GUILTY Turkey - Sarai Sierra, 33, NY woman murdered, Istanbul, 21 Jan 2013 - #6 that they have him..what is the legal process in Turkey? What rights does he have, like here in the Usa once you have been read your rights you don't have to talk without consulting a lawyer first. Then your trial or plea bargain. How long does it normally take to go to trial there and do they offer plea bargains there? Thanks ahead of time!
The news of Ziya’s capture brought to our attention by Alp and english has now reached more English-language Turkish media outlets:

In the HDN article, the last four paragraphs appear to concern another case entirely (a bombing incident at the Turkey-Syria border) and are probably included for the purpose of hinting that the Syrian opposition may have provided information or other assistance. (The editing of the article is not the best, likely due to haste.)

Interesting that the Timeturk article english provided the link for (post #218) has information completely different than that given by the official sources quoted elsewhere, including a statement by Ziya (??).
The news of Ziya’s capture brought to our attention by Alp and english has now reached more English-language Turkish media outlets:

In the HDN article, the last four paragraphs appear to concern another case entirely (a bombing incident at the Turkey-Syria border) and are probably included for the purpose of hinting that the Syrian opposition may have provided information or other assistance. (The editing of the article is not the best, likely due to haste.)

Interesting that the Timeturk article english provided the link for (post #218) has information completely different than that given by the official sources quoted elsewhere, including a statement by Ziya (??).

And MSM here in the States:

Suspect captured in Turkey in U.S. woman's death

Where Ziya says (you have to highlight the words as an ad is covering them) he hit her "with a stick," is that just a bad translation and was it really "the rock" that LE found and said was the murder weapon?
Where Ziya says (you have to highlight the words as an ad is covering them) he hit her "with a stick," is that just a bad translation and was it really "the rock" that LE found and said was the murder weapon?

It also says "stick" (not in the sense of a tree branch, but in the sense of a rod or cudgel) in Turkish ("sopa"). Maybe a rock could be a "cudgel," but I think sopa usually means something wooden.

The Turkish version of the article is much longer. It indicates that Ziya was held overnight in Syria, and once it was determined he was the person being sought, he was returned to Turkey today.

There's also actually a short video/s with Ziya speaking, apparently relating how the crime came about and how he fled etc. Unfortunately I would have to listen to it a lot of times to understand properly, and I don't have time right now. Perhaps Alp or someone would be able to help us with this? Here's the link:

It seems strange to me that a statement like this by a suspect would be made/available to the media.
There's also actually a short video/s with Ziya speaking, apparently relating how the crime came about and how he fled etc. Unfortunately I would have to listen to it a lot of times to understand properly, and I don't have time right now. Perhaps Alp or someone would be able to help us with this? Here's the link:

It seems strange to me that a statement like this by a suspect would be made/available to the media.

This NYT article about Ziya's apprehension includes information regarding the video. It says "heavy object" rather than "stick."
I will try to answer questions and provide insights to the best of my ability. But before that, I'd like to point out something that caught my attention.

Official release based news reports indicate that Ziya was apprehended in a house in Reyhanli township of Hatay province.

However, in a video that was posted here before, Ziya himself states that he crossed into Syria, was caught there and now he will be turned over to Turkey.

Most likely, that video was shot right after his capture in Syria.

If you notice, in the same video, he is wearing US M81 Woodland camouflage pants and a green military issue shirt under a blue civilian polar jacket.


US Woodland camo pattern is or was being used by several US allies in the region, including Turkey. I know for a fact that US Woodland camo is obsolete in Turkish military as the switch to a new indigenous digital camo pattern has been made.

So, surplus equipment like that was being passed over to the rebels in Syria to aid them in their fight against Assad regime. I assume the same deed is being done by other US allies neighboring Syria.

As a result, I believe Ziya was actually captured in Syria by rebels or US or US allies (including Turkey) military/intelligence assets and turned over to Turkish LE authorities.

Official release stating that he was captured in a house in Reyhanli, Hatay is most likely an attempt to avoid officially acknowledging military/intelligence assets in Syria. After all, in that video Ziya himself is saying he was captured in Syria.
It also says "stick" (not in the sense of a tree branch, but in the sense of a rod or cudgel) in Turkish ("sopa"). Maybe a rock could be a "cudgel," but I think sopa usually means something wooden.

The Turkish version of the article is much longer. It indicates that Ziya was held overnight in Syria, and once it was determined he was the person being sought, he was returned to Turkey today.

There's also actually a short video/s with Ziya speaking, apparently relating how the crime came about and how he fled etc. Unfortunately I would have to listen to it a lot of times to understand properly, and I don't have time right now. Perhaps Alp or someone would be able to help us with this? Here's the link:

It seems strange to me that a statement like this by a suspect would be made/available to the media.

Sopa means stick or bat. However, in the videos Ziya does not say with what he incurred the fatal head injury on SS. He only says 'heavy object'. It is just written in the Timeturk article that Ziya said he hit her with a stick, which might be an oversight on part of the editor.
It also says "stick" (not in the sense of a tree branch, but in the sense of a rod or cudgel) in Turkish ("sopa"). Maybe a rock could be a "cudgel," but I think sopa usually means something wooden.

The Turkish version of the article is much longer. It indicates that Ziya was held overnight in Syria, and once it was determined he was the person being sought, he was returned to Turkey today.

There's also actually a short video/s with Ziya speaking, apparently relating how the crime came about and how he fled etc. Unfortunately I would have to listen to it a lot of times to understand properly, and I don't have time right now. Perhaps Alp or someone would be able to help us with this? Here's the link:

It seems strange to me that a statement like this by a suspect would be made/available to the media.

There are two videos in which Ziya gives an account of the events.

In the first one, he says he lost his self-control on the day SS was murdered as he smelt too much thinner to get high and he doesn't remember much of the same day. He says somehow he ended up hitting her in the head with a heavy object, and after realizing that she was dead, he covered up and hid the body and lingered around in the area for approximately 9-10 days before the body was discovered. He says after that, he fled Istanbul and ended up crossing to the Syria. He says now I've been apprehended in Syria and now being turned back over to Turkey.

In the second one, he gives a more detailed account of the day SS was murdered. He says that he was in the area that day, drinking in the area. (However, the Turkish verb for drinking can also be used for using substances) Then he adds, he was sniffing great amounts of thinner that day around 13.30, nearly one and a half tank. He claims that SS walked over him, not the other way around. He says he did not know why SS was in the area and he thought that she was a Turk rather than an American tourist. He says he realized that SS was an American tourist after notices and ads were posted in newspapers about her disappearance and he stayed within the premises of Istanbul until the body was discovered. After that he says, he went to Karabuk to his family and then went to Hatay to cross over into Syria.

Lastly, Timeturk notes that the videos of Ziya talking were shot in the Idlib province of Syria, which directly borders Hatay province of Turkey.
Alp, I'm glad to see you haven't abandoned us! Your comments have been so valuable. While we've been waiting for news, I've been going over SS's IG pics and comments and I noted that she once told a friend that if she wanted to contact her during her trip, that she should send a text to her Ipad. I only mention it because I remember you were asking about her phone cappabilities a long time ago. It does seem, from the comments, that she only used it for photos.
Well, it should be interesting to see what Z has to say.

Thank you, I'm humbled by your kind words. :)

In that case, if 'texting' means sending a message to an Instant Messaging account, it does not reveal much of how her iPad was maintaining network connectivitiy. (WiFi or mobile data) Almost all IM clients for i devices can operate on both WiFi connections and mobile data connections.

But if texting means sending an SMS to the data line number the iPad was carrying on, we can safely assume she was using mobile data connection with the iPad and she was either using roaming or bought a Turkish sim card to use mobile data connection with the iPad. that they have him..what is the legal process in Turkey? What rights does he have, like here in the Usa once you have been read your rights you don't have to talk without consulting a lawyer first. Then your trial or plea bargain. How long does it normally take to go to trial there and do they offer plea bargains there? Thanks ahead of time!

Plea bargains as they occur in the United States are rare, if not virtually non existent in Turkey. I'm not an expert in Turkish criminal law, but most likely that is so because there are no juries in Turkish courts. Both judgement and sentencing is handled by the judge(s). Instead, if one is looking for leniency in sentencing, cooperation and being straightforward are much more sought after.

If you noticed, the videos of Ziya talking were shot in Syria before he was turned over to the LE custody. Naturally we too utilize Miranda Laws in Turkey, if the suspect does not wish to talk, he can choose not to talk or he can choose to talk after consulting with his legal representative.

If Ziya is unable to obtain for himself legal representation for any reason, he will be granted legal presentation pro bono by the district bar association in which he will be tried (Istanbul) per Turkish law.

But I don't think Ziya will choose not to talk during questioning and trials, in fact, I guess he will sing like a bird as the case that LE built against him seems very strong and substantiated in evidence. (Good DNA match, and he already appears to have confessed) His cooperation and confession may land him a more lenient sentence from the judge that will try him. While sentencing is done according to the established guidelines, leniency will be at the discretion of the judge that will preside over the trials. The judge may, for instance, choose to sentence him to say, 20 years instead of for life (most one can get for murder) if he cooperates. Of course more variables will have to be considered, as the Turkish criminal law is dictates imprisonment for life especially if the murder is determined to be premeditated. However, I doubt the court will reach that conclusion, as this appears to be a murder that was not premeditated so far.

He can, of course, plead insanity. In that case, he will be assessed by a panel of experts. If he is found legitimately insane, since he appears to have committed murder, he will be confined to an asylum for the foreseeable future, pending treatment. But I do not have much faith in that happening, as he evaded apprehension so far, clearly by choice and calculation and I assume that will preclude any claim of insanity on his part.

As for what sentencing he may receive if he's found guilty, depending on the circumstances that will be determined by the court which will try him, it is difficult for me to make a good estimate as I'm not a criminal law attorney by profession. Premeditation, established intent and being under the influence will greatly effect his sentencing if found guilty of murder. If the court concludes Ziya intended to kill SS, however did not premeditate it, he will be looking at 15-20 years of prison time at least. If the court finds no indication of intent to murder or premeditation, minimum he will receive is three years of prison time, but it's highly unlikely that will be the case, because there is no convenient way of claiming one did not intend to inflict injury or commit murder by causing blunt force trauma to the head with a heavy object. Such light sentences are given for the cases which are called murder through imprudence. A good example would be a driver speeding and ending up hitting and killing a pedestrian. If premeditation is established, then he will serve in prison for life, as a life sentence is dictated by Turkish law for premeditated murder. But so far from what has been made public, I do not see any indication of premeditated murder as Ziya did not know SS before at all nor did he have any previous correspondence with her. Of course there are more criminal acts that will be considered; intend to rape and stealing are the ones that come to my mind. We will know more when the prosecution presents the case to the court as it will most likely be publicized if the court does not issue a gag order regarding to the trial and I see no reason or basis for a gag order. But of course, I can safely assume that the prosecution will go all the way in, it will most likely be claimed that Ziya intended to rape or mug her and ended up killing her in the process, and the court will consider those points based on available evidence and Ziya's own account. All in all, I can say Ziya is looking at serving at least 15 to 20 years in prison and more depending on the other circumstances that I could think of and wrote here.

Considering his age and his previous life as a derelict who abused substances such as thinner, which I assume might cause poor health and lower life expectancy, I do not think Ziya will be a free man ever again. He will most likely spend the rest of his life in prison until the day he passes away. Add to that the fact that even among the criminals, ones who committed crimes against women (with the exception of rural honor killings) are the lowest caste and he will not be very popular if he gets in prison among other convicts.

May God forgive Ziya's soul for the murder of Sarai he appears to have committed, because surely Turkish justice will not forgive him or let him get off easy. And may those who Sarai left behind be relieved, for justice will be served against this man, who appears to have taken the life of a guest, a mother, a wife and a brave and a noble woman in my country. And finally, may Sarai's blessed soul rest in peace now through eternity.
May God forgive Ziya's soul for the murder of SS he appears to have committed, because surely Turkish justice will not forgive him or let him get off easy. And may those who SS left behind be relieved, for justice will be served against this man, who appears to have taken the life of a guest, a mother, a wife and a brave and a noble woman in my country. And finally, may Sarai's blessed soul rest in peace now through eternity.

Amen. And may her husband, children and family also find peace, and, somehow, comfort.

Alp, thank you so much for your time, effort and valuable insights and information.
What is the thinner everyone is talking about? Is that some sort of drug?
Amen. And may her husband, children and family also find peace, and, somehow, comfort.

Alp, thank you so much for your time, effort and valuable insights and information.

I'm glad to be of help and humbled by your kind words again. :)
What is the thinner everyone is talking about? Is that some sort of drug?

It is solvent use to thin or clean paints. It is widely used when painting walls or in art schools etc. It is hallucinogenic and addictive when inhaled and also it is cheap and easy to find so in Turkey there some thinner addicts especially among homeless people.

Hi everyone after a long time. :) I first had a busy time at work and then I was on holiday and after that there was a lot to catch on but not many news so I couldn't bring myself to write about the case. I read about Ziya T. finally arrested, I still haven't read about his statement but it seems like we are finally getting a closure.
It is solvent use to thin or clean paints. It is widely used when painting walls or in art schools etc. It is hallucinogenic and addictive when inhaled and also it is cheap and easy to find so in Turkey there some thinner addicts especially among homeless people.

Hi everyone after a long time. :) I first had a busy time at work and then I was on holiday and after that there was a lot to catch on but not many news so I couldn't bring myself to write about the case. I read about Ziya T. finally arrested, I still haven't read about his statement but it seems like we are finally getting a closure.

So it seems, lavy. Closure appears to be nigh. Welcome back, it's good to hear from you again. I assume as the prosecution will push forward their case regarding the murder, your knowledge of forensics will be much sought after.
How many people here think that Ziya T. did this and in the way that he says he did. It looks staged, even as if Ziya T. was told what to say, I think. The Istanbul Police Chief Kaplan speaks as if this case is closed. There hasn't even been a trial yet. Does anyone else think this is highly fishy, as if officials just want this to go away?
How many people here think that Ziya T. did this and in the way that he says he did. It looks staged, even as if Ziya T. was told what to say, I think. The Istanbul Police Chief Kaplan speaks as if this case is closed. There hasn't even been a trial yet. Does anyone else think this is highly fishy, as if officials just want this to go away?

I do think the Turkish LE deserve our thanks and gratitude for not giving up and for bringing Z in, and alive at that. An awesome effort by their team.

I don't know. I'd hope for a trial. The guy does seem odd and his family said he was unstable. Confessions have been known to be false, especially with someone mentally impaired, and he sniffed all that thinner. But at least now they can get his absolute DNA.

One report I saw yesterday said Z didn't remember, or he'd tell it tomorrow and one said that he confessed that he killed her and returned in the morning to cover her. But I recall her being dragged 100 feet to another cave and covered, so if it's scripted, he wasn’t quite on task. Alp says he admitted killing her and hiding the body, but notes that the guy was on thinner. But why was he talking on video anyway?

I'm not entirely sold that Z’s the one or only guy. I understand people wanting a derelict crazy eyed guy like him to be the killer, as opposed to a friend or neighbor, but I still recall that in the beginning the LE strongly believed she was killed elsewhere and put there to blame it on the homeless, and that’s hard to shake. One blood drop on her shirt possibly could possibly be questioned, but it’s awfully hard to argue his innocence if 'Z's DNA is really found under her nails.
Was it? Have they confirmed that?

I have 95% faith that if he is the guy, they will tie it up with a bow, and if not, hopefully they'll pursue other leads, since at least some of us sleuthers may be watching. But it has to be trying for them- the constant spotlight, effort and expense, especially for those convinced she naively wandered off the touristic path and to into unsafe territory. Of course, the question is, did she?

I would expect that the family wants justice over closure. Wonder if they will have a public opinion or remain silent?

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