trial thread: 5/9/2012

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omg. went to eat something greasy cause i needed to get as fat as i could so i could detox and then i could write my book.
omg. went to eat something greasy cause i needed to get as fat as i could so i could detox and then i could write my book.

this woman is in competition with cindy anthony
I zoned out because she (Rachel) talks and talks and talks....

Yeah, the 3 magic words "adopt my baby"....

OMG I have been to the airport several times as well as fast food chains I have NEVER once had one person tell me about how they are trying to adopt their baby out.
Hannah's happy, so we weren't looking to adopt....

So how come all those surrogacy posts for months kept saying Hannah is desperate for a baby brother or sister???
omg. went to eat something greasy cause i needed to get as fat as i could so i could detox and then i could write my book.

WTH? :waitasec: Did she really say that? :floorlaugh:
Dang... have to run home... someone plz keep running commentary... back in 20 minutes...
Maybe the hysterectomy was His message to stop having kids???

Exactly! And I do not believe for one second that God sent any of these babies to Tammi. If he did, they'd still be with her.
Poor God....gets blamed for so many stupid things. Yeah, right - this was God's way of giving you a baby. And, I have never been approached by someone wanting/needing to adopt their baby either.

If this jury is as savvy as I think and hope it is - this entire story will fall as flat with them as it does with most reasonable and rational people.
ROFL she has to refer to her notes. Shes not a detective. If your telling the truth you dont have to look at your "notes".
Ya know, I was thinking. You know how people talk and how EJ and Tammi's friend said she goes to restaurants and tries to adopt kids etc.? Now that she is talking about how it DID happen, it doesn't make her look so crazy. People always repeat stories differently to make someone seem crazy. Hard to explain what I'm trying to say. Her friends probably pictured her walking up to people and asking for their baby. I'm not saying she isn't mentally ill, just that things are not always how they seem. Yes, she is guilty of forgery, but I think she will get off on the other. Deep down, I believe she has a good heart and means well, but she made some HORRIBLE decisions getting involved with these confused mothers.
Boy she just likes to talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk....
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