The text where Travis calls her a sociopath.

May 28, 08- Jodi's grandparents home is robbed. A gun is stolen
May 28, 08- Jodi tells JM that this is the date she found out Travis was taking someone to Cancun.
May 31, 08- EX 506 & 507- Jodi's bloody finger she cut at work, then took pictures.
May 2008- Jodi answers the jury questions and says this is when Travis hit on her car.

June 2008
June 08- Travis mentions to a friend that Jodi hacked his facebook account
June 2, 08- Jodi rents a car.
June 2, 08- Jodi says that her and Travis talked on the phone about a PPL member that passed away (Gordon Hinckley)
June 2- 3, 08- Jodi said she saw Matt in Sea Grove. She stayed the night with him and left the next morning.
June 3, 2008- Darryl said on the stand-Jodi came by his house, had breakfast, son was there, and that was 7am. Allowed Jodi to use his computer. Matt M showed up, and Jodi took off.
After she took off that morning, she returned and gave him a remote control

June 4, 2008- Jodi said on the stand that she arrived at Travis' house between 3:30-4:00 am.
June 4, 2008 12:13pm- Last outgoing phone call made from Travis' phone. Followed by unanswered text and messages.
June 4, 2008 1:40 pm- Start of the naked photos. 2 of Travis, 6 of Jodi
June 4, 2008 4:19 pm-Last activity on Travis' computer
June 4, 2008 5:22pm-Time stamp of first deleted photo
June 4, 2008 5:30 pm- Last photo of Travis alive (deleted)
June 4, 2008 5:31:14-Ceiling Picture taken
June 4, 2008 5:32:32- Picture of Travis being dragged
June 4, 2008 7:00- Travis misses a conference call with Chris Hughes

June 3, 2008- Darryl said on the stand-Jodi came by his house, had breakfast, son was there, and that was 7am. Allowed Jodi to use his computer. Matt M showed up, and Jodi took off.
Does anyone know if Darryl's computer was gone through? I wonder what the killer did on his computer???
That's absolutely nauseating. And I guess Juan was right, despite Samuels' righteous indignation and "I beg your pardon, sir!" He DOES have feelings for Jodi.

I thought the "I beg your pardon, sir!" was funny. I would have loved it if JM loudly repeated 'because you like her', stating dr. Samuels implied he did not understand or didn't hear, so he repeated it.
Hi everyone - Newbie here. You all are amazing and I love your insight into this trial. I have been reading for quite a while and finally decided to sign up. You all seem like such great friends. Thankfully many of my questions have been answered by this site. I stopped watching HLN. I'd much rather come here to find out what is happening. Thanks for having me on board with you all.

I was watching the news the other night and guess who I saw handling another case in Phoenix? Judge S. She is handling the PV High case. He pled guilty to having relations with one of his students. That might answer some questions as to what she does before we see her in court.

She should have thought through these things before slaughtering Travis.

I mean, maybe she wouldn't have done this if she knew that she would be stuck having to choke down cold supper after returning from a trial that is being held because she butchered another human being.

She could be stuck eating ice cold dog&*%$ for each and every meal for all I care.

Excellent point. Trial got called off yesterday so I met my girlfriends for mani pedis and happy hour. I felt guilty cuz Jodi had to head back to her cell for a bologna sammich and spend the afternoon picking dirt out from under her nails... NO, Not really.
The below time-line chronicles the progression of an obsessive psycho. The original link (at bottom) gives more specific detail with actual photographic Exhibits.
This chilling time line shows the events and the erratic behavior leading up to this PREMEDITATED murder.
If the jury doesn't find her guilty of 1st degree murder then I will officially give up any hope for the human race.

<Very respectfuly snipped>

Wow, what an superb blog you have created. I've book-marked you! I can only imagine the amount of time and effort it has taken you to get to this stage. Thank you.
Hi everyone - Newbie here. You all are amazing and I love your insight into this trial. I have been reading for quite a while and finally decided to sign up. You all seem like such great friends. Thankfully many of my questions have been answered by this site. I stopped watching HLN. I'd much rather come here to find out what is happening. Thanks for having me on board with you all.

I was watching the news the other night and guess who I saw handling another case in Phoenix? Judge S. She is handling the PV High case. He pled guilty to having relations with one of his students. That might answer some questions as to what she does before we see her in court.

Welcome Buttered Fly - jump in and have fun with us. :D

Thanks for info on the Judge, I knew she was busy. Helps with the perspective.
IMO, give her a sandwich or a piece of fruit during the 10min recess in the afternoon and be done with it.
Re: Jodi and her problems with the food supplied to her

Some defendants are restrained and wear a spit hood & are wheeled into court for their trials. This is because they can't follow the rules.

Jodi doesn't like to follow the rules. She's a smart girl--she can figure out how to eat the food the jail provides. This isn't the issue. She's a pathological manipulator and feels that that world revolves around her.

Snipped for brevity... do you remember NG visiting JA's jail a month or so back? She interviewed a female jailer and one question she asked had to do with how JA was as a prisoner. Don't remember jailer's exact words but gist was that JA knew the rules and never lost an opportunity to complain when she felt she was being dealt with in a "less than fair" manner. I think we are seeing that now in her courtroom performance.
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