TX - Hailey Dunn, 13, Colorado City, 27 Dec 2010 - #55

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CD's words struck me as heartfelt and sincere too. As did BD's words to her daughter the other night.

Neither, however, brings anyone closer to FINDING Hailey.

What were her words that you are speaking about. Do you have a link?
I think we need to follow CD's high road

You could hear the frustration and i believe disbelief with respect to LE.

Boy these are simply gut wrenching
CD's words struck me as heartfelt and sincere too. As did BD's words to her daughter the other night.

Neither, however, brings anyone closer to FINDING Hailey.


I don't know about that..if that interview didn't tug at someones heartstrings, then they don't have a heart IMO. IF there is someone out there that knows something..any little thing, CD's heartfelt interview just may make them come forward. I don't see Billie's presser having the same affect myself...
I really feel like Hailey had to be drugged to pull her out of that house,especially since we know about her martial arts,she wouldn't have left with nothing,if she had been able to run,she would have run to her Dad's.JMO
CD himself said he feels he knows BD better than anybody. And he would never think BD would have anything to do with harming Hailey. But even he, the person who knows BD the most, cannot explain her inconclusive statements.

I know... and WHAT does that say. Day 1 I saw this man and felt horrible for him before some of the inconclusive statements came out, and honestly before I fell off the fence even. Maybe it was then that I realized he is the most real person I've seen in Colorado City at this point in time... and I glommed onto him. It was early, noboby quite glommed with me at that time (which is fine, I totally get that), but I waited for Billie. Tell me Billie, what happened... Tell me Billie about Hailey. The day the affidavits came out - pft. I was off fence. I dunno how, I dunno why (although my sleuthy friends have lots of great ideas that I agree with), but Billie KNOWS something. I know, I'm not around a lot vocally but I lurk every. single. day. (Hubs is gone working tonight... shhhhh.... lol) I have no fence. I am off it. I just WISH Billie would air the truth out.... I beg of her. For Clint.

I don't know about that..if that interview didn't tug at someones heartstrings, then they don't have a heart IMO. IF there is someone out there that knows something..any little thing, CD's heartfelt interview just may make them come forward. I don't see Billie's presser having the same affect myself...

I feel more people will physically help search,because that picture of him,NS and a new baby roaming the streets calling that little girl's name alone,will forever be in my mind thinking of a missing child's parents.The horror,desperation,loss,fear and loneliness even surrounded with people,how could you feel anything but helpless?
Searchers Set Up Account For Contributions

I wonder if this is what Billie was referring to during her presser. Wonder if she wants to be in control of all the $$ that comes in??IDK


I am not sure if this was what she was talking specific to this. I dont believe it was about Clint.

I think anything like this should always be set up with a 3rd party that must be held accountable to the public that gave that money. There are simply too many scammers and ultimately the parents take the brunt of it MOO
I feel more people will physically help search,because that picture of him,NS and a new baby roaming the streets calling that little girl's name alone,will forever be in my mind thinking of a missing child's parents.The horror,desperation,loss,fear and loneliness even surrounded with people,how could you feel anything but helpless?

I do too..It shouldn't be that way, but it is..human nature I suppose..
I feel more people will physically help search,because that picture of him,NS and a new baby roaming the streets calling that little girl's name alone,will forever be in my mind thinking of a missing child's parents.The horror,desperation,loss,fear and loneliness even surrounded with people,how could you feel anything but helpless?

That right there tells me a lot about Naomi's character. This wasn't her biological daughter, but she was willing to bundle up a 3 mth old baby to walk the streets and look for her. She chose not to wait on the couch to see if Hailey came walking thru her door. all imo.

I don't know about that..if that interview didn't tug at someones heartstrings, then they don't have a heart IMO. IF there is someone out there that knows something..any little thing, CD's heartfelt interview just may make them come forward. I don't see Billie's presser having the same affect myself...

IMO, anyone that "has a heart" would not sit on information about a missing 13 year old for a month. And, if they did, they had whatever 'reasons' they had for sitting on it. Tearful parents wouldn't, IMO, make them come forward. We shall see.
I gotta admit, the part that got to me was when CD mentioned walking thru alleyways picking up every piece of trash while looking left to right at all times so he doesn't miss anything. That there shows how desperate he has become.
Is it possible that neither BD or CD are involved? Could it be only SA? Could BD's inconsistencies be the result of her having realized that she has been a negligent mother? If she has had a problem with drugs and has been negligent as a mothe, could her posturing simply be related to that?

I've been thinking a lot about why SA would have left in the morning and gone to work and then left work to go back home...It's odd and it doesn't make any sense...Unless, something only he knew about happened to Hailey during the night/early morning hours. I now suspect that she was either unconscious or dead when he left in the morning. (Probably suffocated.) I'm not sure what could have happened but whatever it was, it could have taken place while BD was passed out or in a deep sleep. I think, without much sleep and in a panic, that he covered her up to look as though she was sleeping. I'm not sure if I believe that BD looked in on her or not but I think that SA left that morning feeling quite sure that BD would "discover" her dead in the morning before she left for work. He got himself out of there so that he would not be there when this happened. He removed himself hoping that BD would be home alone to find HD in bed, unconscious. He went to work fully expecting to hear from her! And he didn't. It sounds like he left ("quit") work at about the time that BD normally would leave home and he still had not heard from her. Sounds like his "original" plan didn't work and at that point, he changed his plan. Deciding to go back home and "clean up" what hadn't been discovered at all!

Does this sound possible to any of you? If he and he alone is responsible for a missing HD, could this be what provoked him to go to work in the morning and then bolt right back home? To change plans and take his time to "clean up"...BD didn't notice that HD was unconscious or dead in bed?

This is all just me thinking out loud and is my opinion only.


BBM Interesting, Pink Panther. It's a different way of looking at it. It seems very possible, too.

I've been trying to decide if what happened to Hailey was part of a long awaited moment in SA's head. SA is a immature man obsessed with violent, sadistic fantasies, and blood. I think, and I fear, he would want to get Hailey alone and experience it big time. I pray it isn't so.
IMO, anyone that "has a heart" would not sit on information about a missing 13 year old for a month. And, if they did, they had whatever 'reasons' they had for sitting on it. Tearful parents wouldn't, IMO, make them come forward. We shall see.

Not sure what you mean..but we can just agree to disagree..and hope for the best..
(Just have to point this out. It is Zero degrees. Zip. Zilch. I'm not even going to look up the wind chill).

We've been given a chance to rise above the muck and mire and get our breath. Time to start pushing aside all the cobwebs and looking at, as good ole Sgt. Friday used to say, "Just the facts, Ma'am."
Bringing this post of Pondering Mind's over from the previous thread:


Clint's words struck me as heartfelt & sincere.

As you said - CD didn't need a script.

Nor did he need anyone to proofread what he said. Why? IMO - because he was speaking from his heart - not from a written, edited, typed up, printed statement.

When love speaks - it doesn't need a script.

When Truth speaks - it doesn't need to be edited or proofread.

That's right. When you speak the truth and from your heart you don't need to read off of a piece of paper to keep the facts straight. That interview was live and questions were answered on the spot. There was no confusion. There was no pauses with "I don't know". CD didn't have a friend help him write answers that fit the affidavits.
Not sure what you mean..but we can just agree to disagree..and hope for the best..

I didn't mean anything but 'we shall see' whether or not any of the interviews bring forward people who have information that helps in finding this girl. I doubt we disagree on that.
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