trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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I like my peanut butter to be crunchy if I'm having a PB&J sandwich, but if I'm making homemade Reese's type cups, then I prefer smooth.

I have been on some other threads and just came back to see everyone discussing the importance of what Jodi gets to eat in jail. This is funny. Did you ever stop to think that Travis never gets to eat again?

On another topic, I heard there was a you tube video of Jodi stomping her foot at Nurmi yesterday while viewing a piece of paper. Apparently she was livid about it. And I have spent the last hour on you tube and cannot find it. There was no link posted on the other thread. Would any of you happen to have the link? I would love to see it!

Also, I was able to see a video of NG talking to TA roommate about his finding the body. It was heart wrenching. Anyone see it? Sorry, but I don't know how to post a link. I am not much on technology and all things "Internet". Just wanted you to know the video was good.

Hope we have trial today and AV gets off the stand. I doubt it. :)

Jodi Arias Trial - Day 37 - Part 2 - YouTube

Here it is. Look at the end after 1:28 mark. She has that look in her eye.
I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but it looks like Juan's cross is going to be AMAZING....


Oh heck ya! Hopefully with all the side-bars that willmot will call, JM will get to kick the tires and light the fires with his cross examination!
Fellow WSers, if you want to discuss if JA is getting enough food you should do it til the cows come home which seems to be the case.

Just think of this for a moment - she majored in manipulation - and seems this talent of hers has even extended to this forum.

I have been within 10 feet of her in the courtroom and she is not even close to anorexic. IMHO, she's just playing everyone - and I mean everyone.
Did I ASK YOU if you wanted crunchy or smooth?????? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I like my peanut butter to be crunchy if I'm having a PB&J sandwich, but if I'm making homemade Reese's type cups, then I prefer smooth.


Sometimes I like to put potato chips in my PB&J sandwich to make it crunchy. nom nom nom
JW better start asking real questions about THIS CASE and stop ALV yaking about generalities. This is so over the top. Let's get this trial moving along!

It will be Aprl in a few days and I'd like to be outside getting my gardens ready. Don't these lawyers realize we here at WSs have a life too! :jail:

Court ended abruptly last time with Willmott's "rhetoricals" to Ms. ALV about the likelihood that a little boy reared in extreme poverty by two drug-addicted parents, and who experienced taunts and bullying at school because he was so dirty and smelly, would likely become a taunting, bullying abuser himself? JM's objections stopped that train wreck in its tracks, a long sidebar ensued, until the frustrated Judge Stephens just called it a day. That's where we left off iirc, so it'll be interesting to see what JW has in store today.
Up here in mountains of western NC, locals say You'uns.. where I'm from in SC we use the universal Ya'll. What about ya'll?? :floorlaugh:

When I lived in NYC & PA we said "you guys"--and there were variants on this like "youse guys" or "what are youse doin'?"

Now it's only "y'all"
I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, but it looks like Juan's cross is going to be AMAZING....


Amazing! Snipped from article:

Remember that during the pre-trial hearing on August 8, 2011, LaVoilette exposed yet another Arias lie by stating that Jodi told her Travis masturbating to pictures of young boys on his laptop - directly contradicted Jodi's previous story of seeing them on his bed. This sent Martinez into a frenzy where he immediately requested to see ALL of LaVoilette's documents & notes, which would likely expose yet more lies to therapists/psychologists who evaluated her.

So JA went from saying TA was on his laptop, and then it turned into pictures on the bed where 1 magically flew in front of her.

No wonder JM is being so quiet at the moment ;)


guys, i feel we should bring this thread back to whats really important here and stay off the trivial stuff.

In the spirit of talking about what's really important.

Peanut butter: Crunchy or smooth?

Sometimes I like to put potato chips in my PB&J sandwich to make it crunchy. nom nom nom

You're starting to sound like my kids! This morning, the youngest (4) wanted sliced pickles with ketchup in a flour tortilla. And I made it for her!
They are 'served' to meals a day. The breakfast meal can be broken into two meals that they keep aside for lunch.

That is how I understood it, but could be completely wrong. Its early still


She gets what appears to be a small round loaf of fresh baked multi-grained bread. Similar to the kind you get when you get served bread in a restaurant that serves 4. Or similar to a bread bowl you put soup in. Too much bread for breakfast, that is for sure. She also can order from the commissary, things such as candy bars, crackers, chips, dips, powerbars, etc. It is not as if she can't get enough to eat or a variety of additional food. Their allotment per week is $40.00 so she could buy enough snacks to last her a week with that amount and still have enough left over to buy some personal items. jmo
No, it's not just you. I think it's creepy, too. Dr. Drew has talked about it a few times on his show. He says Jodi is "mirroring" Willmott and has probably been doing this her whole life with various people. If I have to hear Jean C say that the two of them have "really bonded" one more time, I will rip my hair out. I don't give a flip who she's bonded with; this trial isn't about that, it's about justice for Travis.

I noticed even ALV had on black and white Tuesday. Be interesting to see the wardrobe today.
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