Identified! Tx - Galveston, Hispmale 'little Jacob' Up17178, 3-5, Jayden Alexander Lopez, Oct'17 *arrest*

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@cvaldez1975 - I was spelling her last name wrong, and someone (sorry can't remember!) corrected the spelling. I found her in the database. I had "Ane..." & it should have been "Ame...". All good!
Ugh, hated the catch-up reading just now. To find out the torture this poor little boy lived with on a daily basis from these two scumbags makes me want to vomit! And then on top of that to find out that yet again, child services was involved at least at some point while he was able to breathe.....just head shaking here. What makes me even sicker is the thought that not a soul, not one single family member knew that he was missing. Did this child NEVER know one single OUNCE of love?
Ugh, hated the catch-up reading just now. To find out the torture this poor little boy lived with on a daily basis from these two scumbags makes me want to vomit! And then on top of that to find out that yet again, child services was involved at least at some point while he was able to breathe.....just head shaking here. What makes me even sicker is the thought that not a soul, not one single family member knew that he was missing. Did this child NEVER know one single OUNCE of love?

Yes, part of what seems so especially sad to me is that he seems to have had so little love, attention or caring in his short life. I've seen just the one picture of this poor baby. I have a little girl his age who has been adored every day of her life and is sitting here snuggling me right now. I can't even imagine hitting my sweet girl all the time with whatever I could manage to hit her with. I can't imagine being so psychotic that I'd want to hurt some sweet tiny child. It's just too heartbreaking to think of all the children out there that their own parents can't manage to love! What chance does a child have when no one loves them?
Yes, part of what seems so especially sad to me is that he seems to have had so little love, attention or caring in his short life. I've seen just the one picture of this poor baby. I have a little girl his age who has been adored every day of her life and is sitting here snuggling me right now. I can't even imagine hitting my sweet girl all the time with whatever I could manage to hit her with. I can't imagine being so psychotic that I'd want to hurt some sweet tiny child. It's just too heartbreaking to think of all the children out there that their own parents can't manage to love! What chance does a child have when no one loves them?

saaame. my son is 5 and he is so spoiled! it makes me sad that a child in his peer group would not be cared about?? I cant fathom it.
From @Harmony 2’s link:

“It is not yet clear if there was a pattern of abuse over the course of the boy’s life. A Department of Family and Protective Services investigator obtained records in July 2016 indicating that Jayden had been admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital with a broken left thigh bone, which was later confirmed by the Galveston County medical examiner.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see any innocent explanation of a broken femur in a child that young.
From @Harmony 2’s link:

“It is not yet clear if there was a pattern of abuse over the course of the boy’s life. A Department of Family and Protective Services investigator obtained records in July 2016 indicating that Jayden had been admitted to Texas Children’s Hospital with a broken left thigh bone, which was later confirmed by the Galveston County medical examiner.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see any innocent explanation of a broken femur in a child that young.

He was only 2yo when thigh bone was broken. I can't even imagine how that could happen? From my understanding, little kids that age still are rather "soft" in their bones and their bones don't break very easily. Yet, a major bone of his was broken. I ache for the pain and fear this little one endured.

If someone with medical expertise could chime in about bone breaks and toddlers (2yo age range), that would be great.

I hope this worthless ******* gets deported.

Deported YES. But Karma will work its magic. Soon I hope.:)
Jayden's real life photo is so upsetting.
He is so thin, and the expression on his face, is so sad.
What had he experienced!
How can this so called mother, have allowed this to occur.
Hope she is treated atrociously, and her mate, while in prison. :D
He was only 2yo when thigh bone was broken. I can't even imagine how that could happen? From my understanding, little kids that age still are rather "soft" in their bones and their bones don't break very easily. Yet, a major bone of his was broken. I ache for the pain and fear this little one endured.

If someone with medical expertise could chime in about bone breaks and toddlers (2yo age range), that would be great.


I'm an RN and femur fractures in toddlers aren't as uncommon as you would think. I can think of two 2 year old patients I've had this year with femur fractures and I work at a small rural hospital. Both patients did it the same way which was getting a leg stuck in a ladder on play equipment. I've seen lots of wrist and elbow fractures in that age child as well. Fractures in ambulatory children generally aren't suspicious unless there is more than a fracture with a believable story. In a non-ambulatory child a fracture would be suspicious.

All that being said wether or not this little guys fracture was from an accident or abuse he was being abused and was let down by way too many people. Where are his extended family, friends, neighbours ect.?
Tuesday, July 10th:
*Prelim Hearing (@ CT) – TX – Jayden Alexander Lopez aka “Little Jacob” (4 yrs) (died Oct. 17-18, 2017, found Oct. 20, 2017, ID’d April 5, 2018) – only for Rebecca Suzanne Rivera (34) “mom” arrested (6/19/18) & charged (6/20/18) with 3rd degree felony tampering & fabricating evidence. $250K Cash or Surety Bond.
6/22/18 Update: Next hearing 7/10; date pending with possible Motions filed by Def. Atty. Felony cases go to Grand Jury; additional charges possibly coming per FBI. Bond hearing scheduled for 7/13.
*Dania Sarai Amezquita Gomez (31) “mom’s GF” charged (6/20/18) with a misdemeanor (knew Rivera dumped body). $100K Bond. Also on immigration hold, no bond.
6/22/18 Update: Next hearing 7/19. Had Magistrate hearing on 6/19; her criminal case takes priority over her deportation proceedings.
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I hope these two are punished for what they did to this sweet, innocent baby. The "only" comfort for me, as a believer, is
"2Sa_12:23 But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me." (These words were spoken by King David at the death of his young son).

As I read about the horrific deaths of these precious, innocent little ones here on earth, I believe that someday I will meet all of them. For they are only physically dead, but who they were and are is very much alive. I believe I shall know each and every one of them who are just beyond the veil of death and were "too innocent" to have chosen not to believe. JMO.
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