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I haven’t seen much of today’s testimony but I thought CD showed up 45 minutes late and they started without him but that he did eventually show up. Also I had not heard anything about the kids not being there. Did they say that today?
They were two different meals. One no show from all. The other, Chad was at least 45 minutes late for.

Because who has time for family when starting the 2nd half of their life?

Based on testimony it sounds like Tammy was in the process of trying to become more physically fit and losing weight. I'm sure this was at least partly for herself but you also have to wonder...
It's actually one of the best ways to manage depression- increasing activity.

By all appearances she was very satisfied in her job.

It might be that she was feeling the best she had in years in more ways than feeling fit.

She knew every student- she sounds amazing.

I agree, I didn't mean to disparage the defense, but...we have heard this testimony several times, from Tammy's neighbors, co-workers, church friends. "She seemed perfectly healthy". JMO, but it is getting redundant. And also makes it seem like there is no other evidence against CD for Tammy's murder aside from "everyone says she seemed healthy". Except CD.
No other evidence?

I'm not worried about that. The texts about when she will go, Alex's location, the shooting attempt, the old and new phone recordings (Gibb and Gwilliam) where Chad basically connects the dots kids to Tammy's death and dark, dark, Heather and her detective relative by marriage, the bruises, the 6 or more different stories about Tammy's passing, his disappearing acts at her services, his refusal of an autopsy, his moving the body...

That's just lazily off the top of my head.

I wonder how many people are going to be on the edge of tears when the prison announces Chad's death.
It might sound like Chad "crying."

(I for one am opposed to the death penalty, but I won't be crying, either. It's legal now in the state that is prosecuting him. He is not the reason I'm opposed at all!)

That trip was at Thanksgiving - after CD & LVD had gone to Hawaii & got married on 11/5 & returned to Rexburg and after LE did the welfare check for JJ. CD & LVD went to Hawaii from CA after that trip with the Daybell kids and didn’t come back to Rexburg until LVD was extradited in late Feb (I think).

JP has reminded the jury several times that the trip to CA with the kids was “planned” & tickets bought in advance & that CD & LVD were not fleeing LE.

I found the whole thing disgusting - including that the kids didn’t seem to care that CD moved in with LVD the day after the funeral or that he married her less than 2 weeks after it. There is no way that I would have taken that trip to CA with a dad & his new wife who could so easily and quickly dismiss my mother’s life. That trip was only about 6 weeks after TD died. When my mother died, I was still grieving 6 weeks later - and my mother was older and in poor health and we’d been expecting it for years! I try very hard to have compassion for the Daybell offspring but their actions then and after CD’s arrest sure don’t make that easy.

I want to see the receipts for when that trip was planned.

I think it was partially fleeing, but not only that. It was partially making it clear as glass to the adult children that they were to act like their mom never existed and have fun and enjoy freebies like this trip- or get iced out like the Gwilliams. It was a loyalty builder/family cult enforcement.

It might sound like Chad "crying."

(I for one am opposed to the death penalty, but I won't be crying, either. It's legal now in the state that is prosecuting him. He is not the reason I'm opposed at all!)

Yeah, I'm also opposed to the death penalty, although I waver when child-killers are involved. I won't lose any sleep, let's just put it that way.
Ninja-edit: They can use the firing squad there!!! On account of companies not wanting their drugs used for state sanctioned killings. Wow, Idaho ain't screwin' around.
I want to see the receipts for when that trip was planned.

I think it was partially fleeing, but not only that. It was partially making it clear as glass to the adult children that they were to act like their mom never existed and have fun and enjoy freebies like this trip- or get iced out like the Gwilliams. It was a loyalty builder/family cult enforcement.

I’m not sure we’ve seen receipts in either trial but I remember a forensic accountant talking about them in both trial - seems they simply said something like purchased shortly after TD’s death. But I do think it had to be before LE was doing the welfare check since the kids & spouses had to have plane tickets too and time to pack. I don’t know if their Thanksgiving in CA plans included CD & LVD leaving from there to go to Hawaii though or whether that was a direct result of not wanting to return to Rexburg after their encounter with LE on 11/26.
Yeah, I'm also opposed to the death penalty, although I waver when child-killers are involved. I won't lose any sleep, let's just put it that way.
Ninja-edit: They can use the firing squad there!!! On account of companies not wanting their drugs used for state sanctioned killings. Wow, Idaho ain't screwin' around.
Hopefully, if he does "choose" the firing squad -- it won't be "shooters" like Alex Cox.
I haven’t seen much of today’s testimony but I thought CD showed up 45 minutes late and they started without him but that he did eventually show up. Also I had not heard anything about the kids not being there. Did they say that today?
I swear I heard that. I was listening to the stream while driving an hour to an event and occasionally my service went out but I swear Samantha said they didn't show up.
Who is Samantha?
Samantha Gwillam (Gwilliam?) is Tammy's bio sister. Jason is her husband.
It makes it feel like an excuse more than a defense.

The "wimmenamirite?" defense is basically all women are bad because they are sexy vixens, or they trick you into marriage, or they are fat or not petite, or they let they let their lungs get heavy, etc. etc. I think Prior started to suggest that Lori and Gibb were in a tryst, which is none of my business to explore for truth, but men like Prior often deride non compliance in women as being because they are lesbians.

Meanwhile, my client is just a shy, humble, unassuming man who was forced into an affair with a woman attached to a band of murderers.

The defense goes on to say that he was unaware of the murders, committed by Lori, Alex and Melanie Gibb. But in reality, it says to me, if he could get pulled into an affair, what else is he capable of?

Now, I do not agree for a minute that Chad was not a sexual predator with no regard for human life with or without Lori in his life. But if the argument is he can't control his behavior, doesn't that amount to an agreement that he needs to locked away?

Letting their lungs get heavy The times I roll my eyes when he starts asking about heavy lungs.... just quit, dude. Unless heavy lungs spontaneously combust and bury themselves under the earth. In your backyard.
"James (Chad) had been blessed with great knowledge but 99% of the people he knew did not realize that."

If Chad had a lick of sense, having that line read aloud in court today had to be storm-shrivelling moment. :D :rolleyes:

I was out driving and listening to this. And I guffawed. Sad I had no one to share it with.
So I’m just now catching up on today’s testimony. I think it is good for the jury to hear the James & Elena story along with details of what was going on with CD & LVD at the same time but I think if I hear anymore of it I might…scream or yell or be ill or something…not going to listen to anymore of it so I guess I won’t find out :)

I think today was a good day and gave the jury even more things to show CD was heading down this path before LVD came along and that he’s as responsible as she is and that the two of them together were a lethal combination.

I still want to hear AB though as I think her testimony is valuable of how CD asked her to befriend LVD and that he was going to marry her and needed AB to be a liaison for him and all that was right around the time the first casting meetings were held - long before CV or Tylee & JJ or TD were murdered - and it was instigated by CD not LVD.

I think CD’s goose is already cooked but I guess I want it to be well done for the jury.
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