GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #4

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Still doesn't explain the missing shoes, jacket, and the presence of jewelry to me.

Exactly, if it is someone who scrounges metal to begin with, I would think the jewelry would be the FIRST thing he took, not her jacket or electronics. The jewelry he has a way to sell quickly.

Time will tell.
Still doesn't explain the missing shoes, jacket, and the presence of jewelry to me.

It's unclear from reports whether shoes are missing or not.

If it's him, a theory: he stashes body, puts electronics in her shoe bag and wraps bag with a jacket so he doesn't look an obvious thief with a woman's bag. Left jewelry in a panic to escape.

We're far from knowing it's him. I hope they find him and they can put him physically at the scene. Even if they can, I wouldn't be surprised if posters on here theorize (and that if placed at the scene his defense becomes) that he didn't kill her but only defiled/scavenged her body after death.
Exactly, if it is someone who scrounges metal to begin with, I would think the jewelry would be the FIRST thing he took, not her jacket or electronics. The jewelry he has a way to sell quickly.

Time will tell.

Maybe lack of time? Got scared off by noise or someone coming?

It was midday after all....

Plus maybe he went into it for rape and never thought he would kill her. Perhaps panicked and wanted to get out of there. He figured he could not sell jewelry bc maybe it was US made and that would be tipoff. I recall someone mentioning US gold is marked different.
Exactly, if it is someone who scrounges metal to begin with, I would think the jewelry would be the FIRST thing he took, not her jacket or electronics. The jewelry he has a way to sell quickly.

Time will tell.

You're right, it is curious.

Maybe it's the first time he killed, though? He might have been acting irrationally because in over his head.
Quick question - to whom is this recycle-able stuff sold? A business? An individual?
We're far from knowing it's him. I wouldn't be surprised if posters on here theorize (and that if placed at the scene his defense becomes) that he didn't kill her but only defiled/scavenged her body after death.

That could be a real problem for LE: Proving he killed her rather than just scavenged / defiled her body after death and further disturbed the scene.
I only have one thing to say at this moment. If 'Z' the trashman did it, it is only because Taylan hired him to. That is all.

Just kidding. I'm with ThinkHard at this point- Imma need a little more solid info before I believe the trash collector they can't locate to question or collect DNA from actually did it.

One thing about Jewelry being left I'd like to check with the Turkish folks here. No <modsnip> thief like this would steal an American's jewelry because it's garbage over there. The gold in the Middle East and India and Pakistan etc, is much better quality than the type of gold we wear in the US. And she was probably not wearing expensive jewelry. So why stand there contaminating the body and risk being seen for the length of time to get the jewelry off.

Is it the same in Turkey? Do women usually wear much higher quality of gold than Americans do?
Finally we have some news.

The other Turkish sources have the news as well if it would make any difference.
I have, from the very beginning, defended the choices that Sarai made. I implored people to consider what she could have been going through. I tried to give insight into what I thought she was doing and why she was courageous and whimsical and fabulous. I pointed out that we all take calculated risks and usually win. I asked that people not define her by one moment (the bathroom incident that may or may not have happened.) If my record on this case doesn't speak to how much I identify with this woman and empathize with her family, then I don't know what to tell you.

(Apologies for responding, but I don't appreciate being attacked.)

Yes, necco has been one of the most prolific posters here on WS every single day and never once have I seen him/her make any judgement on SS. I think SS children will some day be grateful that so many people who are perfect strangers of SS take the time out to study her case and find her killer. LE has been known to read WS and maybe in some cases the words of a poster are not just words to other posters but LE actually uses the theories, etc to find the killer.

I think we all agree finding the killer is what this is all about and side discussions of other issues do us no good in helping find the killer.

You do bring up good points about media bias and I personally think it is horrible what the media is doing in this case. I see what you are talking about in some of the articles, including the Daily Mail article which makes some snide comments about her character.

But I would have to say I think on WS we largely stick to debate about theories and any attempts to personally attack SS are struck down immediately by other members (often by necco who calls them out on it). If you want to read how people are crucifying SS look at the comments to news articles. It is shameful some of what ignorant people write and it is appalling SS children will read that someday. But I think they would be proud to read WS and learn that many people feel differently, and want to find her killer.

That is what it is all about, trying to find the killer of a mother of two small children. Two children who have to go to their mothers funeral this week a mother who only lived 33 years. And if the story today is to believed, perhaps killed by a random person just walking around a major city. Could have been any of us.
No <modsnip> thief like this would steal an American's jewelry because it's garbage over there. The gold in the Middle East and India and Pakistan etc, is much better quality than the type of gold we wear in the US.

We've never seen photos of the jewelry, other than what we presume to be the gold-colored "coiled rose" ring from the US that is in many of her US photography class shots.

My feeling has been that it was locally-bought jewelry. Given her finances, however, it's unlikely it was the higher gold content material. There's plenty of costume / cheap jewelry available everywhere in markets.

As a street-savy woman, it's a bit surprising that she would be wearing visible jewelry in Istanbul, but not in NYC. On the limited CCTV camera footage we've seen, she's dressed and behaved carefully, and not appeared as a slack-jawed tourist covered with bling or inattentive to her valuables.
That could be a real problem for LE: Proving he killed her rather than just scavenged / defiled her body after death and further disturbed the scene.

Excellent point, Herat.

I can just hear a lawyer saying "Sure, he stole stuff off her, that's what he does, but she was already dead."
One thing about Jewelry being left I'd like to check with the Turkish folks here. No <modsnip> thief like this would steal an American's jewelry because it's garbage over there. The gold in the Middle East and India and Pakistan etc, is much better quality than the type of gold we wear in the US. And she was probably not wearing expensive jewelry. So why stand there contaminating the body and risk being seen for the length of time to get the jewelry off.

Is it the same in Turkey? Do women usually wear much higher quality of gold than Americans do?

Good question. To be honest I don't know. Maybe the other guys can give a better answer.

The only thing I can say is it is extremely easy to sell gold in Turkey and if the peep is a homeless guy or an addict they would take it.
I'm sorry to interrupt your fascinating argument about the bias of media, but there's kind of a major development in the case we've been sleuthing.

So, a garbage man in Turkey is not a municipal employee, but someone who collects recyclables?

I wonder why the iPad and phone were taken, but not the jewelry.

They are not municipality employees.

I might have mistranslated it. But you'll understand what I am saying if you watch the below documentary. Just watch the first 1-2 minutes. It has English subtitles.

Some of them might be registered with the municipality because I start seeing them in a uniform-like jacket that says something like "recycling worker".
Excellent point, Herat.

I can just hear a lawyer saying "Sure, he stole stuff off her, that's what he does, but she was already dead."

hopefully they got DNA on the rock, also fingernails. That would be hard to explain

Also maybe he was not wearing gloves.
They are not municipality employees.

I might have mistranslated it. But you'll understand what I am saying if you watch the below documentary. Just watch the first 1-2 minutes. It has English subtitles.

Some of them might be registered with the municipality because I start seeing them in a uniform-like jacket that says something like "recycling worker".

Thanks for the link. That is more organized than I was imagining. I was picturing the metal scrappers we have here in the US, who are often losing a battle with drugs and/or alcohol.

(O/T-Why, when the video is in a language I don't speak, do I turn up the volume so I can hear them anyway? :floorlaugh: )
One thing about Jewelry being left I'd like to check with the Turkish folks here. No <modsnip> thief like this would steal an American's jewelry because it's garbage over there. The gold in the Middle East and India and Pakistan etc, is much better quality than the type of gold we wear in the US. And she was probably not wearing expensive jewelry. So why stand there contaminating the body and risk being seen for the length of time to get the jewelry off.

Is it the same in Turkey? Do women usually wear much higher quality of gold than Americans do?

Even if both are acquired through theft, a woman's jewelry may cause problems. Unless dissolved, it may show up some place.

But I doubt this was the reason.

Sometimes, trying to make sense of everything may weaken even the strongest of indicators.

Especially when you just don't have the facts to make any sense of them. Kinda like the noisy data in statistics.
Even if both are acquired through theft, a woman's jewelry may cause problems. Unless dissolved, it may show up some place.

But I doubt this was the reason.

Sometimes, trying to make sense of everything may weaken even the strongest of indicators.

Especially when you just don't have the facts to make any sense of them. Kinda like the noisy data in statistics.

Yes, we could very well be trying to rationalize the actions of an irrational human being. If Z is suffering from some sort of illness that interferes with the thought process (either addiction or some organic mental illness) logic may not play a huge role in his purview.

(note: the VAST majority of organic mental illnesses do not lead to violence)
unfortunately i can say that they generally wear gloves :( but there are some that dont wear.. . On Vatan's news adding to what Yashim wrote , it also says that Z. disapperared after Sarai's murder and his physical description is defined by the help of the homelesses there..

Hope he'll be caught very soon and may she rest in peace.

That touching photo of hers with a bit sorrowful look, i will never forget..
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