trial day 45: the defense continues its case in chief #135

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Good morning, everyone! Let's hope Willmott is done with LaV soon and we can get on to the jury questions!
Duct-taped all but one finger, typing slowly helps me think before posting.:blushing:
Re-posting, doors closed on me!

I wouldn't call any of what is happening on social media and the media witness tampering. I also don't feel the bad in the slightest for ALV or the DT. From a historical perspective, the purpose of an open court is that "justice is not done in the dark."

Justice would not be done if ALV and the DT were allowed to trash the good name of the victim for an admitted murderer which could lead to her acquittal or a lesser punishment than the community (as represented by the jury) feels that she deserves.

Name calling and ad hominem attacks are not necessarily the right way to express outrage over these proceedings, but the community has a right to express themselves. The limitations on those rights come only when someone could be done actual physical harm. Otherwise, no one ever died from hurt feelings and panic attacks.

If ALV did not want to be exposed then she should have turned the case down like the 11 other experts. If she wanted to continue on in her career as she had before, then she should have opted out. If the DT did not want to be exposed to ridicule for their tactics, then they should have tried this case honorably like so many other defense attorneys do for reprehensible clients every day. Since they chose not to, the chickens are coming home to roost and hopefully future hacks, quacks and hired guns will think more of themselves then to "de-edify' the judicial process.

Truth is not found in dark spaces or back rooms...sunshine is always the best disinfectant.

I totally, totally agree.

You frequently see people, especially in the political arena, but elsewhere as well, make some extreme statement and then start shouting about the 1st Amendment and Freedom of Speech when people complain.

Well, we DO have Freedom of Speech in this country. Nobody's going to arrest us unless we make a threat. But other people can be just as loud in their criticism of us if we say something they don't like. Don't like it? Don't make comments in public.

I'm not even going to say this is JMO, because it's a fact.
Today is the day we start an hour late right? Due to a Juror having something to tend to.
Is this the last of the defense witness'? iirc Nurmi was asked if he wanted to present his mistrial witness and declined stating that since LV had been sick he would present the mistrial witness after LV's testimony.. Is this correct?
Good 'morning peeps!! We'll have to brace ourselves for today's re-direct, and hope we get to the juror questions ASAP. I am very curious to hear their questions, thus a look into what they may be thinking.
I am going to go to my past posts as soon as I enter this, to make sure I haven't violated any rules to put WS in danger. I encourage all members to go to their own page, and check their own posts, so the mods will have less work - work they do just for us - just so we can be here!!!
I am very appreciative of all who donate their time. The moderators, of course, and the experts on our site that volunteer their time and knowledge for us. Then there are posters like me. Every day interested posters that sometimes lighten the mood for us, and sometimes say something to make us think, or look at something another way.
Thanks to all - to check my own posts.
I want to say this, without giving away the person/people I heard things from. I have a mentor who happens to be a therapist who is married to a professor at Cal State Long Beach.

This mentor travels in the same professional circles as ALV. According to my friend (and another person) ALV is extremely well liked and well respected and I have the utmost respect (personally) for the individuals I heard this from.

My mentor said she consider's ALV to be compassionate, intuitive, generous and very good at the work she does. She is apparently well liked among her colleagues.

I have come to my own conclusions as to why ALV chose to believe and testify for the defendant and I am weighing that with what I have heard about her.

I am sorry for her decision but have to believe it came from a well intentioned place. She was manipulated- wether or not I believe she allowed herself to be- I feel compassion for her as a woman, partner, mother, professional, and fellow community member.

I don't want to see anyone end up in the hospital or worse over this- well...except the defendant!
Today is the day we start an hour late right? Due to a Juror having something to tend to.

I just looked at the docket. It stated 0930 pst. Maybe somewhere there may be an updated one.
JW was clipping along nicely yesterday. Here's hoping for Jury q's! Does it start at 10:30 am Az time today?
Re-posting, doors closed on me!

I wouldn't call any of what is happening on social media and in the media witness tampering. I also don't feel bad in the slightest for ALV or the DT. From a historical perspective, the purpose of an open court is that "justice is not done in the dark."

Justice would not be done if ALV and the DT were allowed to trash the good name of the victim for an admitted murderer which could lead to her acquittal or a lesser punishment than the community (as represented by the jury) feels that she deserves.

Name calling and ad hominem attacks are not necessarily the right way to express outrage over these proceedings, but the community has a right to express themselves. The limitations on those rights come only when someone could be done actual physical harm. Otherwise, no one ever died from hurt feelings and panic attacks.

If ALV did not want to be exposed then she should have turned the case down like the 11 other experts. If she wanted to continue on in her career as she had before, then she should have opted out. If the DT did not want to be exposed to ridicule for their tactics, then they should have tried this case honorably like so many other defense attorneys do for reprehensible clients every day. Since they chose not to, the chickens are coming home to roost and hopefully future hacks, quacks and hired guns will think more of themselves then to "de-edify' the judicial process.

Truth is not found in dark spaces or back rooms...sunshine is always the best disinfectant.

I agree with much of what you've written -- especially where it concerns "expert" witnesses who appear for pay. But, isn't the immediate issue that we've been asked not to express ourselves in that way at this site? We all know that the right to unlimited free speech exists in the context of freedom from government censorship and doesn't extend to private websites who provide a forum and ask that members follow posting rules and limitations.

We are allowing the link to the articles about cyberstalking and witness intimidation so that you may see the severity of the problem we're facing.

This is NOT an open invitation to express your views on the matter one way or the other.

If you have made disparaging remarks about the defense team or their witnesses, go back and delete your comments or alert the post and ask that a moderator delete it for you.

In the past week, we've been issuing 24-timeouts for name calling and disparaging remarks. Future timeouts for this type of violation will be extended to include at least 3 days of trial coverage.

Please check your posts now.

Thank you.

Could you please define disparaging remarks? Is it ok to comment about their performance or conflicts in testimony but not dress or looking haggard? I am sincerely confused. Can I say that a witness is unprofessional but shouldn't say that she is a disgrace to her profession?

I am not sure what you are talking about eliminating. Sorry to be obtuse!
Regarding ALV.... I certainly don't wish any harm on her. I don't think people should harass her in public or online.

Having said that I do not feel sorry for her. She needed to go to the hospital due to anxiety? How about Travis' family having to hear lies about their loved one? How about hearing Travis being slandered! What about their heartache, sadness and anxiety? We have all seen the crime scene and autopsy photos. We've heard ALV's completely biased testimony. JM's method of dealing with her on cross speaks volumes.

ALV is purposely trying to stand in the way of Justice for Travis. I do see things in black and white at times and this case necessitates such a view. I'm taking time off from everything else in my life only for Travis. I don't find this trial to be entertaining. Quite the opposite. I support JM a 100%. My compassion is for Travis and his family alone.
I want to say this, without giving away the person/people I heard things from. I have a mentor who happens to be a therapist who is married to a professor at Cal State Long Beach.

This mentor travels in the same professional circles as ALV. According to my friend (and another person) ALV is extremely well liked and well respected and I have the utmost respect (personally) for the individuals I heard this from.

My mentor said she consider's ALV to be compassionate, intuitive, generous and very good at the work she does. She is apparently well liked among her colleagues.

I have come to my own conclusions as to why ALV chose to believe and testify for the defendant and I am weighing that with what I have heard about her.

I am sorry for her decision but have to believe it came from a well intentioned place. She was manipulated- wether or not I believe she allowed herself to be- I feel compassion for her as a woman, partner, mother, professional, and fellow community member.

I don't want to see anyone end up in the hospital or worse over this- well...except the defendant!

does your mentor think that alyce is going to lose respect in the community because of this trial? i'd be curious to know.

i don't mean to be crass but is your mentor and the other people female by any chance?
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