TX - Dr. Kendra Hatcher, 35, killed in parking garage, Dallas, 2 Sept 2015 - #2

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I'm going to stay with EGF as ringleader. KH and RP hadn't been back from the trip to SF a week before this happened. As soon as pics went up on FB, I think the plan was formulated. CC may have been desperate for $$ and an easily influenced person as well, allowing her to be taken advantage of. Not saying what she did wasn't wrong, but I do believe EGF promised CC more than she could deliver.
I agree with your thinking.....I think CC isn't a very intelligent person and is easily influenced.
Hello all. First, I want to state how impressed I am with the deductive reasoning on this board. A lot of very smart and intuitive people. I find myself as frustrated as everyone else that there has been no public movement on this case, but I understand that good LE work takes time.

Secondly, after reading all the comments on both threads involving Kendra, I thought I'd try to use my skills as a former journalist for the Detroit News and New York Daily News to look between the lines and offer anything plausible to ponder that hadn't been thought of by anyone else.

It's not new news, but I hope it satisfies you guys a bit until something actually happens. So here goes, all, of course, IMHO:

1. Many think the EGF was the mastermind. She was not. I believe that while BD was upset and angry about Kendra flaunting her new relationship with RP, she didn't plan to DO anything about it. But after she told CC, who, from her FB page is a very angry piece of work, it was CC who said, "We need to get her." CC got BD worked into a frenzy, BD went along with CC's plan and it all got out of hand.

2. CC, without doubt, is the most likely shooter. Again, if you look on CC's FB page, she has several posts about how a true girlfriend is one who would kill for her best friend, a "Ride or Die" as it were, and CC's got several posts where she talks about her love of guns and a pic of an assault rifle she'd love to have.

3. There was no black or African-American hit man. Why? Because if you look on CC's FB page and BD's (before she took it down), both of these women's "friends" are almost exclusively Latin. BD didn't have a public friend's list, but a perusal of all those who liked her posts or wished her Happy Birthday showed almost exclusively Latin associations. It's not likely she would find a convenient black hit man just when she needed one.

4. Both CC AND BD drove the jeep. CC drove TO the murder scene and BD drove AWAY - which is why so many people believe the image they saw reminded them of an Asian female. My reasoning here is this: BD may have figured Kendra just might have seen a pic of her from RP and would recognize her, so she hid in the back while CC snuck the jeep in behind another resident of the building. The two changed places while waiting for Kendra, CC ready for the assault in the back seat and BD up front, where she could easily make the ID on the unsuspecting Kendra when she arrived. Once Kendra arrived, BD alerted CC, who confronted Kendra - probably hoping to scare her - but ultimately shooting and killing her. In the end, CC is telling the truth when she said she drove the jeep, but she's not admitting that BD did also.

4. If the photos are of the jeep exiting the parking garage, there is almost no chance that the driver is the killer. Why? My theory is that seconds after killing someone - likely the first time you've ever killed in your life - nobody would have the presence of mind to put their seat belt on before making their getaway.

5.Phones forensics will uncover a conspiracy between CC and BD. I predict what will be discovered is that the two were together in the jeep and that there was no other person involved. Why? Because CC either called BD multiple times after the hit OR, she didn't call at all - because BD was with her the whole time. I know I'm putting a lot on CC, but her FB page is an accurate representation of who she is and the way she thought. My sense is that she feels that she's smarter than everyone else and that there was no way they would get caught. She also felt because most killers are men, nobody would ever suspect a woman, or even more unlikely, two women.

I hope this gives you all something to chew on. Thanks.


Great ideas! I agree with all.

I'm going to stay with EGF as ringleader. KH and RP hadn't been back from the trip to SF a week before this happened. As soon as pics went up on FB, I think the plan was formulated. CC may have been desperate for $$ and an easily influenced person as well, allowing her to be taken advantage of. Not saying what she did wasn't wrong, but I do believe EGF promised CC more than she could deliver.

I am with you on this. BD seems to be cunning and knew how to spot a desperate mark. CC lives for her son (she said this) and I see her being desperate and stupid more so than murderous.
I'm on board with you JamJam! Great post, I hope you'll continue to write.
Is there a warrant out for an arrest? Last time I was reading it seemed ExGF had left the country. Do we know for sure they are looking for her or are they waiting for lab results?
Is there a warrant out for an arrest? Last time I was reading it seemed ExGF had left the country. Do we know for sure they are looking for her or are they waiting for lab results?
I'm pretty sure LE have been watching her like a hawk....I doubt she left the country.
She is probably laying low because I'm guessing she has had death threats.

Kendra just met this RP.....she wasn't ready for that.

Sometimes it doesn't matter whether one is ready or not, or whether people just met. I am not saying she was pregnant, but it's not impossible.
Sometimes it doesn't matter whether one is ready or not, or whether people just met. I am not saying she was pregnant, but it's not impossible.

Why do you think it matters? Why in your opinion is it worth pointing out KH might have been pregnant?
If no link is forthcoming supporting speculation of pregnancy then that topic is off the table for further discussion.
Why do you think it matters? Why in your opinion is it worth pointing out KH might have been pregnant?

I am not pointing out anything of the sort. Posters were making general statements that professional women wouldn't want to get pregnant, or if someone just met they wouldn't get pregnant. Those general statements are not accurate in my experience. I personally don't think KH was pregnant.
Is it possible that once CC was linked to this murder she was connected to another one, and this was is the reason for two charges? But if this is the case wouldn't that have been reported by now?
If no link is forthcoming supporting speculation of pregnancy then that topic is off the table for further discussion.

My apologies, tlcya. There were questions earlier today about why there are two charges for the same crime against Crystal. My post #901 pointed out that in Texas, murder of a pregnant woman would result in two murder charges. I thought my post was clear that I was not speculating about Kendra in this regard.

Feel free to delete my post.
Any thoughts on how hard it is to get into Mexico with a borrowed passport and driver's license? It's been 14 days, and the first week, it seems like LE was trying to put things together. A smart girl, versed in Texas death penalty law, a girl with a large circle of family and friends, would be on the hoof. She's not putting out a 25k retainer to a Texas lawyer, but giving 1k to borrow ("steal" from the "unsuspecting" friend), a passport and DL. I really doubt BD is still in the U.S.
Any thoughts on how hard it is to get into Mexico with a borrowed passport and driver's license? It's been 14 days, and the first week, it seems like LE was trying to put things together. A smart girl, versed in Texas death penalty law, a girl with a large circle of family and friends, would be on the hoof. She's not putting out a 25k retainer to a Texas lawyer, but giving 1k to borrow ("steal" from the "unsuspecting" friend), a passport and DL. I really doubt BD is still in the U.S.

I spent most of my life in San Diego but have been gone 10 yrs. Back then you didn't need anything to get INTO Mexico. Docs were only required coming back into USA.

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